Mixed helminthiases( helminthic invasions, polyinvasions)

Mixed helminthiases are helminthic invasions, in which several varieties of parasites are present within the body. Polyinvasions are found mainly in countries along the tropical belt of the earth. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that several groups of parasites or even several of their varieties can parasitize simultaneously. This becomes possible if the infection occurred in several places. A person can walk along the beach barefoot during the day, drink insufficiently clean water, eat poorly washed exotic fruits and get a disease in which geo-and biohelminthics will get on peacefully inside.

Features of the clinical picture are associated with the phases of development of mixed helminthiosis. They all go through several stages:

  1. The initial stage is characterized by the introduction of different types and types of parasites. They are indicated by different symptoms. Manifestations largely depend on which parasites have entered the host's body. The most dangerous mixed worm infestations develop when both round and flat worms begin to parasitize simultaneously. Their eggs and larvae, migrating, sow almost all organs. On their surfaces are formed wounds or foci of inflammation. Since the first symptoms are similar to the symptoms of ARVI or ARI, few who from infected patients connect them with mixed helminthiasis. This is why the treatment is rarely performed at the initial stages.
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  2. The second stage is associated with the development of parasites. With mixed helminthiases, it begins two weeks or a month after infection. During this period, there are signs of a general weakening of the body. The patient may complain of severe malaise, poor health, painful sensations arising in different parts of the body.
  3. The third stage is the process of active multiplication of parasites. One adult can reproduce up to one and a half thousand eggs. Mixed helminthiases are dangerous because they are always acute. The patient has numerous poisonings, he can complain about the manifestation of allergic reactions, the appearance of rashes throughout the body. Drastically reduced immunity, there are disorders of the vegetative-vascular system.
  4. The final phase is capable of proceeding according to two scenarios: if the patient has turned in time for help, drug therapy will help complete the destruction of worms, if the final host has shown recklessness, polyinvasions often lead to death. The most common complication of mixed helminthiosis is intestinal obstruction, formation, and then perforation of the ulcer, cardiac obstruction. It is these diseases that lead to death.

Diagnosis and prevention of mixed helminthic invasion

There are no clear time periods for the stages of mixed helminthiosis, it can last for a month, and maybe several years. It all depends on what parasites get inside the host's body. Some laboratory tests help to diagnose helminthiasis. This study of feces, eggs of some parasites can be seen with the naked eye. In feces with mixed helminthiases, parasites are often found. Their presence is indicated by the itching occurring in the anus, the presence of parasites can be determined by the blood test. What other tests are performed during the diagnosis of polyinfusion:

  • Bile extraction. It is performed when there is a suspicion of a mixed helminthic invasion affecting the hepatic system.
  • Study of mucus from the lungs. A smear is formed from it, which is examined for the presence of parasites in the lungs.
  • Scuffing on the skin. With the help of it, the presence of linear parasites is revealed.
  • Muscle biopsy. This analysis helps to determine the presence of trichinella, echinococcus, schistosome and cestode.
  • In the presence of cysts, their contents are examined.
  • There are studies that help identify antigens - reactions that indicate the presence of certain types of parasites.

To prevent mixed helminthiases allow some preventative measures. In the summer every two days you need to change your bed, every day - underwear. You can not drink dirty unboiled water, fish and meat are important to prepare well and do not eat weak or medium-sized fries. Vegetables and fruits are thoroughly washed before eating. Often mixed helminthiases are called "a disease of unwashed hands".Therefore, you need to turn on the faucet as often as possible, take soap in your hands and wash your hands thoroughly during the day.

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