Glycine with a hangover: mechanism of action, contraindications, dosage, reviews

Glycine( in other words - aminoacetic acid) is not only inexpensive tablets that can be bought in any pharmacy. This amino acid is found in many foods( especially in cold and marmalade) and even found on one of the comets, as part of stellar dust. For most people, glycine tablets are a drug that is drunk to maintain moral and mental strength during the final exams, sessions, annual reports. And in narcology, glycine preparations are also known as a remedy for alleviating the withdrawal syndrome, that is, a hangover.

What is glycine?

The international name of glycine, which is famous for aminoacetic acid, comes from the Greek.glycys is "sweet."The peculiarity of therapeutic acid is a sweetish taste, everyone knows who has ever had to dissolve glycine tablets.

He refers to a group of psychoanaleptics, that is, drugs that affect the operation of the central nervous system. Most often, the instruction on the use of glycine indicates one point - that therapeutic acid improves the metabolism( metabolism) of the brain.

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Several glycine producers today - the name may vary( for example, "Glycine" and "Glycine Fort"), the volume of packaging. Many companies honestly indicate on the labels that this dietary supplement is a biologically active additive.

On the shelves of Russian pharmacies you can often find glycine of the following manufacturers:

  • Vneshtorg Pharma( Russia, Moscow - Vladimir region);
  • OOO Ozon( Russia, Samara);
  • LLC "MNPK" Biotiki "(Russia, Moscow);
  • ZAO Evalar( Russia, Altai Territory);
  • Pharmaplant( Germany);
  • CJSC "Canonfarma Production"( Russia, Moscow);
  • OJSC "Pharmstandard-Tomskkhimpharm"( Russia, Tomsk region).

The price of glycine tablets varies in a fairly wide range - depends on the amount of pills in the package, and on the manufacturer.50 tablets of 100 mg can be bought from 18-20 rubles.and above, a pack of 60 tablets of 300 mg will cost from 150 rubles.

Composition and indications for use

The main active substance in glycine tablets is glycine microencapsulated, it is responsible for all the healing effects of tablets.

As a psychoanaleptic, glycine has a wide range of effects on the human condition.

Indications for the use of these sweetish tablets are as follows:


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  • reduced performance( mental);
  • any stressful situations leading to psychoemotional stress( examinations, protracted conflicts, etc.);
  • need to correct deviant behavior in children and adolescents;
  • organic and functional disorders of the nervous system( neuroses, vegetative-vascular dystonia, various forms of encephalopathies, etc.);
  • recovery after ischemic stroke.

Video review of the drug Glycine:

Effect and principle of action

The use of glycine in a hangover is not included in the list of basic indications for the intake of a supplements. Although glycine is actively used in the treatment of alcoholic encephalopathy - this moment is prescribed in the instructions separately.

At the same time, in specialized narcological clinics and self-medication, glycine is widely used to treat withdrawal symptoms due to its effect:

  • reduces the dangerous effects of alcohol and drug toxins on the central nervous system;
  • normalizes sleep and helps to fall asleep more quickly;
  • relieves mental tension, removes aggressiveness, increases social adaptation;
  • improves mood;
  • enhances mental performance, etc.

The influence of glycine on mood and mental activity is determined by its interaction with various receptors of the brain and spinal cord. By binding to glycine receptors, aminoacetic acid causes inhibition processes, reducing the excretion of excitatory amino acids and stimulating the synthesis of inhibitors.

And when exposed to motoneurons in the spinal cord, glycine helps to relieve the increased muscle tone, this effect is used in practice by neurologists.

The elimination of alcoholic toxins from the body is achieved through special chemical reactions in which aminoacetic acid participates. The main alcoholic toxin is acetaldehyde, which is formed during the decay of ethanol. Glycine binds to poisonous molecules and forms a non-toxic element - acetylglycine, which can then even be used for the internal synthesis of proteins, hormones / enzymes and other macromolecules.

Instruction for use

The main feature of glycine administration, which you should always remember - these tablets can not be drunk! They, like Validol, are taken "sublingually" or "buccally."And simply dissolve under the tongue or behind the cheek. Their taste is sweet, so the treatment with glycine is even nice.

Doses and treatment with aminoacetic acid are entirely dependent on the diagnosis and health of the patient. With a hangover, glycine is advised to use every 1-2 tablets, depending on the severity of the withdrawal syndrome. The main thing is that the total dosage of aminoacetic acid tablets does not exceed 10 pieces( 100 mg each).

Practitioners of the doctor advise to consume glycine and before the feast begins - from 2 hours to 20 minutes before the first glass( goblet).You can use glycine and during the most alcoholic libation - this will help significantly ease the severity of a hangover in the morning.

Contraindications and side effects of

The administration of glycine in various disorders is facilitated by the fact that the contraindication for the drug is only one - an individual intolerance to aminoacetic acid. All practicing doctors, regardless of specialization, assure - glycine is usually very well tolerated by patients of different groups and does not cause side effects.

Among the rare side effects recorded only two: it is an allergy and gastrointestinal disorders. Such phenomena are observed quite rarely - and usually with a strong excess of the recommended dose.

But there is one feature of glycine - it must be combined very carefully with other medicines.

Tablets of aminoacetic acid may reduce the effectiveness of the following drug groups:

  • antidepressants;
  • sleeping pills;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • anxiolytics( tranquilizers);
  • antipsychotics.


Reviews of doctors-narcologists about the use of glycine in a hangover are rare. Usually doctors recommend special medications or specify - you can use glycine, but only as an auxiliary drug, in combination with other, more powerful drugs.

In this case, a noticeable effect is felt with a mild hangover: severe abstinence with simple glycine can not be cured.

On the sites of drug treatment clinics glycine can sometimes be found on the list of drugs designed to help in the fight against alcoholism and related problems. It is specified that it is possible to take aminoacetic acid both to relieve a hangover, and to maintain remission after exiting from a booze.

Reviews of ordinary people about glycine are not so optimistic. On forums and medical sites many visitors directly state: glycine is a dummy and does not help at all. Some people are convinced that glycine tablets can be used, but in combination with sorbents, then the effect will be quite palpable. Although individual visitors share and have a positive experience: glycine quite helps, only the action does not begin immediately: you just have to wait or even increase the dose.

The effectiveness of glycine in a hangover is still a controversial issue in medicine, although studies have shown: the amino acid really helps to destroy alcoholic toxins and improve the work of the exhausted alcohol. Most doctors and patients agree on one thing: with a weak hangover, glycine may well help, and a severe withdrawal syndrome is better taken with more powerful medicines. And it is better in such cases to go to the hospital.

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