How to cure dysbacteriosis of the intestine in an adult quickly and permanently, is it treated?

Is dysbacteriosis treated once and for all? No, unfortunately, the disruption of the intestinal microflora can not be cured forever. This is quite simple: a microflora disorder occurs for various reasons, for example, due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It turns out that if you adjust the microflora, you can quickly cure dysbiosis. However, it is likely that after some time in the body will get pathogenic microorganisms, for example, protei. And again it will start to develop.

To heal, you need to adjust your diet. So, it is necessary to adhere to such rules:

  • It is excluded for a while or completely fat and sharp food.
  • Reduce consumption of sweets to a minimum.
  • To cure dysbacteriosis in an adult, after eating, tea or coffee is not allowed.
  • You should not drink while eating.
  • To cure the breakdown of microflora, it is necessary to completely eliminate alcohol, especially beer and champagne. The same applies to smoking.
  • The consumption of foods that are rich in protein increases in the diet. Particularly useful meat is, but cooked boiled or stewed.
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  • Is it possible to salty? Sour cabbage, various kinds of pickles and salads should not be used in the diet. This is due to the fact that they contain a large amount of cellulose, which provokes exacerbation of dysbiosis.
  • Bread costs only yesterday.
  • It is necessary to avoid overeating.

Protein food is the main food for the stomach, which is a fundamental factor that helps to cure microflora disorders. From meat, the absorption of protein begins, which occurs in the upper intestine, whereby pathogens remain without food, and begin to weaken. Such a process can strengthen the seasonings, so you can add very few spices to cure dysbacteriosis. It is worth noting that products with high fat content, for example, fat, can produce a positive effect. This is due to the fact that fat contributes to the release into the intestines of bile, which kills all pathogenic microorganisms.

To cure dysbacteriosis of the intestine in an adult, it is worth using more liquid, except for soda and coffee, as they have a negative effect on acidity, reducing it, so that the digestion process becomes difficult.

Products containing live bifidobacteria provide an opportunity for rapid recovery of the intestine. These include yogurts and bifid ice cream.

Is dysbiosis treated?

It is likely that if a person has sufficient immunity, and the microflora is not severely disturbed, then the dysbacteriosis can be cured himself. However, the use of medication is often required. In medicine, there is a sufficient number of drugs, from dysbiosis. Some can contain useful bacteria, others - food for them, the third microorganisms that destroy pathogenic microbes. To cure dysbiosis in an adult, they can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription, however, it is still worth consulting with a specialist on the advisability of taking a medication.

In addition, intestinal antiseptic agents may be prescribed to cure dysbacteriosis. Such drugs will not be absorbed into the intestinal cavity, but they suppress the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, while almost without affecting the beneficial bacteria. To cure the violation of microflora in an adult, take Intetriks or Nifuroxazide.

Antibiotics can be used for dysbacteriosis, however, such drugs are used only if the microflora is caused by the established form and taking into account the sensitivity. To cure dysbacteriosis in an adult, caused by the ingress of various bacteria, can be used:

  • With staphylococcus a semisynthetic penicillin group or macrolides with Linkomycin.
  • For proteus and Escherichia coli - nitrofurans, sulfonamide group.
  • In case of enterococcus a semisynthetic penicillin group or macrolides with Levomycetin.
  • With Pseudomonas aeruginosa - Carbenicillin or aminoglycosides.
  • Candidiasis - Amphoterazin B or Diflucan.

Also, dysbacteriosis is treated with bacteriophages, and they act as analogs of antibiotic agents.

Since the pathogenic microflora has the property of synthesizing water-soluble vitamins and takes part in the absorption of certain useful elements, dysbiosis will inevitably lead to hypovitaminosis and, as a result, vitamin therapy with multivitamin preparations will be required.

When there is a violation of the intestinal microflora, local immune defense is always violated, which dictates the appointment of immunomodulators and biostimulators. So, they can save not only from the frequent occurrence of colds, but also help in restoring the balance.

Do not forget about the symptomatic treatment, which is aimed at curing signs of impaired microflora. So, in case of diarrhea, sorbents and astringents are appointed, with constipation - laxatives, with allergies - antihistamines, and with neurasthenic state - sedatives.

Based on the above, it turns out that cure dysbacteriosis will never work, but quickly get rid of it is quite possible, it is enough to follow the recommendations of a specialist.

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