Festal with gastritis

Chronic gastritis is diagnosed today in eighty percent of the population. One of the most dangerous forms of it is atrophic, which, with ineffective treatment, can turn into a malignant tumor.

With this disease, there is a sharp decline in the production of gastric juice and the production of enzymes required to ensure normal digestion. Because of this, with atrophic gastritis, it becomes necessary to administer enzymes.

When digestion is disturbed in the stomach and intestine, enzyme preparations are prescribed, one of which is Festal.

The effect of Festal on gastritis

The choice of Festal for complex treatment of gastritis is explained by the fact that in an optimal combination it contains all the enzymes and bile important for digestion. The drug has a combined composition and contains amylase, protease and lipase, helping to break down nutrients that enter with food into the stomach.

Extract of bile acids activates the pancreas, improves the absorption of fats, promotes bile secretion and assimilation of vitamins A, E and K.

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Hemicellulose present in Festal provides processing of plant fiber and helps the passage of bile throughout the digestive tract, assists the absorption of fat, reduces the manifestations of flatulence.

The drug is encased, resistant to destruction by gastric juice. Thanks to this, the enzyme components of Festal begin their work in the small intestine.

The appointment of Festal to patients with chronic gastritis provides better digestion of the intestines of proteins, fats and sugars. This facilitates the painful manifestations of gastritis in the stomach and intestines( heaviness, swelling, diarrhea and flatulence).

The drug promotes digestion in children, stimulating their own production of enzymes and bile.

For chronic gastritis, it is recommended that Festal be taken 3-4 times a day, along with a meal of 1-2 drops, washed down with a small amount of liquid. The dosage of the drug for children is determined by the doctor. The usual course of therapy is two months, although it is possible to use it for several days( with inaccuracies in the diet) for several years.

The drug is prohibited for children under 3 years of age and is not recommended - during pregnancy.

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