Is it possible to drink alcohol and alcohol at gastritis?

To drink alcohol or not, everyone decides for himself. About him have long been conflicting statements. Both sides have enough arguments. Some refer to the fact that alcohol has a harmful effect on the entire body and therefore it must be excluded, others say that you can drink alcohol, but only in strictly limited quantities. But is it permissible to consume alcohol in such a disease as gastritis, and if so, which one? In this issue is also not all clear. Ultimately, the choice is only for the patient himself.

Why not drink alcohol when gastritis is not recommended? It would seem that the answer is obvious: alcohol irritates the already inflamed walls of the stomach. But the possible consequences of such influence can make one think very seriously. If you drink alcohol regularly and in large quantities, it will give a significant acceleration to the destructive processes in the stomach. In connection with the slowing down of digestive function, the body will need additional production of gastric juice. This, in turn, will increase the concentration of acid in the stomach and make the environment even more aggressive for the inflamed organ. In addition, the use of alcohol is often accompanied by the use of harmful food for gastritis: chips, suhariki, salted fish, acute preservation, fatty meat, other. Such a "snowball" of alcohol and harmful food can be compared with the explosion of a high-explosive projectile, which affects everything around. What effect will be on the stomach, it's easy to guess.

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What alcohol is possible with gastritis, and what is not allowed?

It is because of alcohol abuse that most often there are exacerbations of gastritis and its subsequent transition to ulcers, erosive formations and even stomach cancer. Therefore, doctors recommend that patients do not drink alcohol at all. But is it worth going into extremes? On this score, there are a lot of back opinions, the main content of which is that the most popular alcohol on the post-Soviet territory - vodka - was originally conceived as a medicine. The point is that this product can be drunk for medicinal purposes even with gastritis, but in a strictly defined volume. Unfortunately, a very large number of people do not want to limit themselves in the process of feasting and exceed the permissible norm of alcohol. As a result, exacerbations begin, and gastritis will remind you of a sharp pain, nausea, heartburn and other unpleasant symptoms. In the worst case, it can reach the opening of bleeding and hospitalization. Therefore, it is better to forbid the patient to drink alcohol at all.

To the list of drinks that should be excluded from gastritis unequivocally, are:

  • champagne;
  • cocktails with alcohol;
  • some varieties of wine;
  • beer( filtered);
  • various tinctures.

All of the above alcoholic beverages are detrimental to the internal organs of not only gastritis patients, but also healthy people. Therefore, to drink them, especially during an exacerbation, in no event be impossible! Instead of them you can use cognac or vodka in a small amount, but not from cheap or counterfeit copies. It's about the quality of alcohol, which simply will not be in the handicraft product. But cognac, thanks to the content of a large percentage of tannins, has the property of inhibiting the absorption of alcohol into the body. If you drink quality vodka, it can in some way have a therapeutic effect on the stomach of a gastritis patient. Especially here they praise apple tincture on vodka, which is taken once a day a little over half an hour before meals. If you are too expensive to drink expensive alcohol, it is better to limit the frequency of its use.

Separately in this list is unfiltered beer. About its beneficial properties began talking not so long ago. According to the results of German studies, it was proved that this kind of alcohol even in some way goes to the benefit of the patient with gastritis and it can be drunk for preventive and curative purposes in a small amount. The same goes for wine, but not for all its varieties, but only for dry red. It can also be used in small doses to fight the harmful microflora of the body and to prevent infectious processes.

What happens if you drink a lot of alcohol with gastritis?

It is clear that first of all we will talk about exacerbations and accompanying symptoms. In addition to the main negative effects of alcohol, such as poisoning, irritation of the membranes of internal organs, you can talk about the violation of digestive functions. It is known that ethyl alcohol inhibits these processes, thereby stimulating excessive production of gastric secretions. As a result, acidity may increase, and a gastritis patient will experience heartburn, nausea, pain in the stomach and other unpleasant symptoms.

In a situation where the patient will drink alcohol for a long period of time, you can earn more serious consequences. In this case, the disease will spread to other organs, which greatly complicates the chances of recovery. Of course, at such a stage chronic gastritis in the patient is unequivocal, and it will be accompanied by bloody vomiting, internal bleeding, development of ulcers and erosive formations.

What conclusion can be drawn? Not all alcohol is forbidden to drink with gastritis, but everything should be within reasonable limits!

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