Pinworms in the lungs and nose

In their medical practice, physicians recorded cases when pinworms were found in the lungs, and even in the nose. How do they get there? How dangerous can such an invasion be? Is it possible to prevent the development of dangerous complications? These issues require detailed consideration.

Paths of infection with pinworms are well studied. Round worms from the family of nematodes are transmitted from person to person. Invasive eggs enter the gastrointestinal tract by the oral route. Under the action of digestive enzymes eggshell dissolves, the larvae move further and settle at the end of the small intestine. Pinworms are bisexual roundworms. In the act of mating, both males and females participate. The males die after this and naturally leave the intestine. Fertilized female parasitizes in the colon of the colon. To perform masonry, she, overcoming the rectum, climbs out and mites around the anus. This process causes severe itching. The infected person tries to get rid of it and combs the anus. During this time, the eggs are hammered under the fingernails, they remain on the fingers, so they are easily carried throughout the apartment.

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How can pinworms appear in the nose and in the lungs? In fact, there are two ways:

  1. A person can scratch his nose with dirty hands. Invasive eggs are fixed in the sinuses on the mucosa. This is a favorable environment for the transformation of the larva into an adult. When she ripens, the pinworm will easily descend through the larynx into the lungs.
  2. Drop pinworm in the nose, and then into the lungs during the act of breathing. If an infected person lives in the house, it can become a source of infestation that affects all other members of the family. And all because the contact-household way of spreading infectious enterobiosis is the fastest, consequently, and dangerous.

The danger of pinworm in the lungs and in the sinuses is obvious. The patient may be tormented by persistent rhinitis, which is not amenable to the usual medical treatment. Pinworms, living in the lungs, provoke the development of chronic bronchitis and even pneumonia. When nematodes settle in the lungs, treatment is often based on the conduct of surgical intervention. And this is a great stress for any organism, the consequences of which are difficult to predict. That is why when it is suspected that there is an enterobiosis, it is important to seek help from specialists and not engage in self-medication.

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