Treatment of antral gastritis of the stomach, how to treat folk remedies?

Treatment of antral gastritis should be complex. The appointment of a doctor depends on the stage of the disease, secretory activity, the degree of mucosal damage, etc.

The main areas of drug therapy for this disease are:

  • elimination of bacterial invasion;
  • restoration of the working acidic environment of the stomach;
  • treatment of erosions and inflammation of the gastric mucosa;
  • ensuring the normal operation of the digestive tract.

To solve these problems, complex methods are used, including:

  • medication;
  • diet therapy;
  • traditional medicine.

Medical treatment of antral gastritis

The first step in combating anthral gastritis is the elimination of its pathogen, Helicobacter pylori. To do this, a course of antibiotics is prescribed, the choice of which is determined by the degree of activity of helikobacteria and the general picture of the disease.

Gastritis of the antral part of the stomach causes an increase in acidity and destruction of the integrity of the mucous membrane. This is often accompanied by heartburn, so additionally assigned to suspensions, reducing the production of hydrochloric acid. To eliminate such manifestations, "Almagel" and "Maalox" are most often used.

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Methyluracil or Pentoxyl is used to restore the integrity of the gastric walls.

With accompanying unbearable pain, analgesics and antispasmodics are additionally prescribed.

How to treat an antral gastritis with a diet?

In case of an exacerbation, diet No. 16 is prescribed, which is gradually supplemented and goes to table 1.

It is recommended to completely eliminate acute, fatty and salty foods. In order not to irritate the walls of the stomach, it is necessary to drink water and weak tea in a warm form.

Meals should be small, but frequent, five to six times a day. To facilitate the work of the stomach, you must thoroughly chew the food.

Cereals, lean meats, certain types of fruits, cottage cheese, dairy products and honey are allowed.

After curing the disease, it is necessary to adhere to a gentle diet in the diet, reducing the salt, acute and fat content.

Folk remedies

There are many traditional medicine for the treatment of gastritis of the antral part of the stomach.

The most common is the reception of freshly squeezed potato juice. Within 10 days on an empty stomach, one hour before a meal, you need to drink a glass of this drink. After a ten-day break, the course can be repeated. After taking the juice is recommended to lie down for half an hour.

The focal form of the disease can be cured with the infusion of marsh root. For its preparation, a teaspoon of ground raw material is poured into 200 water, insist 20 minutes, then filter and take half an hour before meals several times a day.

Freshly squeezed juice of perennial aloe is drunk on a teaspoon for half an hour before meals for a month.

Preheated juice of fresh cabbage leaves take half the glass before each meal.

Coping with antrum atrophic gastritis helps infusion of the burdock root. For its preparation, a tablespoon of root is poured with a liter of boiled water and it is insisted for more than 12 hours. The received infusion in small portions is drunk in two days.

Usually, treatment of antral gastritis is performed on an outpatient basis. Hospitalization is carried out only in cases where there is a suspicion of stomach cancer or complications with concomitant diseases.

To prevent the risk of recurrence, a comprehensive examination, including fluoroscopy and endoscopy, must be performed twice a year.

It is recommended to visit the sanatorium for the disease profile.

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