Code of colitis for ICD 10 and classification

Colitis is classified, not only by the type of the disease itself, but also by the code of the ICD 10. In this case, everything depends on the characteristics of the disease and its severity. Each type has its own symptomatology and causes various responses to the conduct of therapeutic manipulations. What are the types of the disease?

The colitis varies with the course of the disease:

  • Acute type - has a pronounced symptomatology, and can occur simultaneously with inflammatory processes in the cavity of the small intestine and stomach, and enters the symptom complex with gatroenterocolitis.
  • Chronic type - symptoms of acute type die out with periodic exacerbation or without them.

Classification of colitis by etiology

According to the etiology, colitis is different:

  • Ulcerous is a disease with an unclear etiology, where development is possible due to heredity, autoimmune mechanisms and infection. Different forms of ulcerative colitis have code 10 in ICD 10.This includes the ulcerative type of disease: enterocolitis, ileocolitis, proctitis, rectosigmoiditis, unspecified disease, mucosal proctocolitis, pre-colon polypodism and other ulcerative diseases.
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  • Infectious - is caused by pathogenic microflora, being specific, banal or conditionally pathogenic. According to the ICD 10, it has the code K52.2.
  • Ischemic - develops through the occlusal lesion of the branch of the abdominal aorta, which supplies blood to the large intestine. According to the code, the ICD refers to K52.8.
  • Toxic or drug-induced poisoning of some kind by poisons or medication. According to the ICD, belongs to the group K52.1.
  • Radiation for chronic radiation diseases. According to the ICD 10 belongs to the group K52.0.

Classification of colitis by localization

According to the localization of the disease, the species are different:

  • Pancolitis is a disease in which all parts of the colon cavity will be affected.
  • Tiflit - inflammatory processes begin in the mucocutaneous mucosa.
  • Sigmoiditis - inflammatory processes start in the sigmoid-intestinal mucosa.
  • Proctitis - the inflammatory processes in the rectum enteric mucosa begin.

It also happens that several adjacent parts of the colon are damaged at once.

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