Consequences of cocaine use: physical and psychological, overdose and poisoning

Cocaine is considered a pretty insidious narcotic substance, because it quickly causes psychological dependence. Already after the first time a person wants to again experience cocaine euphoria, however, to achieve it you need to increase the dosage. With each time for a full-fledged cocaine intoxication, the dose rises, and the duration of the effect decreases.

Consequences of taking cocaine

Cocaine in accordance with the nature of the impact is the strongest psychostimulant, so even with a single use, very dangerous consequences for the body develop. Cocaine negatively affects all organic structures: the nervous system, cardiovascular structures, the psyche, etc. Some cocaine effects appear immediately after use, others - arise after a rather long period of time. But regardless of the speed of manifestation, the outcome of the consequences is very sad.

The effect of the drug itself can be observed for 15-20 minutes, after which a depressive state rolls on the cocaine, which can not be eliminated except for a dose of cocaine, but more. All the consequences can be divided into psychological and physical.

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Regular cocaine leads to a sharp reduction in vascular clearance, which causes a sudden increase in blood pressure. Such a drug negatively affects the overall condition of the blood system.

As a result of such a serious blow to the cardiovascular system, the consequences are developing like:

  • Severe hypertension;
  • Arrhythmias;
  • Ventricular fibrillation;
  • Vasoconstriction of coronary vessels;
  • Fluid accumulation in the lung tissue;
  • Acute and extensive heart attack;
  • Bundling of arterial and aortic walls;
  • Hypertrophic changes in the heart muscle;
  • Accelerated formation of atherosclerotic complications on vascular walls.

Other cocaine systems suffer from cocaine. Among the neurological consequences are especially severe headaches, seizures and seizures, strokes. Against the background of a long use of the drug there are all kinds of respiratory disorders, chest pains, chronic cough and pulmonary pathologies. In addition, cocaine seekers with experience are concerned about chronic pain in the digestive tract, necrosis of gastrointestinal tissues, causeless nausea syndrome, etc. Among the consequences of cocaine, experts call visual disorders, frequent nosebleeds and loss of olfactory functions, chronic inflammation of nasal passages.


As for the psychological consequences, after the first dose, the person wants to repeat the cocaine effect, and after several uses a severe dependence is formed.

Among the first effects of narcologists are called:

  1. Aggressiveness towards loved ones and others;
  2. Excessive irritability;
  3. Sleep disorders, and if the cocaine manages to fall asleep, then he is troubled by nightmares;
  4. Causes cocaine and a tendency to violent behavior;
  5. The cocaine is troubled by hallucinations, paranoid thoughts and behavior;
  6. Sensation of causeless fear, panic attacks;
  7. Acute psychosis in its severe form;
  8. Psychopathic personality changes;
  9. Cocaine delirium;
  10. Tactile hallucinations like crawling under the skin worms, biting bugs, etc.

Dependence is difficult enough to be treated and formed on a psychological level, so treatment, in addition to medication, involves a long psychiatric rehabilitation.
On the video consequences of cocaine use:

Dependence development

Does cocaine cause addiction? Once physicians decided to use this substance for the treatment of opium addiction, because they believed that the cocaine addiction is not so dangerous and is transferred much easier. However, soon practice showed that dependence on the use of cocaine develops much more rapidly, and the consequences from it are much worse than previously thought. Even if you take cocaine from time to time, dependence is still forming. Harmful is the fact that the dependence is primarily of a mental nature, so it is much more difficult to cope with it.

Cocaine dependence is formed in several stages:

  • The first stage is formed during the first 3-4 weeks with occasional use. Attraction to the drug is very pronounced, there is a rapid formation of tolerance and an increase in daily dosage due to an increase in the frequency of admission.
  • In 2 stages of cocaine, the daily tolerability of the drug is up to 3 g. Intoxication does not cause that enthusiasm that was observed at the previous stage, while even under cocaine, the addict retains aggression and rudeness, resentment. The need for a regular dose is uncontrollable, appetite and sleep are excluded, food is rejected by the body through vomiting;
  • The third stage is characterized by a reduction in the doses of the drug. Pleasure and euphoria after cocaine are absent, the use of which is necessary to maintain the old life. The state of intoxication is characterized by the presence of vivid signs of personal degradation: the addict repeats the expressions, extrudes the words, his speech is viscous and meaningless. At this stage, the cocaine user stops using the drug, because it does not "insert", the sense of use disappears, because cocaine causes only the fear of death, paranoia.

According to the degree of mental stimulation, cocaine is equated to amphetamine. How quickly the addiction to cocaine will develop depends on the way the drug is used. Most quickly, cocaine dependence develops by oral administration, in other words, through the mouth by rubbing the powder into the gums. A little longer formed cocaine by inhalation, even longer when injected through the vein. The longest dependence on cocaine is produced when smoking a drug.

Overdose of

It is sometimes difficult to recognize a cocaine, especially when the drug is used occasionally and in reasonable quantities. Outwardly, such people are no different from ordinary people, only more energetic and excited. However, knowing the symptoms of cocaine overdose, it is possible to determine it and help the person in time.

Signs and symptoms

The deadly cocaine dose, Freud thought, is prohibitive, so it probably does not exist. However, doctors determine the lethal dose of the drug in 0.5-1 g.

As for the symptoms, the "overdose" is indicated by such signs as:

  • Cyanosis of the skin covers;
  • Convulsive contractions;
  • Confusion;
  • Drying of mucous membranes;
  • Hyperthermia;
  • Hyperopia, chills.

First aid

Initially, it is necessary to call a doctor, because it is impossible to cope with a cocaine overdose.

Cocaine poisoning is a rather dangerous condition, but in time the measures taken to help the patient will help save his life:

  1. It is necessary to attract the attention of the victim, try to switch it over. To do this, you can try to rub your ears, slap your face, bring ammonia to your nose.
  2. To facilitate breathing, you need to release the chest and neck from tight clothes, unfasten the gate, etc.;
  3. Do not allow the victim to fall asleep - distract him by talking, ask him the simplest questions;
  4. Watch for breath, with cocaine overdose it may become inconsistent or stop. For better air intake, the head of the addict must be thrown back.

If the breath does not recover, the pulse is not probed, the cervical artery does not pulsate, then you can try to save the victim with artificial respiration and heart massage.

Cocaine breakage

If you stop using the drug, cocaine breakdown develops, which is usually accompanied by a sickening-emetic syndrome, severe headaches, tachycardia and chills, musculoskeletal and soreness. A feature of cocaine withdrawal is the presence of its mental aspect, which manifests itself much more intensely than physical. For many cocaine lovers, mental withdrawal remains an unbearable and intolerable condition.

Cocaine breakdown is accompanied by:

  • The strongest depression;
  • Strong drowsiness and a penchant for solitude;
  • Depression and lack of mood;
  • Presence of crazy ideas and persecution mania;
  • Suicidal thoughts, ideas, and sometimes actions;
  • Constant search for a cocaine dose.

How to help the body

Because cocaine is worried about insomnia, in order to sleep it is recommended to take sedatives. As for how to avoid depression after giving up a drug, only an experienced narcologist can help.

It should be understood that in the absence of sleep, depression is aggravated, the body is depleted, not only in the physical, but also in the psychic plane. But it is safer to turn to a qualified narcologist, if necessary, anonymously.

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