Vomiting with gastritis, what should I do?

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Gastritis - inflammation of the gastric mucosa is one of the most common diseases. Since childhood, there is a threat to acquire insidious disease. Incorrect, erratic and chaotic nutrition, poor quality of food, as well as stresses lead to deterioration of the gastric mucosa. From the first symptoms to severe deterioration in the form of vomiting, a considerable time may elapse or a sharp deterioration may occur. With careful consideration of your health, the threat of developing gastritis and one of its frequent manifestations - vomiting, you can avoid.

The first signs of the disease go unnoticed. They are easily confused with hunger or overeating. Gravity in the stomach already indicates a violation of its function. Along with this, a person may have no appetite, which, rather, will be treated by anything, but not an imminent danger in the form of gastritis, therefore, a person will not do anything.

However, there are times when the disease comes suddenly. One of these cases is vomiting with gastritis. It indicates the acute course of the disease and the need to consult specialists.

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What to do with vomiting with gastritis?

Diagnostic measures should reveal the extent of damage to the gastric mucosa, as well as the degree of damage inflicted on the body. It is inextricably linked with anemia, dehydration and deterioration of metabolic processes. Therefore, the first thing to do when a person vomits is to see a doctor. Further the expert will find out classification of a gastritis, and, means, the approach in its treatment will be defined. Such a symptom can be both in chronic course and in acute phase. Regardless of the form of the disease, an integrated approach to treatment is used.

The first measures on the way to recovery are aimed at the reduction of vomiting and nausea. At the same time, medicines are selected. If bacterial gastritis led to them, then, first of all, the medicines will help to rid the stomach of pathogenic microflora. Further, fortifying agents are prescribed to improve metabolic processes, as well as to raise hemoglobin in the blood.

The main treatment of the disease consists of adjusting the diet, and in severe cases a strict diet is recommended. The answer to the question what to do with vomiting and gastritis begins with a complete refusal of food for a day, two. Next is a complete refusal of fried, salted, canned. Chocolate, alcohol, coffee are listed in the list of banned products. Only after a few days the patient can afford porridge, boiled lean meat and fish products. One of the conditions for preventing the manifestation of a symptom is feeding in small portions throughout the day 4-5 times.

Drug treatment can be prescribed until complete recovery. With all the recommendations of the doctor, the improvement of the condition is achieved in a short time. However, a complete cure of the disease will take a sufficient period of time, which will require the patient's attention and efforts. To prevent exacerbations in the form of nausea and vomiting with gastritis, revise your diet, daily regimen and quality of life in general.

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