Dependence on smoking spice: symptoms, stages of the disease, features of breaking

Spikes are smoking mixtures containing a synthetic drug. The basis of the mixture is cannabinoid, close in properties to marijuana. There is a drug from China under the guise of household chemicals, fertilizers for plants. Then it is transferred to the CIS countries, where already other "designers" impregnate them with dried fly agarics, mint, tobacco, and are sold as a smoking mixture.

Nature of dependence, properties of spice

The vegetable base plays only an auxiliary role in spices. The narcotic effect, which causes persistent mental addiction, is created by inhaling the smoke with a synthetic drug.

The vegetable basis of the drug contributes to the destruction of the organism. Its composition can be anything. Instead of the blue lotus, the Hawaiian rose, the sage of the fortuneteller, the traders use chamomile, St. John's wort, mushrooms, and egg capsules.

Quickly to seize the market for smoking mixtures was possible thanks to:

  • false marketing - traders advertised spices as a natural product;
  • instagram viewer
  • destructive properties of synthetic cannabinoid, causing rapid addiction;
  • availability, low price;
  • the complexity of detecting synthetic cannabinoids in the body environment through tests due to modification of the formula.

Causes of

In humans and animals, there is a system of cellular receptors CB 1 and CB 2, which have affinity for endogenous cannabinoids - compounds produced by the body itself in the process of functioning. The prefix "endo" here means internal, inherent in the body.

Endocannabinoids, by binding to receptors, trigger a cascade of biochemical reactions in various organs. Receptors are located:

  • CB 1 - in the spinal cord, brain, peripheral nerves, heart, digestive system, spleen, prostate, thymus, pancreas, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adipose tissue;
  • CB 2 - in organs and tissues that provide immune protection, such as the spleen, bone marrow, tonsils, white blood cells.
Scheme of action of endocannabinoid

A postsynaptic neuron triggers the "black ball" of anandamide / 2-AG, which in turn exerts an effect on the "red" CB1 receptor. The latter also triggers a branching cascade of biochemical reactions, according to which the activity of the presynaptic neuron is suppressed, and the release of mediators is reduced.

Synthetic cannabinoids are identical to endocannabinoids and can replace these compounds. This leads to the fact that the body stops synthesizing its own endocannabinoids.

Under the influence of cannabinoids coming from outside, the structure of the neurons of the cortex of the cerebral hemispheres changes, the bonds between nerve cells break down, and their mass death occurs.

Stages of development

In the formation of drug dependence, there are 3 stages common to all psychoactive substances:

  1. The stage of mental motivation is characterized by the emergence of the need for drug use for relaxation, comfort.
  2. Drug addiction - in this period, the formation of physical dependence.
  3. The stage of somatic pathology is the last stage in the development of drug addiction, on which a drug is needed to get rid of withdrawal symptoms.


Psychic dependence on spice develops at the first stage. At this stage, there is experimentation with dosage. In case of getting used to spice, stage 1 is short-lived.

Tolerance( immunity) to synthetic cannabinoids develops after several episodes of spice smoking. The body adapts, and to achieve euphoria, a dose increase is required.

Already at this stage, with the inability to take the next dose of spice, irritability, bad mood, an obsession to find and smoke a drug appears, which is the answer to the question of what dependence on spice. At the same time, there are violations of sleep, a decrease in the ability to concentrate attention, worsens well-being and performance.


At the 2nd stage of dependence on spice, the physical necessity of smoking a drug arises. Synthetic cannabinoids by this time becomes part of the patient's metabolism, an intermediate link in the chain of metabolism.

If this link is removed, then the sequence of all chains of biochemical transformations, in which synthetic cannabinoids participate, is disrupted. At the addiction stage, there is abstinence, emotional lability, insomnia, muscle weakness.

Somatic pathology

Stage 3 is characterized by organ damage and the occurrence of deep mental disorders. Symptoms of withdrawal in the absence of a regular dose appear on average 10-12 hours after the use of the mixture.

Breaking at this stage is difficult, can be accompanied by attempted suicide.

During withdrawal from a drug addict:

  • , nausea, vomiting occurs;
  • in joints, muscles, unbearable pain;
  • blood pressure changes in jumps, the pulse becomes more frequent;
  • there are convulsions, chills, abundant saliva, tears, sweating is intensifying;
  • pupils dilate, do not respond to light;
  • loss of appetite.

The absence of a dose leads to an increase in symptoms, peaking at day 3.By this time the body is dehydrated, exhausted by intoxication, convulsions, diarrhea. At this stage, the risk of sudden cardiac arrest increases.

In the video, the psychotherapist-narcologist talks about spice dependence:

Symptoms of

The clinical picture of spice poisoning resembles alcoholic intoxication. Smokers suddenly start to laugh, actively gesticulate, become talkative, sociable.

In a state of intoxication, the patient loses the ability to think critically, evaluate his actions, he is observed:

  • violation of orientation in space and time;
  • slowing reaction rate;
  • absentmindedness, lack of motivation for any occupations other than a drug;
  • confusion( delirium).

Colorful and bright hallucinations are replaced by frightening visions, psychoses develop with paranoia, inability to concentrate attention, anxiety, suspicion. It seems to the patient that he is being watched, everywhere he looks for video cameras aimed personally at him.

Worry goes into aggression. A man does not need to start a fight, fight. At this time, he is dangerous to others, is easily able to commit any unlawful action, does not recognize the closest relatives. All this is the answer to the question: "Is there a dependence on the spice".

Symptoms of an overdose of

Severe poisoning with spice overdose often occurs in adolescents. Often this is due to alcohol consumption during smoking, drug use "for company" and peers.

An indication of acute poisoning is a psychosis with abdominal pain, heart, headache. The person sees intimidating hallucinations, hears voices, he is excited, the pupil of the eye is widened.

In case of a spice overdose, the blood pressure rises, the face, eyes become red, the cramps may start, and a syncope may occur.

It is difficult to diagnose poisoning with smoking mixtures. An immunochromatographic( ICHA) rapid test method is used, indirectly confirming spice poisoning with negative results for other drugs in case of obvious symptoms of drug intoxication.

How to recognize the dependence

The drug manifests its intoxicating properties in the first minutes after smoking, which makes it difficult to recognize this threat in time. Parents do not see their child under the influence of spice, it never occurs to them that their obedient child has become familiar with drugs.

To understand that there is dependence on a spice in a teenager is not easy. Unlike cigarettes or alcohol, there is no repulsive smell, nothing can be found in the pockets, except, perhaps, a bag of chamomile, gum or chocolates.

Parents, loaded with problems at work, do not know that the items found are impregnated with drugs and pose a mortal threat.

It is possible to assume dependence on a spice on a teenager by indirect signs:

  • the appearance of new friends, conversations using slang - lied, kureha;
  • absenteeism at school, decline in academic performance;
  • later return home;
  • behavior change.

The teenager is easily irritated, becomes indifferent, despotic. Smoking spice causes changes in appearance and health.

The dependence initially manifests itself:

  • increased appetite;
  • by dilating the pupils;
  • night sweats;
  • by the rapid pulse, the galloping pressure;
  • cough;
  • with unmotivated mood swings.
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