An exacerbation of a gastritis, forms, an acute attack of illness at children and adults

Acute gastritis is one of the most complex forms of this disease. The difficulty lies in the way the patient tolerates the disease at the entire stage of the disease. This species manifests itself unexpectedly and on the whole extent, the human condition is greatly weakened. In more complex forms of acute gastritis, the formation of gastric mucosal defects, or erosion, is possible.

Acute gastritis is an inflammation formed on the mucous membrane of the stomach. There is such inflammation as a result of the fact that irritants, for a short time, act on the mucous part. Exacerbation can be caused by repeated exposure, the same or another object of irritation.

Exacerbation of gastritis can be caused due to neglect of food intake. As an irritant, alcohol can also be harmful to the stomach, also alkali, acid and other toxic objects accidentally got into it.

In addition to eating, severely exacerbated gastritis can react strongly to infectious diseases, as well as trauma and other body damage. In adults, these factors may not significantly affect the course of treatment, but for children, such support will severely complicate further treatment. The body of an adult has already passed all stages of development of the immune system, in children, the immune system is only being formed and a collision with such a form will adversely affect the further development of the body.

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Exacerbated gastritis has very vivid symptoms, according to which the doctor, even at a primary examination, can easily discern the disease. Almost always the symptoms begin with the appearance of burping, severity, the occurrence of pain at the junction of the ribs. There may also be a feeling of nausea, which later develops into vomiting. All patients show dizziness and general weakness.

In some very severe exacerbations, there may be vomiting, which will be accompanied by blood. The presence of blood can be invisible, in some cases the blood can fold or mix with the contents of the stomach. In this case, the emetic mass will be brown.

At the stage of exacerbation may also manifest itself with other symptoms, in particular, in the language of the patient there will be a pronounced white plaque. Also the presence of a pale skin that will be very different from the natural state. The most obvious symptoms are the presence of abundant salivation or vice versa excessive dryness in the mouth, as well as a sharp response to palpation of the stomach, palpation. The last two symptoms are the first sign that the illness has worsened.

Children's acute gastritis has similar symptoms, but other forms may appear. The onset of the disease at an early age occurs most often at a time when the child is most exposed to the effects of debilitating factors. Depending on the type of gastritis, children may exhibit different symptoms.

For example, if the attack was caused by exacerbation of atrophic gastritis, as a result of which parts of the gastric mucosa die, including nerve endings. In this case, a special sign is the general condition of the child. There is weakness and lethargy throughout the day. There may also be other forms not inherent in this type. For example, a violation of digestion and heaviness in the stomach, which is accompanied by absorption of nutrients. It should be noted that this form of exacerbation in children is rare.

If acute gastritis was caused by exacerbation of chronic, then this type is accompanied by the release of bile gastric intestinal tract. As well as the appearance of pain after an attempt was made to take food, or for example, during the physical activity of the child.

During an exacerbation, a chronic type, accompanied by acid secretions during heartburn or belching. In this case, the general condition of children is not violated. However, there may be pain in some places, as well as disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Acute gastritis itself can be characterized by persistent pain in the stomach and abundant vomiting. In some cases, it is not possible to control vomiting. Also, there may be a violation of the child's condition. This will be accompanied by lethargy and vomiting.


In childhood, the aggravation can be caused by several reasons. In particular, malnutrition. The lack of a balanced diet is a particular case of manifestation. Even if the baby's nutrition is normal, then the aggravation can be caused by the use of stimuli in the form of instant food: French fries, chips, fried. The same symptoms can appear if you use carbonated drinks and dishes, in which the content of spices is overestimated.

In addition to improper eating, it is important to remember that non-observance of the time of eating is also a danger of manifestation of the disease. Irregular and untimely food increases the risk of the disease not only with acute gastritis, but also with other diseases that are associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

Also, the aggravation is caused by spoiled food, overloads of both physical and mental plan, mental fatigue of the body

The most dangerous irritant will be infectious and allergic reactions. These cases do not forget about time. The onset of allergies can lead to big problems.

Also, as a result of exacerbation of acute gastritis, allergies to objects that the child previously reacted normally can occur. This can be caused by the fact that the child's organism can not perceive the processes that arise in the diseased organ. The occurrence of an allergic reaction against a background of acute gastritis can cause gastritis with the destruction of the stomach.

4 forms of the disease

In addition to the fact that acute gastritis is a form of gastritis, this exacerbation in itself has its own types. There are four forms of acute disease: catarrhal( or it is also called simple), phlegmonous, necrotic( toxicochemical), as well as fibrinous.

The most common form is catarrhal, that is, a simple form. For such a form, destruction of only the upper part of the gastric mucosa is characteristic. An exacerbation of a gastritis can be caused by an allergic reaction to medicines or can result from the adoption of unsuitable food, poisoning. The symptom of gastritis may appear after several hours, after the stimulus has entered the stomach. With this form, full recovery is possible only after 2-7 days of treatment with the use of gastric lavage.

The phlegmonous form of gastritis can be exacerbated by the fact that a simple gastritis has developed into a chronic form. This kind of carries severe consequences up to a lethal outcome. This is connected with the fact that purulent inflammation forms under the mucous membrane of the stomach.

This type of predominantly sick male population of the planet. Particular attention is paid to persons aged 30-60 years with a pronounced deficit of immunity.

This kind is accompanied, as a rule, by chills, nausea and pains in the stomach and right side.

Toxicochemical gastritis, on the basis of the name, is the cause of the appearance of toxic substances in the stomach, thereby damaging the entire mucosa and creating a favorable environment, thereby, bacteria and infections.

When the mucous membrane is affected, so is the soft tissue,that the regeneration of parts of cells is impossible. Special symptoms are thirst and vomiting with blood.

The last form, fibrous, is the most poorly tolerated and in most cases ends in a lethal outcome. The resulting acute gastritis of the stomach secretes a special protein - fibrin. Education is covered with a gray or cloudy film, under which there are erosive formations. This form is rare and occurs only in patients with a particular form of infection.

With any form of gastritis, even if it does not cause anxiety, you should consult your doctor to avoid any worsening.

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