Method of symbolism from alcoholism and drug addiction: techniques, images, regulations, testimonials

The method of symbolism refers to psychotherapeutic techniques that have received state support in many countries of the world. Symboldrum is especially effective in depressive states, which, of course, relate to dependence on drugs and alcohol. The name "symboldrama" - the psychotechnics of active imagination, comes from symbolon - a conventional sign, an image, a drama - an action.

Symboldrama for alcoholism and drug addiction

The current method of catamatimaginative psychotherapy( symboldrama) was developed by the psychotherapist Professor H. Leiner on the basis of the works of K. Jung. It is known and widely used since the end of the last century in Germany, Austria, Holland, Russia, CIS countries.

The catalytic experience of images, the method of "dreaming in reality" is a fantasy in a state of relaxation with the help of images on subjects proposed by the psychotherapist.

Symboldrama combined methods of classical psychoanalysis and behavioral psychotherapy, deep analysis of Jung, humanistic psychology and auto-training. Psychotechnics is combined with psychodrama, game psychotherapy. Methods of autosuggestion are used.

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The role of the therapist lies in the general direction of the work of the imagination, helping the patient in the form of questions. Working with the subconscious mind, not controlled by the mind, allows the doctor to identify the main problems, fears of the client.

To whom the method

helps. The method is used to treat adults and children. It is widely used in the West to work with young children, schoolchildren.

With this technique, clients are given the opportunity:

  • to realize their own unconscious conflicts;
  • to find in the course of psychotherapy ways to protect, neutralize suppressed problems;
  • restore in memory, realize the fears of early childhood.

Symboldrama allows us to identify the origins of neurosis, which often go back to children's fears, mental trauma, is effective in treating:

  • psychosomatic diseases;
  • of neurotic states;
  • depression;
  • alcohol, drug dependence;
  • codependency.

The symbol method is used in the treatment of drug addiction and alcoholism, it is used during remission. The method is effective at the stage of socialization, it enables the patient to interact with relatives and friends, and helps to restore the broken links.

The effectiveness of this method of psychotherapeutic treatment is revealed not only in relation to persons suffering from addiction. This psychotechnics allows you to solve the problem of codependence.

It is often the behavior of the co-dependent that serves as a key that can change the course of the illness, find motivation for getting rid of alcohol or drug dependence.

The methodology has its contraindications. This way one can not treat people suffering:

  • schizophrenia;
  • epilepsy;
  • oligophrenia.

On the video, the use of symbol for the rehabilitation of dependent persons:

Basic techniques

Symboldrama is based on the fact that all internal conflicts are based on an emotional experience, and by identifying an emotion that exerts a deforming effect on the patient's psychoemotional state, the doctor is given the opportunity to resolve the problem.

The methodology covers three areas of work with the client:

  1. with a real psycho-emotional state;
  2. with the client's past traumatizing his subconscious;
  3. with the future of the patient, creating the preconditions for personal growth, working on the subconscious.

For example, when describing a flower, do not ask: "Red flower or yellow?" Instead, the doctor will ask: "What color is the flower?" The question should not provide a choice, contain a clue.

The proposed images are interpreted by the patients in their own way. So, the same motif, for example, "tree" conjures up different images corresponding to the general state of a person, his mood at the current moment.

Depending on the individual characteristics, the patient can imagine:

  • is a tall, powerful tree with a dense crown in the middle of the forest;
  • a lonely standing tree with a falling autumnal foliage;
  • blooming apple tree.

Images come from the subconscious, surprising sometimes the man himself with unexpected details. So, at the top can sit a raven, at the base of the trunk there may be a pit, and behind the tree an unknown beast can hide.

In these details, arising during the study of images, children's fears, unresolved conflicts, neglected at the level of consciousness of resentment, continue to live in the subconscious of an adult.

The method is used for individual and group sessions. Symboldrama allows you to work in different versions - in pairs, with children, parents.

Basic images of

The main provisions for the development of figurative fantasy are specially selected motifs most relevant to the problems that caused the internal conflict.

The founder of the method H. Lörner offered the following images:

  • meadow;
  • climb to the mountains with an overview of the opening panorama;
  • following the stream of the stream or against it;
  • inspection of living quarters;
  • observation of the forest edge, a description of the encounter with an unknown creature that emerged from the forest.

Each motive is used to solve certain problems.

For teenagers, special attention is given to problems:

  • problems of personal evaluation;
  • socialization;
  • identification of the ideal "I".

When working with children, images are effective:

  • imagining themselves in 10 years;
  • monitoring of an animal family.

These images in the symbol pad help the doctor formulate an opinion on the nature of the relationship in the family, identify factors that are traumatic to the psyche.
Lecture on the work with images in the symbol and their meaning:

Conducting sessions

The improvement is felt by the patient after the first session, and after the course of treatment consisting of 8-15 sessions, significant positive changes occur in the state of mind.

The duration of the session is about an hour, includes:

  1. preliminary conversation;
  2. exercises for relaxation;
  3. actually psychotherapy, consisting in the experience of the proposed images;
  4. discussion.

To consolidate the result, the patient is encouraged to keep a diary, create images, sculptures, sculptures from clay, plasticine, images proposed by the therapist.


At the first stage the narcologist conducts a conversation with the patient, gets acquainted with the diary, drawings of the client, in order to get a full picture of the patient's condition.

Relaxing techniques

During the session, relaxing techniques are used. To prepare adults, adolescents for the session, auto-training is used. Children, in order to perform the exercise, usually, it's enough just to lie on the couch and close your eyes.


The patient is invited to present an image, tell about his experiences. The participation of the psychotherapist is manifested in the form of short commentaries, relevant situations, clarifying questions that do not affect the client's free self-disclosure.

The duration of the actual psychotherapy session is about 20 minutes. The time of "dreaming in reality"( imaginations) depends on the age, the state of health of the client.

Discussion of

This stage is especially relevant when working with a group in the treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, codependence. Helps to fix the setting for sobriety, motivate the patient to continue treatment, complete release from dependence and codependence.

With severe depression caused by drug use, alcohol, treatment can continue for several years.


In the treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, codependence, this psycho-technique is used as an auxiliary in conjunction with other techniques. This explains, perhaps, the fact that the name "symboldrama" is rarely mentioned in the reviews of patients in rehabilitation centers.

But the reviews of psychotherapists who widely use symboldrama in practice, point to the effectiveness of the method even in the absence of conscious motivation in the patient. Return of the dependent during the session in childhood, in a situation that caused mental trauma, allows you to resolve the conflict, realize the problem and consciously cope with it.

Opponents of the method indicate the danger of the return of a neurotic disorder in a modified form. It is said that the method does not allow to achieve the goal of psychotherapy - the restoration of the whole person, that the source of the problem lying in the spiritual sphere remains, and the conflict is not exhausted, but only temporarily muffled, waiting for the emotional shock, after which it will renew with renewed vigor.

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