Symptoms of bovine tapeworm in humans, characteristic signs of infection with shtayearhinosis

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Bovine tapeworm is a parasite, a tapeworm with a length of 5 meters. People become infected with it, as a rule, with the use of meat of cattle containing larvae and poorly treated with heat( half-baked or raw beef meat, stroganina).You can get sick by trying raw minced meat or using a badly washed cutting board and knife.

The larva shell, once ingested in humans, dissolves, and the helminth is attached to the wall of the small intestine by means of suction cups. This leads to the appearance of the first symptoms of bovine tapeworm. He grows very quickly, adds about 10 cm every day. An adult worm has thousands of segments with a huge number of eggs, mature segments come off and independently come out. If you do not conduct de-worming, then the worm will live inside to twenty years, causing great damage to the owner. As a result, the clinical symptomatology is constantly changing, which is determined by the type of the developed complication.

The disease caused by a bull chain is called "shadowarhinhas".There are various signs on which it is possible to determine helminthiasis. Knowing these characteristics and symptoms of the disease will help to establish the correct diagnosis.

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Symptoms of bovine catheter

The incubation period when a bovine catheter hits the intestine lasts from 1.5 to 3-4 months. This early stage of the lesion often occurs without any symptoms, it is not sufficiently studied, and the current of this stage is considered erased, without pronounced features. Then there is a transition of the disease to the chronic phase, and various signs of teniarinchiasis may appear. It is widely believed that with helminthiosis people immediately begin to eat a lot, and that this can indicate the disease. However, in addition to changes in appetite, there are still a number of characteristic symptoms of helminthiosis.

The parasite secretes toxic products of vital activity, and this contributes to the appearance of various allergic reactions( metabolites of bovine chain cause sensitization of the human body).Suckers damage the mucosa of the small intestine, disrupt the integrity of the wall, movements of the worm and its segments lead to irritation and inflammation of the intestine.

The chain, like all helminths, also intensively absorbs valuable nutrients, as a result of which their human deficiency manifests itself. In addition, the anti- ferment of the worm blocks some enzymes in the intestine. The process of digestion is oppressed.

The main symptoms of a tenanthinch are as follows:

  • Dyspeptic syndrome. There is nausea, vomiting is possible, unstable stools( diarrhea or constipation).Salivation increases, heartburn, rumbling in the abdomen and flatulence;
  • Asthenovegetative syndrome. The patient experiences general weakness, becomes irritable and quickly becomes tired. Sleep is broken, dizziness and headache occur. In some cases, bovine tapeworm promotes the emergence of Meniere's syndrome, as well as epileptiform seizures;
  • Abdominal syndrome. When infection is concerned, cramping pains in the abdomen, a symptom - the location of the pain can be different( in the epigastrium - the stomach area, in the lower abdomen - the iliac region).Perhaps the appearance of colic, if the segment of the bovine chain passes through the buginia flap or falls into the appendix( there is pain, as with appendicitis).Violation of the motility of the biliary tract( dyskinesia) is the cause of biliary colic. The worm can penetrate the gallbladder and cause acute cholecystitis, it can penetrate the pancreas, perforate the duodenum or cause intestinal obstruction.

Also a symptom of bovine tapeworm is an increase in the number of eosinophils( eosinophilia), a decrease in the level of leukocytes( leukopenia), and the occurrence of mild anemia( with a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells).Often in people, the acidity of the stomach decreases, this is found during the study of gastric secretion.

Symptoms of arthritis

Larvae of bovine tapeworm can enter other organs - vessels, respiratory system, which also leads to the appearance of various pathologies( appendicitis, cholecystitis, increased intracranial pressure, pancreatitis, hydrocephalus, cholangitis).It is possible to detect a symptom of the disease in X-ray examination - a change in the relief of the intestinal mucosa, the folds of the Kerkring( intestinal folds of the mucous membrane) can be changed dramatically.

Symptoms of helminthiosis include an upset of appetite. The patient first feels his strong increase, and then the appetite drops sharply. The weight of a person can increase, become redundant, or, on the contrary, fall. In some cases, glossitis occurs( swelling of the tongue, inflammation, discoloration).Bovine tapeworm can provoke the appearance of such a symptom as urticaria exanthema - urticaria, an allergic rash.

Another variant is possible, when the infected does not feel any changes in the body with teniarinhosis, and the only sign of the bovine tapeworm in man is the output of the helminth segments through the anus. They can stand out on their own( usually at night, traces remain on the bedclothes) or can be found in feces. It is on the basis of this symptom and in the study of the overall clinical picture that the final diagnosis is made.

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