Drug speed: action on the body, symptoms, dependence, treatment

Speed ​​is a drug with a rich history. He appeared in the 1920s, for a long time was considered a full-fledged medicine for a variety of diseases, until the world suddenly realized. And did not understand that he is dealing with one of the most terrible and dangerous psychostimulants. Today, speed is a popular drug among young people and a frequent "guest" at parties. The main danger of this drug is a rapid destructive effect on the brain. And if the time does not stop and do not turn to the narcologist, there is a risk that at this "speed" a person will go directly to a psychiatric hospital.

Speed ​​- what kind of drug is this?

Despite the fashion name, speed is a rather old and famous drug. It is a synthetic drug known worldwide as amphetamine. Today, at the speed of sometimes understand a variety of cocaine( crack) or a mixture of heroin with cocaine, but most often it is amphetamine.

However, often speed, which is also called speed( from English speed - speed), - amphetamine is not clean.

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The history of amphetamines is a real adventure novel. For decades, this artificial medicine has been promoted in the States as a remedy for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, depression and even. .. for losing weight. But soon the doctors realized that amphetamine causes the strongest dependence and destroys the human brain. In 1971, it was decided to strictly regulate amphetamine at the International Convention on Psychotropic Substances, but this is difficult to achieve today.

But, what is a drug called speed and what are the consequences of its use? Unfortunately, this drug remains one of the most affordable and cheap substances for young people. It is used in clubs, and students are also attached to it during the session. So, in 2012, a scandal erupted in Tomsk, when due to the abuse of speed one student was killed and the second lost his memory.

Photo of the drug salt

Mechanism of action

Like the classic amphetamine, the "speed" drug is a potent stimulator of two neurotransmitters-catecholamines, dopamine and norepinephrine. Dopamine is also known as the "pleasure hormone", which is responsible for our most pleasurable sensations, and norepinephrine as a "raging hormone".

As noted by all physicians and drug addicts, the name "speed" drug was deservedly deserved, relying on its action. Once in the body, it instantaneously activates the neurotransmitter transporter and enhances the release of these substances: norepinephrine - in the endings of the sympathetic nerves, dopamine - in the neurons of the central nervous system.

In accordance with this, all the processes and reactions of the organism for which these neurotransmitters normally respond are amplified:

  • , attention and concentration are increased;
  • improves memory;
  • accelerates motion and speech;
  • slows down the motility of the gastrointestinal tract( loss of appetite), etc.

On the video about the use of drugs speed:

The effect of

The distinctive feature of speed is the double( two-step) effect of the drug. Immediately after using synthetics, the arrival( or trip) begins, which lasts from a few minutes to half an hour. How quickly a parish will arise depends on the composition of the prohibited preparation and the way it is used.

Under the speed, the dependent feels such effects:

  • Incredible burst of strength and energy.
  • Powerful ecstasy, which can not be compared to anything.
  • Feeling of own omnipotence and the illusion that everything in the world is perfect and magical.
  • Clear mind and extreme concentration of attention.
  • Cheerfulness and willingness to perform feats.
  • Hyperactivity: a person moves too much and speaks too much. It is simply impossible to stop - the body itself asks for constant movement.
  • Anxiety, irritability, unmotivated aggression, often - attacks of paranoia.
  • Positive energy is replaced by destructive - I want to make a row, break something.
  • Self-confidence, often beyond the limits of adequacy.
  • Muscles tremble, temperature and pressure increase, pupils dilate. Appetite disappears.

Signs and symptoms of use

Speed ​​is a very strong stimulant, and the effect of eating can last for hours. Sometimes at parties, young people practice the most dangerous "amphetamine marathon", that is, using several doses of speed in a row. In this case, the recession can last up to 5-13 hours, then an agonizing othodonyak begins. And then - a terrible break-up.

It's easy to notice that a close person has sat down at speed, because of the long drug effect and external traces.

The amphetamine dependence will be indicated by the following features:

  • strongly dilated pupils( this effect always lasts several hours);
  • marked mood swings, regular bouts of severe depression;
  • rapid movements and rapid flow of speech, and the person simply is not capable of being silenced;
  • complete lack of appetite, insomnia;
  • trembling of hands and feet( tremor), jumped pressure, sweating;
  • constant monotonous movements - "stereotyped behavior"( the first signals of amphetamine psychosis);
  • traces of "high-speed" injections on the body.

Speed ​​can be used in many ways, one of them is injections. In this case, traces from the injections can be throughout the body of the novice addict - hands, feet, groin area, etc. The tracks look like bright red dots, often they follow the path. Often a bruise spreads around the injection.

Consequences of application of

The most terrible consequence of speed is that the substance strongly influences the psyche, causing amphetamine psychosis. Symptoms of this disorder strongly resemble the usual schizophrenia and most often develop after a long period of use of AIDS.But sometimes psychosis can appear after 1-2 doses of speed.

The main consequences of "high-speed" dependencies are:

  1. Difficulties with attention, dips in memory.
  2. Physical exhaustion of the body( due to lack of food and nutrients).Dysfunction of kidney and liver.
  3. Fragile vessels, the development of heart failure.
  4. Damage to the nasal mucosa and larynx.
  5. Immune body defenses.
  6. Bone tissue is destroyed( teeth fall out, fractures appear easily).
  7. Mental exhaustion: emotions become dull, motivation disappears, people no longer want to wake up in the morning, do something, work and learn.
  8. Syndrome of mental automatism( tactile pseudo-hallucinations, etc.).

Also the speed is dangerous because tolerance very quickly appears to it. This means that the old dose is already ineffective, and the person is forced to constantly increase the amount of the drug in order to experience the coveted arrival. Uncontrolled use may lead to an overdose. And if you do not provide timely help, an overdose can turn into a stroke, myocardial infarction, a brain hemorrhage, etc.

dependence development As with any other amphetamines, speed first of all forms a mental dependence. And it is developing as rapidly as "promises" the name of the banned drug. With intravenous use - after 3-5 injections, with oral - after 2-3 weeks. And this, even if the speed is not taken regularly.

The question of physical dependence on speed in narcology is still open. The common opinion says that there is no full physical dependence on this drug.

Doctors attribute this to the classic withdrawal syndrome( as with the use of powerful drugs), and the strongest weakness is starvation and a shortage of vital substances in the addict's diet.

Since there is no traditional physical dependence on speed, it is not entirely correct to talk about clear stages in the development of amphetamine addiction. How quickly the psychological dependence on AIDS will come depends on the health of a person, the strength of his psyche and the method of drug use.


Treatment of drug dependence on such a drug as "speed", includes two directions. The first is getting rid of amphetamine withdrawal and detoxification of the body. Use forced diuresis and other typical methods for severe poisoning.

The second stage is actually rehabilitation. Speed ​​causes the strongest syndrome of chronic fatigue, burnout of personality and severe depression. Therefore, "how to move away from a drug?" Is not entirely correct, because it is important to give people motivation not just for recovery and refusal from drugs, but for a return to life. It is necessary to teach the patient to re-rejoice, to experience pleasant emotions, set goals and go to them.

This requires a continuous stay in the rehabilitation center under the supervision of narcologists, psychologists and psychotherapists for 4-6 months. The rehabilitation program itself can be different - individual work with a drug addict, meetings with family, group classes. So, in the treatment of dependence on speed, the traditional "12 Steps" program proved to be very effective.

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