Worms in children in 3 years, drugs( drugs, pills) from helminths to a child of 3 years, symptoms, signs and treatment, what to give for prevention?

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The child's organism is at the stage of formation of all organs and systems in 3 years, therefore it is very sensitive to aggressive external influences. Infection with worms can be detrimental to the development and growth of a child at 3 years of age - but even with the timely detection of helminths, it is worth considering very carefully the choice of the right treatment.

It is important not only to get rid of worms - it is necessary to preserve the health of a three-year-old child and provide his body with the resources necessary for successful recovery.

Infection with worms, when a child is 1,5-3 years old, occurs in several main ways.

The most common variant is infection through contact with the external environment. For example, children 3 years and older often pat dogs or cats on the streets, actively come into contact with the environment, which can serve as a kind of incubator for parasite larvae.3-year-old child willingly plays with other people's toys - and most of them prefer to try "for a tooth."Meanwhile, getting into the oral cavity, and then into the gastrointestinal tract, larvae undergo partial destruction under the influence of acid-alkaline environment, and come out of the state of anabiosis, beginning to actively develop.

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However, an alternative route of infection by worms is possible - through the mother's body, with blood flow, or even during breastfeeding.

Symptoms of worms in a child at 3 years old

Medical statistics show that 80% of children between the ages of 3 and 8-10 experience some degree of infection with helminthic invasion.

As a rule, this defeat manifests itself quite aggressively, and it is not difficult to notice signs of the presence of parasites in the child's body.

The main symptoms of the presence of worms in a child at 3 years are the following:

  • unmotivated changes in appetite( absence or increased manifestations without weight changes);
  • spasmodic pain localized near the navel;
  • frequent diarrhea or constipation;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • skin deterioration, pallor and allergic reactions;
  • blue under the eyes;
  • capriciousness, bad sleep;
  • itching in the anal area.

However, some types of worms can develop in the body without causing a specific set of symptoms. Therefore, it is very important to adhere to the rules of basic prevention, and regularly undergo medical examinations.

In addition, methods for diagnosing worms are not always effective - therefore parasitologists use complex diagnostics for children of 3 years, including blood tests, feces, samples for enterobiasis and giardiasis.

Prevention and treatment of helminths in a child in 3 years

In 3 years, correct nutrition and active lifestyles are very important for children - but the risk of infection with worms is very high. If the diagnosis showed the presence of worms in the body of the child - should immediately begin treatment. But what drugs should I use?

Do not give the child 3 years of potent drugs and pills - it is better to use more gentle means. In addition, it should be remembered that anthelmintic drugs have a toxic effect, so taking them without prescribing a doctor is not recommended.

What to give a child in 3 years from worms?

Children at 3 years of age usually receive moderate-dose medications, although they are not always effective enough.

For example, one of the most popular drugs is Piperazine - but it is effective only at the initial phases of infection with worms.

Quite good remedies for controlling worms are Pirantel preparations, which can be prescribed for children from 6 months, and Mebendazol( for children in 3 years).The child of 3 years can also be prescribed Albendazole - a powerful effective remedy against most types of helminth and a variety of concomitant pathological manifestations.

Children aged 3 years and older are also prescribed Decaris - a more complex remedy effective against infection with a wide range of worms.

It is worth knowing that anthelminthic drugs have a wide range of side effects - the most common of which are:

  • attacks of nausea;
  • headaches;
  • sleep disorders;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • changes in skin condition;
  • painful manifestations;
  • other, specific symptoms indicated in the instructions for use.

In addition, in order to eliminate parasites, antihistamines are also used in the fight against worms - it is recommended for children of 3 years to give them in the form of a suspension or syrup.

The process of cleansing the child's body in 3 years from worms is quite long and painful for the body, as it is accompanied by significant changes in the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and general exhaustion. Therefore, the use of drugs should be alternated with entrosorbents, which help stabilize the bowel.

Do not forget about preventive measures, the main of which is compliance with hygiene rules, the formation of hygienic consciousness in a child in 3 years - it is necessary from the very beginning to teach him to wash his hands after a walk and before meals, proper nutrition, regular preventive examinations and consultations with the treatingdoctor.

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