Symptoms of gastritis of the antrum of the stomach

Antral gastritis is an inflammatory disease localized in the terminal stomach. It is located at its lowest part and is connected to the duodenum.

The main purpose of the final department is to reduce the acidity of food before advancing into the intestine. Due to the fact that the acidity there is much lower than in the rest of the stomach, it is there that the bacteria Helicobacter pylori initially appear and begin to multiply.

Local and general symptoms of antral gastritis gastritis

Antral gastritis is manifested by common and local symptoms, usually arising during an exacerbation of the disease.

Local symptoms are:

  • stomach indigestion;
  • intestinal dyspepsia.

Common symptoms of antral gastritis are:

  • rapid fatigue and weakness;
  • cardiac arrhythmia;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • irritability.

Local symptoms of anthral gastritis are manifested by pain in the stomach a half to two hours after ingestion, increased secretion of gastric juice, belching, a feeling of severity after eating, nausea, impaired appetite and stool disorders.

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Symptoms of antral gastritis with surface and erosive form

When performing FGDS and X-ray examination, it is possible to detect changes and narrowing of the antral section caused by the inflammatory process and scar tissue. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a study of tissue samples obtained during gastrofibroscopy.

For the superficial form of the disease is characterized by the absence of lesions of the glands and the formation of scars. This species is most often caused by Helicobacter pylori infection or other causes and is much easier to treat.

A more severe disease is the erosive form of antral gastritis. With the defeat of this site and the further development of the inflammatory process, an insufficient amount of protective mucus is produced. This increases acidity and leads to the appearance of sores and erosions, which further disrupts the digestive process.

Pains with erosive form of the disease become much stronger and resemble sensations in the stomach ulcer. In neglected form, in the presence of scar tissue, they weaken. If untimely or incomplete treatment of erosion can lead to an ulcer or be reborn in a tumor.

To prevent the development of complications, first get rid of the causative agent of Helicobacter pylori with several types of antibacterial drugs. After this, it is necessary to cure erosion and restore the working acid-base balance in the antrum part of the stomach, which makes it possible to adjust the digestive process. The course of complex treatment usually lasts two to four weeks. After one or two days of hunger strike, a medical diet is prescribed.

Prevention of antral gastritis

When the symptoms of astral gastritis disappear, it is important to continue to adhere to the principles of dietary nutrition, to observe the normal regime, giving sufficient time to sleep and rest. Eliminate bad habits and heavy loads, try not to allow stress.

At the first occurrence of anxiety symptoms that give reason to suspect an antral or any other gastritis, you should consult a gastroenterologist for an accurate diagnosis and treatment course.

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