Symptoms of pinworm( enterobiosis) in the liver

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Most often, pinworms - white small round worms - parasitize the intestines of the host's body. But with a large accumulation of helminths, they begin to actively migrate. Invasive eggs of pinworms enter the liver with blood flow. If this happens, the diagnosis is "enterobiosis."What can be dangerous to this phenomenon? What symptoms can indicate it? The answers in this article.

Why do worms in the liver occur quite often? This body is able to create optimal conditions for their life. There are active metabolic processes in it, liver cells( hepatocytes) contain a large number of nutrients, the blood flow of the organ described is arranged in such a way that the most basic migratory fluxes of parasites, pinworms, including. That's why the alien protozoa so readily "settle" here and parasitize for a long time.

What can be dangerous for enterobiasis of the liver? Once in the body, pinworms provoke the formation of microabscesses and small necrosis. Round worms cause the development of hepatitis and cholangitis - inflammation of the bile ducts. During an exacerbation of similar diseases the organ considerably increases in sizes, at a palpation patients feel painful sensations. These are not the only signs of the presence of pinworms.

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Symptoms of pinworms in the liver

In the initial stages of infection, the signs of invasion are difficult to determine, they are secretive, when the first signs appear( nausea, unjustified headaches, irritability and bad sleep) ordinary inhabitants do not associate them with the presence of parasites. Only an experienced doctor with concomitant symptoms is able to determine how far the enterobiasis of the liver has gone. The presence of pinworms in the liver can indicate acne, pigmentation on the face, early wrinkles, brittle nails, cracks on the heels, the presence of papillomas. If an unpleasant smell comes from the mouth, the taste of iron in the mouth, if the feeling of hunger excruciates constantly, even after a short break after the last meal, if the body weight falls, sleep is broken - this is an excuse to seek help from a parasitologist or helminthologist. Only specialists, after conducting a thorough diagnostic study, will be able to confirm or refute the diagnosis.

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