Treatment of constipation with gastritis, what to do, how to treat?

Symptoms of gastritis are very different for different people: some people show up almost everyone who has only a few. A significant part of those who suffer from gastritis face the problem of stool disorders, in particular, with frequently occurring constipation. What can it be called for and how should it be treated?

Why is gastritis constipation?

Constipation refers to a disorder of the stool, in which it is not present for at least two days, while the color and consistency of the stool may change, and after a bowel movement, there may be a feeling of pain or incomplete emptying. In any case, constipation causes considerable discomfort to the person who suffers from them. Among the most common causes of constipation with gastritis are the following factors:

  1. Stool disorder of a reflex character - this can be not only with gastritis, but with many other inflammatory diseases, when the focus is not far from the intestine. In this case, constipation occurs only during periods of exacerbation of gastritis, and in the period of remission passes. Such a disorder is poorly adjusted by laxatives, the main thing is to cure inflammation in the stomach, and everything else will go away too.
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  2. Nutritional factors - improper diet or the nature of food intake. Constipation is promoted by foods in which there is little or no fiber, but with a high content of starch, flour. They include white bread, rice, potatoes. Also strongly affects the nature of the chair habit of eating, snacking dry.

What to do with gastritis with constipation?

Usually, the treatment of constipation with gastritis is not associated with the intake of laxatives, but with the cessation of inflammatory processes in the stomach. For a faster effect, you need to adjust your diet and diet, start to lead a more lively lifestyle. Of course, if the disorder is very pronounced and interferes with the quality of life, you must take a laxative.

Here are some recommendations for what to do in such a situation, which, if not eliminated, will at least alleviate a person's condition if he suffers from constipation:

  • increase the amount of fiber in the diet. For this, you can replace white bread with whole grain bread or rye bread. It is useful to eat porridge( except rice), adding a little oil in them. You can buy bran at the pharmacy and add them. High fiber content has a purifying and stimulating effect on the entire digestive system, contributes to the correct formation and excretion of stool;
  • drink more water - in a daily diet should be 5 or more glasses of water. In the warm season, this requirement becomes even more important;
  • add to the diet sour-milk products, such as fresh yogurt, yogurt, not very sour cottage cheese;
  • eat more fruits and vegetables. They contain a large amount of fiber, and some of them have a strong laxative effect. Particular attention should be paid to beets, prunes, currants, red bilberries;
  • has a good effect on the work of the intestine, high physical activity. Change the sedentary lifestyle for active rest, start practicing a sport and very soon notice that the problem has almost disappeared, and the treatment has become more effective.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of constipation with gastritis

Sometimes, to cope with constipation, you can resort to the advice of traditional medicine about what to do in this situation. But this should be done in addition to the rest of the treatment, and not used as a substitute for it.

Here are some of the most common recipes:

  1. Flax seeds. They can simply be added to food or taken in the form of broths or infusions. The action is associated with the enveloping properties of such beverages, so that the mucosa will be protected from inflammatory factors.
  2. HoneyIf there is no allergy, to normalize the stool it is useful on an empty stomach to drink a glass of warm water with a spoon of honey dissolved in it.
  3. Decoctions of herbs that soothe the nervous system. They relieve the general stress, which can be one of the factors stimulating the appearance of constipation, and have a relaxing effect on the intestine itself.
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