Treatment of reflux gastritis medications, medications, drugs, whether it is possible to cure?

Treatment of reflux gastritis involves a set of measures aimed at restoring the ability of a special group of muscles - the sphincter to keep the processed food in the right part of the stomach. It is worth noting that without consulting a doctor to cure yourself of such a disease is unlikely to succeed. In this article, we will tell you whether it is possible to get rid of reflux gastritis on your own or if you still need to see a doctor and what medicines you need to take.

Is it possible to cure reflux gastritis?

Perhaps, this is one of the most common questions that the patient asks the doctor at the first reception. Many people may think that this is not a very serious disease, which will eventually go away on its own, however, this is not the case.reflux-gastritis is a very insidious and annoying disease, popularly known as heartburn. Not everyone understands what consequences it can lead to, and try to extinguish the primary symptoms medically, falling under the arm of Smecta or Galsten. Most often, you need to receive funds from a completely different group.

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Many diseases are treated in our time, even the most complex, every year more and more new drugs are developed that can have the maximum effect with minimal damage to the body. You probably know that many drugs have side effects on human organs, so do not wait for the reflux gastritis to go to a more serious stage. It is necessary to contact a specialist as soon as possible to receive a medical treatment of reflux gastritis, so that the doctor can prescribe a minimum of tablets that can help the patient cope with this ailment.

Any disease, even at first glance, not very serious, requires medical intervention, if the patient turned to a specialist in a short time, immediately after the appearance of the first symptoms, then you can confine yourself to a hospital sheet in a couple of weeks. However, do not think that after the end of the course of treatment it will be possible to continue to lead an unhealthy lifestyle without consequences for the body.

How to treat reflux gastritis?

In order to cure reflux-gastritis it is necessary to establish the cause of the disease:

  • infection Helicobacter pylori;
  • autoimmune inflammation;
  • taking medications;
  • poisoning.

Only after this, it is possible to prescribe a course of drug treatment for reflux gastritis. Most often, funds are issued that should neutralize the irritating effect of duodenal contents on the stomach and esophagus, and they should facilitate rapid and proper cleansing of the intestine. The most common of them include:

  1. Domperidone, Metolopramide are preparations of the prokinetic group, they accelerate the process of bowel evacuation. On average, 10 mg is given.3 times a day. They are taken for 2-3 weeks, taking longer is not worth it, so that the digestive tract does not lose the ability to clean itself. Therefore, the effect is short-term, in addition, the reception of these drugs is accompanied by a large number of side effects.
  2. Secretory - the second group of drugs with reflux gastritis, it is a means that can affect the level of acidity of gastric juice. The fact is that in every person it is individual, in addition, the food we eat also directly affects its level. Therefore, in some cases, when gastric juice has increased acidity, it is necessary to take drugs that reduce it. To date, the most popular are the proton pump inhibitors of the latest generation: Rebeprasol, Lansoprazole and Pantoprazole.

With reduced function of secretion, it is necessary to take drugs that bind lysolecithin and bile acids in the form of suspensions and gels that do not affect the production of hydrochloric acid.

It is worth mentioning separately about such a group as antacids - these are drugs that can neutralize the action of hydrochloric acid in reflux gastritis. It is part of the gastric juice and has a negative effect on the gastric mucosa. These funds have been used for more than a hundred years, and the most popular way to treat heartburn at home is baking soda. We want to warn you, in spite of the fact that it really helps and even eliminates pain, soda, like other antacids, has a lot of side effects, so doctors do not recommend using it. Moreover, many preparations have appeared from reflux-gastritis of the modern generation, which have more effective indicators.

We hope that we fully answered the question "How to cure reflux gastritis?".If you follow the recommendations of the attending physician and follow simple rules, you can not only get rid of the symptoms, but also get rid of the disease forever.

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