Pain in the back with gastritis, it hurts, does it give?

Gastritis begins after inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach. The disease has a lot of the most unpleasant symptoms: from burning in the upper abdomen, headache and spasms to vomiting and pains giving in the back.

Manifestations are so different due to the large number of varieties of gastritis. There are always some common features, but for individual manifestations, you can indirectly diagnose a certain kind of illness. Of course, treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor, after due examination. To obtain accurate data, gastroscopy is prescribed. However, back pain, spasms, changes in appetite or a rash can fairly accurately indicate the type of gastritis in the patient.

At the initial stages of the disease, no pains are given in the back, no speech. A small burning sensation in the stomach, a problem chair and flatulence are the main companions of those who were not lucky enough to get inflammation of the mucous membranes. Pain gives the stronger, the deeper the damage to the stomach tissue. Serious erosions of the deep tissues of the body can form.

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The appearance of back pain is a signal that the disease has taken a more severe form. So the inflammation spread from the stomach to other organs of the digestive system: the pancreas and the gallbladder. The problems with back that arise during gastritis are sometimes mistaken for manifestations of osteochondrosis. Certainly you can determine by blood and feces.

Pain gives in the back not only with gastritis, but also with acute cholecystitis, hepatic colic or perforated ulcer. Diseases can occur against the background of inflammation of the stomach, so be sure to visit a doctor for accurate diagnosis.

Ways of reducing pain with gastritis

You will feel better while observing a medical diet. As soon as the inflammation of the internal organs begins to subside, the cutting pains in the abdomen, which are so much sacrificed in the back, will disappear. Observe the following rules.

With high acidity of the stomach:

  • For a while, completely eliminate fat and spicy food. After the disappearance of pain in the back, eat it only periodically( 1-2 times a week).
  • Try instead of frying the dishes, cook them for a couple.
  • Limit the consumption of soda water.
  • Discard the canned food.

With a low acidity of the stomach:

  • Also remove from the diet fatty and spiced dishes.
  • Mainly eat porridge. Solid products are grinded, otherwise you will immediately feel the consequences of their consumption.
  • Eat often, in small portions.
  • Give up confectionery and dairy products. They intensify fermentation. Flatulence in gastritis is one of the most unpleasant symptoms, which should be avoided.

Medicinal way to get rid of gastritis and back pain

Without consulting a doctor, do not take the drugs listed below. Self-medication does not always lead to the desired result.

Back pain will disappear along with gastritis after taking medication. The mucous membrane is restored by the following groups:

  • Likvitorit and licorice root help to increase mucus production.
  • De-nol and Sucralfate are antiseptics.
  • Metacil and rosehip oil stimulate active cell renewal to eliminate pain due to erosion.

Against the infectious bacterium Helicobacter pylori prescribe drugs aimed at its destruction. Strong medicines like antibiotics can be prescribed. Their choice should be entirely at the doctor's discretion.

Strong back pain with gastritis is well removed by antispasmodics. The ideal treatment for gastritis should combine both diet and medication.

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