Treatment of acute gastritis with folk remedies: honey, herbs at exacerbation

With an acute form of gastritis, most often, I do not want to resort to medical help. There are many ways to treat acute gastritis with folk remedies. In particular, there is a method of treating exacerbation of gastritis with a green apple.

For cooking, you only need green apples. It is necessary to completely peel them and cut them finely, or you can use a grater for finer cutting. At this recipe ends, you can use the received mass without fear for your health. Green apples can be eaten in unlimited quantities.

The peculiarity of such treatment lies in the fact that it is necessary to observe a certain mode of using the drug in case of exacerbation of gastritis. After taking applesauce, do not eat for the next 2-3 hours. Eating during this period can provoke flatulence and bloating, and this can aggravate the aggravation.

The ideal folk way is the use of apples in the morning, that is, instead of breakfast. In the event that your body is accustomed to eat some light and more nutritious food in the morning, for example porridge, you can mix apple puree with porridge and also eat.

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In the first month of gastritis treatment, a folk remedy is necessary to consume such porridge every day, usually it is eaten twice a day. But eating apples at night is not recommended. Diet in the following month will be more sparing. You can use such porridge only three times a week. But we must remember that if the acute form of gastritis continues to bother, then it makes sense not to reduce the daily concentration. In some cases, such treatment with folk remedies may not help, because of the characteristics of the patient's body. If such treatment helps, then after two months you can reduce the dosage of apples to once a week. Nevertheless, the use of apples, in their entirety, is not prohibited, but only recommended.

If the daily porridge from the apples annoys, then you can change the menu, from time to time. A substitute can be the juice of apples, mixed with carrots. Using it every morning, you can achieve even better results. The juice envelops the walls of the stomach and soothes the mucous membrane. The proportions of carrots and apples must be respected in a ratio of 50:50.

A more effective folk way is one in which cabbage juice is used. Natural cabbage juice is excellent for acute gastritis. In particular, such a natural essence helps people who have an exacerbation accompanied by a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice. Such a folk remedy is very popular, in some cases it is recommended by doctors.

To make cabbage juice you need a juicer. It is necessary in order to squeeze as much juice from the leaves of cabbage. After the required amount of juice is collected, it is necessary to warm it up. In some cases, cabbage juice causes nausea. To avoid this symptom, you need to use it 3-4 hours after it was squeezed.

Cabbage juice, as a folk remedy for acute gastritis, you need to consume at least half a glass twice a day. For treatment to be more effective, you need to consume juice one hour before a meal. If there is no time to prepare juice daily, then it can be prepared in large batches and stored. But you can store it only for 1.5 - 2 days. After a longer period, it will not give good results, as vitamins will die.

Special attention is paid to the use of herbs in the treatment of acute gastritis. Folk remedies based on herbs are very popular, and are considered more effective. Using herbs allows you to cure an acute gastritis in just one month. When combined with diet, this method allows you to get rid of pain after the first days of taking. The ideal diet is the use of wiped food.

The process of treating such a folk remedy is simple. Such herbs are used: yarrow, plantain, senna, St. John's wort, nettle, chamomile( only flowers), calendula. The valerian root is also used, only one tablespoon is needed for the whole mixture. The resulting combination of herbs is mixed with one liter of boiled water. Then the resulting mixture of herbs boils for one to two minutes. Then, the agent must be cooled and filtered through a sieve. Take the broth should be 50-100 milliliters three times a day, half an hour before eating.

If there is a desire to completely get rid of the pain, then it will take a certain amount of time. Combining herbal tincture with the reception of honey is a way to completely get rid of the exacerbation of gastritis, which interferes with normal life. Such a diet will be effective only if you stick to it for a long time - about a year or more.


If it is a question of honey, it is necessary to say about its properties and application in the treatment of acute gastritis. By itself, honey strongly affects the mucous membrane of the stomach and soothes it. It also stabilizes the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract. There are several ways to accept folk remedies based on it:

1) Mix with water. This method is suitable only if the exacerbation of gastritis began recently. The solution is prepared very easily. One liter of water is mixed with 150 grams of honey. The received amount of the remedy can be divided into 4 receptions for two days: in the morning on an empty stomach, and in the evening before going to bed. Water must be prepared and heated in advance.

2) The pure form. Honey in this case is not mixed with some kind of ingredient. Also use 150 grams for 4 servings. Before breakfast on an empty stomach and before bedtime.

3) Honey and aloe. This mixture is combined in a proportion of 1 to 1. Reception is in the morning and evening. It is necessary to take 200 grams of natural honey and 200 grams of the juice of the leaves of aloe. In some cases, you can combine the whole leaf.

If the folk remedy does not help during the whole period of treatment, it makes sense to consult a doctor who will consult you in more detail about the methods of treatment.

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