Vinilin with gastritis

A medicinal preparation called "Vinilin" is used to treat purulent-inflammatory pathologies, skin defects with the formation of ulcers, pathological changes in the gastric mucosa. The main properties of polyvinyl butyl ether( vinylin) are:

  • antimicrobial effect;
  • enveloping effect;
  • healing and generating action;
  • is an analgesic for local use.

Vinilin is available in the form of capsules or balms and is a viscous liquid of a specific odor that does not dry out in the air. The preparation is perfectly mixed with liquid paraffin and oils, alcohols( isoamyl, butyl), chloroform, ethyl alcohol in any proportions, but insoluble in water. Its properties make it possible to use in a very wide spectrum for the treatment of inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes of various organs and primarily gastritis, skin diseases, periodontitis, dysentery, ulcers and many others. It is not recommended to prescribe the drug for gallbladder and liver diseases, during pregnancy and small children for oral administration.

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In acute gastritis, especially when inflammation is associated with increased gastric juice production and ulceration on the surface of the gastric mucosa, Vinilin is the most effective medicine. In addition, the drug is effective in exacerbations of chronic gastritis and esophagitis with manifestations of severe heartburn.

When Vinilin is administered with gastritis in capsules or rectally( enemas), it inhibits the development of pathogenic microbes, their further multiplication. The healing process of the formed mucosal manifestations is much faster due to the enveloping and regenerative effect of the drug's effect. At the same time, soft scar tissue remains on the wound healing site.

With the development of gastritis in the upper stomach, the drug is taken in the form of capsules for twenty days, starting with three capsules per day, and on the second day of the treatment course, the daily intake becomes five. In the treatment of gastritis in the lower part of the drug taken orally( 40 ml per reception), microclysters( 30 ml) and therapeutic enemas - up to 100 ml of the drug. The course of treatment of gastritis Vinilin lasts about a month, twice a week. The drug reduces the acidity of the stomach, positively affects its motor function. There are no contraindications for the use of a medicinal preparation and it can be used in the treatment of pregnant women and children. Categorically prohibited alcohol intake during treatment.

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