Diagnosis of lymphoma by blood parameters: analysis on oncomarkers, general and biochemical

Lymphoma refers to such tumors that, with timely diagnosis and adequate therapy, not only stop further development, but also completely cure.

These are malignant tumorous formations originating from abnormal lymphocytes and affecting the vascular lymphatic network and lymph nodes, located in all parts of the body.

Common symptoms of the disease

Often, the primary symptoms of lymphoma do not attract the attention of the patient. Minor hyperthermia, fatigue and chronic fatigue are in most cases perceived as ailments characteristic of common cold.

It is because of negligent attitude to such signals of the body that lymphogenesis begins to progress and spread through the vessels and nodes of the lymphatic system, and also moves to other inorganic structures.

Usually at this stage, the characteristic manifestations of lymphatic tumors that can not be overlooked are found. They consist in a marked increase and some curing of the lymph nodes in the zone of the armpits, groin and neck. Such a symptomatology is usually accompanied by a periodic pouring sweat, hyperthermia not higher than 39 ° C, etc.

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This condition is supplemented by other manifestations characteristic of the lymphatic process:

  • by compacted, swollen lymph nodes, usually not causing pain;
  • Sudden weight loss;
  • Chronic fatigue and permanent fatigue;
  • Itching on the skin, but without rashes;
  • Periodic hyperthermia;
  • Night sweats;
  • Lack of appetite, anorexia;
  • Shortness of breath, causeless cough;
  • Soreness in the abdomen;
  • Nausea and vomiting.

With the development of cancer processes, lymph nodes increase and begin to press on nearby inorganic structures, disrupting their activity. If the pathology began in the lymph nodes near the lungs, the patient is worried about shortness of breath, chest pains and an unreasonable cough. If the pathology is localized near the stomach, the patient complains of pain in the abdomen.

When the cancer cells penetrate into the medullary fluid, there is a disruption in the maturation of blood cells, which is manifested by weakness, impotence and excessive fatigue, numbness of limbs, painful sensations in the back, headaches.

The role of the blood test in the diagnosis of lymphoma

The study of the patient's blood is crucial in the diagnosis of lymphomas. Among the most common diagnostic procedures, the following are especially distinguished:

  1. General blood test;
  2. Biochemical analysis;
  3. Study on oncomarkers;
  4. Immunological analysis.

General analysis of

The results of a general blood test do not confirm the presence of lymphoma, but they help to identify the presence of abnormalities in organic activity.

The blood contains platelets, erythrocyte and lymphocyte cells.

A qualitative or quantitative change in their characteristics indicates the development of some pathological processes in the body.


When a lymphatic tumor develops, a blood test shows insufficient hemoglobin and leukocyte counts. And the parameters of eosinophils, neutrophils and sedimentation rate of erythrocytes( ESR), on the contrary, significantly exceed the generally accepted norms, which indicates the development of the pathological process.

When oncology enters the medullary fluid and provokes the development of leukemia, a general blood test will report an increased level of leukocyte cells, including anomalous cells.

The similar result speaks about generalization onkoprotsessa at which to eliminate a pathology it is possible only by marrow transplantation.

In addition, blood tests reveal a decreased hemoglobin content or anemia, characteristic of lymphatic tumors. Any oncology is accompanied by a lack of appetite, which causes a decrease in the supply of essential nutrients. This is what leads to anemia.

Often, with lymphatic processes in the blood, there is an excessive amount of protein components like gamma globulin, etc.


The results of biochemistry of the blood tell the doctor about the activity of all organic systems. Such an analysis sheds light on the state of renal and hepatic functions, helps in a timely manner to detect the development of inflammation and metabolic disorders in the body. Biochemistry of blood sometimes helps to determine the stage of oncoprocess.


Another mandatory diagnostic blood test for suspected lymphatic tumor processes is the detection of cancer markers. These are such specific protein compounds, characteristic for oncological intraorganic processes. Lymphogenesis produces malignant cellular structures, one of which is β2-microglobulin.

A similar marker, which is a protein antibody, is always present in the blood if the patient has a lymphatic tumor of any origin. In accordance with the level of the maintenance of this oncomarker, specialists determine the specific stage of the lymphoplastic process. The more the protein contains antibodies, the higher the stage of development of lymphogenesis.

Detection of oncomarkers at the initial stages of the lymphatic tumor process provides a high success rate of the therapeutic effect.

Immunological study of

Immunological analysis of blood is necessary to determine the stage of the oncological process.

Immune protection directly depends on the lymph system, because the tumor processes in it immediately inhibit immunity.

Against the backdrop of the lymphoplasmic process, the number of B- and T-lymphocytes changes, abnormal lymphocyte cells appear, which is clearly demonstrated by immunological analysis.

Where to rent?

Similar studies can be done in any specialized clinic that deals with the treatment of lymphoma. Results are issued on specialized forms, where along with the identified indicators of the norm are indicated. If a deviation is detected, the specialist determines the presence of certain pathological processes.

You should not even try to decode the research data yourself. A person who is not related to medicine, it is quite difficult to understand all the nuances of the diagnostic process.

Necessary preparation of

To maximize the reliability of the research results, it is necessary to prepare for the procedure accordingly. To do this:

  1. During the day before the analysis, exclude any alcohol;
  2. One hour before the study, give up smoking;
  3. It is necessary to hand over the biomaterial on an empty stomach in the early morning. From the moment of the last meal must pass at least 12 hours. Drinking tea or juice, even chewing gum before analysis is strictly prohibited. You can only water;
  4. Excitement and other emotional experiences are unacceptable.

If the patient has visited the party the day before, then it is better to postpone the delivery of the analysis for several days. In addition, the results may affect the intake of some medicines , so if there is such a factor, you need to report it to a specialist.

What should I do if I have lymphoma?

If the diagnosis of lymphoma has been confirmed, it is necessary to make an appointment with a qualified oncologist who will later lead the treatment process and prescribe appropriate therapy.

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