Diet for children with gastritis, a menu of baby food, than you can feed your child?

Often not only adults suffer from gastritis, but children as well. Parents are disturbed by the questions: what to feed the child, what can be done during the period of the disease? Doctors say that before you develop a diet for children with gastritis, you should consult a doctor. Only he is competent in this matter, he will prescribe the necessary medication and a special diet.

But, despite this, there are some rules for feeding children with gastritis. The first thing parents should do is to prohibit a child from eating harmful foods that children love so much. These include: chips, crackers, chocolates, chewing gum, fast food, carbonated drinks. Since the disease is characterized by inflammation of the gastric mucosa, proper nutrition is the main condition on the way to recovery.

Recommended nutrition for children with gastritis

It should be noted that gastritis in children is no different from gastritis in adults. Doctors recommend to include in the daily diet: vegetable broths, milk porridges, steam omelettes, fat-free curd, lean meat of poultry or fish, fruit fruit compotes, etc. as the child's body grows, one should try to consume more protein food.

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It is important to maintain the water balance in a diet, and regularly eat. To eat with gastritis children need about five times a day in small portions, the interval between meals is 3 hours. Food should be without salt, pepper and other additives, so as not to hold water in the body and not to irritate the stomach even more.

What will consist of a therapeutic diet, depends on what stage of the disease. This can be determined by a gastroenterologist after a detailed examination.

Children's diet for acute gastritis

To meet the needs of parents, specialists have developed an approximate menu for children who suffer from acute gastritis - the most severe form of the disease. In order to begin the diet, to begin with, the child must for a day give up any food( this condition is not suitable for preschool children).You need to know that during the period of the disease you need to drink enough pure water to prevent dehydration.

This menu for children with gastritis is designed for three days:

  • Breakfast: steam omelet, black weak tea with the addition of several teaspoons of milk, a slice of bread.
  • Second breakfast: oatmeal( you can add a small piece of butter to make the taste more pleasant), low-fat milk.
  • Lunch: vegetable broth with the addition of eggs, steamed meat or fish cutlets, small pasta and softly-brewed tea.
  • Snack: low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: vegetable puree and a piece of boiled chicken breast, a slice of bread.

Important! In this diet to exclude dishes using white cabbage!

Food for children with gastritis with low acidity

The following nutrition menu will help the child suffering from gastritis, avoiding acute pains in the stomach. This diet is designed for a week. It is worth recalling to parents that cooking should be taken very responsibly for this diet, it must undergo thermal treatment. Raw foods are not allowed under this menu.

  • Breakfast: buckwheat or vegetable ragout, or low-fat cottage cheese and a weak tea with milk.
  • Second breakfast: vegetable stew / boiled egg / omelette, steamed and black tea.
  • Lunch: vegetable broth with the addition of cereals, boiled poultry / steamed fish, vermicelli and fruit jelly.
  • Snack: one percent kefir with rusks / low-fat cottage cheese / pumpkin porridge.
  • Dinner: pancakes with meat or curd filling / baked vegetables / and black tea / kissel.

So that the baby does not suffer from hunger at such a diet, before going to bed it is allowed to drink a glass of kefir.

Menu for children with gastritis with high acidity

The following diet for gastritis should be followed for about a week. The approximate menu consists of the following components.

  • Breakfast: mucous porridge / hard boiled egg and white bread toast / steamed, steamed and black tea.
  • Second breakfast: vegetable salad / boiled soft boiled egg / vegetable patties, steamed and tea / fruit jelly.
  • Lunch: vegetable broth with pasta, fish or poultry steamed with boiled potatoes / roast vegetables with steamed cutlets and compote.
  • Snack: a sandwich with butter and hard cheese or a glass of half-percentage milk with a toast.
  • Dinner: vegetable stew with meat / vareniki and tea.

With this menu, at night children are allowed to drink one glass of kefir or milk.

Gastroenterologists, insist that before using any diet, and decide what to feed and what can the baby, you should consult your doctor. Each child has an individual organism and its own form of the disease, therefore, in order not to harm, it is first necessary to contact a medical institution.

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