Tablets from worms for children, which give, what are the best and effective( naveszvaniya) against children's helminths, whether to give the child?

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Parasites surround us everywhere: they can be in dust, in the ground, on poorly washed vegetables and fruits, and also in insufficiently thermally processed meat or fish. Children are most exposed to infection, because from the first years of their life they seek to know the world around them. They actively crawl on all fours, they want to touch everything and taste it. That is why they often become victims of various parasites. What is better to give pills against worms to children?

Self-medication can be very dangerous, so you can not select the drug yourself, especially if you do not know the exact diagnosis. There are more than 300 species of worms that can live in the human body. They are divided into groups for which different drugs are needed. Tablets from helminths for children should be prescribed by the attending physician. Consider the main types of medicines:

  • Round worms. They are most common, they include the two most common types of worms: pinworms and ascarids. To treat such a helminthic invasion, such drugs are often used: Vormil, Nemozol, Pirantel, Vermox, Piperazine. You can not independently prescribe the dosage, it depends on the age and condition of the baby.
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  • Flat worms. On these parasites, the following drugs are disastrous: Biltricide, Azinox, Cesol. They are effective in bowel damage. If the patient has an extraintestinal infection, it is usually prescribed Chloksillom, as well as Bithionol.
  • Tape worms. For such a group of parasites, the following tablets should be remembered from worms for children: Nemozol, Mepakrin, and others. Treatment of such types of helminthic invasion should be monitored by specialists.

What kind of worms for children are better? This issue is controversial, it is impossible to single out any one drug. The best is a medicine that has a disastrous effect on an identified parasite.

Do I need to give children tablets against worms for prophylaxis?

As a rule, the children's team often becomes infected with helminths, especially pinworms. Their eggs can be passed on to household items, door handles and clothes. Some pediatricians recommend giving children once every six months the necessary medications. Pirantel is often prescribed, he is relatively safe for the baby's body.

But other doctors still have a negative attitude towards taking the pills "just in case".A kid can take a drug, and tomorrow get infected. In addition, in their opinion, there is no need to poison the children's body, if there are no clearly expressed symptoms. Effective tablets from worms for children - all toxic to a greater or lesser extent. For prevention, it is better to follow the rules of hygiene, and you can also include in the diet products that kill parasites, namely garlic, pineapple and pumpkin seeds.

If obvious symptoms of infection, such as itching in the anus, nausea and indigestion, you need to first show the child to the doctor and get tested. Analysis of feces does not always give the right results, it must be repeated three times.

Popular tablets from worms for children

The best tablets from worms in children, as a rule, have a wide range of effects. For example, Nemosol is often used. It is very convenient to use, it can be in the form of tablets and suspensions. It has a harmful effect on worms, causing their death. It is often prescribed for infection with pinworms and ascarids.

In pediatric practice, Pirantel is often used as a medicine, it is prescribed to even the smallest patients, starting from the second half of life. It is low in toxicity, with proper dosage, there are usually no problems. For the death of pinworms and ascarids, usually there is only one reception.

Piperazine is a popular drug, it is now a bit dated, it has a narrow spectrum of action. But this drug is practically non-toxic. This medicine does not cause the death of worms, but only paralyzes them, so they do not poison their disintegration with the patient's body, but go paralyzed with feces.

Complex treatment of worms in children

What tablets give children from worms? Before you stuff the child with medicines, you first need to identify the presence of infestation. Once an accurate diagnosis is established, complex treatment is necessary. It includes not only taking antiparasitic tablets. Treatment is carried out according to a certain scheme:

  • Before you designate even the best worms for children, you need to prepare the body for treatment. To purify the poisons, allocated by worms, sorbents are assigned, which must be taken for 3 days.
  • Then the doctor can prescribe antihistamines, they will help to avoid allergic reactions and help to better tolerate possible intoxication.
  • And only then pills against worms for children are prescribed, together with them doctors often prescribe choleretic preparations that protect the liver from harmful effects.
  • After a medication course of treatment it is important to follow a special diet so that the body as soon as possible came back to normal. The reception of protein and sour-milk food is shown. In addition, you need to eat more fiber, it will help get rid of harmful substances in the intestines. You can drink vitamin complexes. Flour products and sweets are best excluded from the diet.

For an adult and healthy person, parasites are not dangerous, because the immune system is taken with them. But in children immunity is practically not developed, their body has a weak protective reaction, which is why larvae of parasites get into the young organism and feel great and actively reproduce. Tablets from worms for children are simply necessary, without them it is extremely difficult to overcome worms.

Parasitic diseases can affect children from all walks of life. Infection can occur on a walk when they play in the sandbox or contact street animals. Children are all pulled into the mouth, especially dirty hands, so infection is difficult to avoid.

Tablets from worms in children often cause nausea, abdominal pain and other unpleasant side effects. But such drugs must be used, because helminthic invasion can harm the health of the child. Especially at risk are the following children:

  • who have pets;
  • not accustomed to hygiene, rarely wash their hands;
  • living in rural areas and using unwashed vegetables and fruits from the garden;
  • in which the house is not regularly wet cleaning.

The above factors increase the risk of helminth infection. If in a kindergarten one child is infected with pinworms, then the likelihood of infection and others is high. That is why children's pills from worms are given time to time in gardens and schools.

Tablets from worms for children are different, but it is better that they are appointed by a doctor, then the treatment will be successful. Parents should remember that the more effective the drug, the more toxic it is. That's why the dosage should be correct so that unpleasant consequences can be avoided.

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