Chronic diffuse atrophic gastritis and its treatment

In our time, a diffuse atrophic gastritis, which differs from other types of diseases of the digestive tract in that it affects almost the entire area of ​​the mucous membrane, is quite a common ailment. The ailment appears due to the fact that chronic atrophic gastritis has not been cured.

The stomach of a patient suffering from such a disease can not perform its functions. Food begins to irritate the walls of the stomach. A person begins to experience discomfort and severe fatigue. The general state of health worsens.

Since the glands are damaged, the process of cell regeneration is disrupted in the gastrointestinal tract. All this leads to a decrease in mucus, performing a protective function. Inflammation can be either chronic or acute. Chronic diffuse subatrophic gastritis can result from poor nutrition, abuse of alcohol-containing drinks and cigarettes, infection with infection.

Treatment of diffuse atrophic gastritis

A person suffering from gastrointestinal disease should immediately consult a gastroenterologist. First and foremost, the doctor will recommend not using any food. This is due to the fact that many foods irritate the mucous. At the time of treatment, the patient is allowed to drink lightly brewed tea or mineral water.

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Diffuse subatrophic gastritis requires a gentle diet. Also, the doctor individually prescribes to his patients drug therapy, which consists in taking a complex of vitamins and special medicines.

Very often, a specialist prescribes antibacterial therapy, which is assigned to eliminate Helicobacter pylori bacteria. In addition to taking medicines, with such a disease as diffuse atrophic gastritis, folk remedies are effective.

Before starting self-treatment, you should consult your doctor:

  • Use of propolis tincture. On the floor of a glass of water, you need to dilute 20 drops of propolis. With atrophic gastritis, it is best to take the tincture one hour before eating. The time of admission is three weeks.
  • The reception of sea buckthorn juice, which is able to cope with the effects of bacteria. If the patient's acidity is normal, juice should be consumed before the start of the meal in one hour, in the amount of one glass. Diffuse subatrophic gastritis will be cured much faster if you drink juice three times a day.
  • Drink the juice of aloe. This remedy can be consumed in the amount of one small spoon 60 minutes prior to the meal. Take medication is recommended three times a day for a month and a half.

Dietary food

Diffuse chronic superficial gastritis is a serious disease that should not be ignored. Otherwise, it can develop into an oncological disease. In addition to basic treatment, dietary nutrition is required.

The diet should not include substances containing food colorings, fried and fatty foods, alcoholic and carbonated beverages, sausages and flavor enhancers. As the main dish serves porridge, sour-milk products, in a moderate dose, meat and soups, but only not fatty.

Each dish should be cooked, steamed or baked in its own juice. Broths and soups are considered useful for the stomach. You need to remember the temperature of the food you eat. It should not be hot or cold. It is best if foodstuffs have room temperature, then diffuse atrophic gastritis will not greatly disturb the patient.

It is also worth remembering that it is forbidden to be transmitted to not load the stomach. If you follow the prescription of the doctor and diet, recovery will be faster.

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