Burning in the stomach with gastritis

Gastritis is a severe inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Burning, digestive problems characterize this disease. There is a general decline in strength and lack of energy for a long time. Like most diseases, gastritis also occurs in chronic form. The periods of exacerbation are associated with changes in the dietary diet. It is accepted to distinguish three varieties of gastritis depending on the acidity of the stomach: with reduced, elevated and normal.

Today, burning in the stomach is familiar to every second, whether it be a child or an adult. The pathology of gastritis occurs gradually. It is impossible to damage the mucous membranes at a time. Be careful, because their severe destruction can lead to death.

Together with burning, sometimes there are a number of other symptoms:

  • flatulence   
  • burp
  • vomiting   
  • halitosis
  • bloating
  • diarrhea or constipation
  • severity in the abdomen

Causes may include smoking, alcohol, improper diet and even prolonged emotional stress. In some cases, burning occurs as a result of prolonged use of medicines.

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Folk remedies for burning in the stomach

Stomach is damaged quite easily. The most reasonable treatment is what the doctor will prescribe. But with a sudden severe burning sensation, folk tricks can also help:

  1. Feeling unpleasant sensations in the abdomen, try to drink a glass of warmed mineral water.
  2. With acute manifestations of gastritis at the time will help to cope dissolved in water coal powder.
  3. Eat a bowl of buckwheat porridge on an empty stomach.

In general, it is recommended to adhere to a certain diet.

What medicines help with burning?

Severe burning in the stomach area is a bright indicator of the exacerbation phase. It is felt in the sternum, usually immediately after food. In the mouth there is a metallic taste, the symptoms of depression begin to manifest. The head is heavy and aching, the pulse is increasing. With a sharp rise, dizziness appears, which does not last long. Gastritis in this form is extremely dangerous.

Burning sensation with gastritis is well amenable to drug treatment. Unpleasant sensations in the stomach can be eliminated by taking smectic or activated carbon. They also help: Famotidine, Almazilat, cimetidine, aluminum phosphate, hydrotalcite and bismuth subnitrate.

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