Carnation from worms, how to take in the treatment against helminths for children and adults, powder and oil, useful properties, can it be mixed with flax, dill, honey, ginger?

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Treatment of worm cloves is an effective and affordable way to get rid of these parasites. The method is applicable in both adults and children( because of good tolerability and minimal amount of side effects).Traditional medicine suggests using cloves against worms as monotherapy( the only component in the recipe) or combined with other medicinal plants. In the latter case, it is possible to achieve potentiation( enhancement) of the therapeutic effect leading to more effective parasite death. Usually, combined prescriptions are recommended for severe disease in combination with the use of chemically synthesized pharmacological preparations.

Useful properties of cloves from worms help to solve this problem in a complex way. This medicinal plant, which is also a spice, has a number of therapeutic effects that lead to the death of parasites:

  • Direct anthelminthic activity associated with a violation of the life cycle of the
  • worm. Anesthesia by suppressing the formation of algesic( pain-potentiating) prostaglandins
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  • An intense diuretic action that helps to fightintoxication
  • Prevention and elimination of spasm of smooth bowel musculature, leading to additional analgesia
  • Povshenie appetite, which on the background of helminthic infestations significantly reduced( particularly active symptom often found in pediatric patients)
  • Amplification regenerative processes in the mucosa, damaged worms.

The use of cloves from helminths is due to the high content of aromatics( eugenol, karyriophyll, ylangen) - up to 20%.They have direct antiparasitic effects. From this point of view, it is most rational to take clove oil from worms, in which the concentration of aromatic esters is maximal.

The positive effect of cloves in helminthiases is proved by traditional medicine. So, on the basis of this medicinal raw material, about 60 pharmacological preparations have been created. They are widely prescribed by pediatricians.their reception is practically not accompanied by the development of side effects. Carnation from worms to children can be recommended by doctors as the first agent in therapy of enterobiasis( infection with pinworms).

How to take cloves from worms?

It is best to purchase whole inflorescences and grind them yourself. To do this, you can use a coffee grinder. The resulting powder of cloves from worms should be eaten before eating. A single dose is one-fourth of a teaspoon, i.e.1.25 g( for more accurate dispensing of the powder you can use a pharmacy balance).

It is advisable to use cloves before each meal in about 25-30 minutes. This will allow her to maximize the therapeutic properties, will directly affect the parasites. If you do not wait half an hour, the medicinal raw material will mix with the food clot, and the relative concentration of necessary substances in the lumen of the intestine will become lower. Therefore, the therapeutic activity of the plant under such conditions is minimized.

Combined recipes from worms with cloves

Recipes based on a combination of medicinal plants using this spice can be:

  1. Flax and cloves from worms - one of the most popular and effective combined recipes. For its preparation, it is necessary to grind the components in a coffee grinder, and flax is required 10 times more than spices( ratio 10: 1).Take should be either alone before eating 15-20 g( equivalent to 1 tablespoon) or add to cooked meals. During the day requires a three-time reception, continue it should be 1 month. The advantage of this recipe from worms is the permissibility of its use in gastritis and ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract, in which monotherapy with this spice is contraindicated.
  2. Take the fennel seeds( 6 tablespoons) and clove inflorescences( 1 tablespoon), connect with each other. One part of the resulting mixture is ground, and then mixed with the rest. Shredded and whole seeds can affect parasites living both in the thin and in the large intestine. The course lasts only 3 days. Take 1/3 of the mixture every day on an empty stomach and wash down with a glass of water.
  3. You can mix honey, ginger( crushed fresh root) and cloves from worms in a ratio of 0.5: 1: 1.On the day of the mixture used for 1 teaspoon. The approximate duration of admission is 1 week.

Clove contraindications for worms

When treating worms at home, it should be noted that there are certain contraindications. Funds based on this raw material can not be taken in the following situations:

  • 2 year old child
  • gestation period
  • lactation period( breastfeeding)
  • exacerbation of ulcerative processes affecting the digestive system( peptic ulcer, nonspecific colitis ulcerative, etc.)
  • allergicintolerance to this spice.
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