Vermox with ascariasis, in the treatment of ascaris in children

There are several antiparasitic drugs that can be used to treat ascariasis - Vermox including. When can its application be justified? What is the effect of its active biological substance? Whether such medicine is prescribed for children? An instruction and a brief description of the antihelminthic agent will help you find answers to these questions.

In order to answer the question when Vermox can be justified in treating ascaridosis in children and adults, specialists pay attention to the mechanism of its action. This drug, or rather its active substance mebendazole, unlike Decaris does not cause paralysis of roundworms, but provokes a disruption in the production of tubulin, a component that interferes with the process of assimilating glucose ascarids, the main component in the formation of vital energy of worms. Due to lack of internal energy, the work of all vitally important helminth organism systems is gradually disrupted. As a result, the death of adult ascaris.

Vermox exerts its destructive effect on helminths in the intestine, dead ascarids go out together with feces naturally. Only a tenth of the drug is absorbed by the walls of the hollow organ. Getting into the blood, the main component accumulates in adipose tissue and in the liver. From there it is excreted along with urine.

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Vermox application with ascariasis is justified when there are pinworms in the human body together with it. Mixed infestations occur quite often, so drugs that have a wide spectrum of action are always in demand. Vermox has a harmful effect not only on nematodes, but also on tapeworms. Considering the fact that the immunity of modern man is greatly weakened, the scheme of treatment of ascaridosis is constructed in this way:

  1. At first the patient receives a single reception of Decaris. Taking this medication causes ascaris temporary paralysis. Adult individuals lose their mobility, so they become more vulnerable. Up to 90% of paralyzed helminths are excreted outwardly during the emptying of the intestine. But the tenth part remains.
  2. That's why it becomes advisable at the second stage to register Vermox's reception. He will finally finish the parasites and will achieve full recovery.

How to take Vermox with ascariasis?

This preparation is administered with caution to children. And all because he is very toxic. Often even in adults, when taking this medication, side effects occur. Patients often complain of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, unexplained headaches, and the appearance of blood in the urine. The intake of Vermox can be accompanied by an increase in allergic reactions. Therefore, drink it must be extremely cautious, strictly observing the prescribed dosage.

In mixed invasions and with ascariasis, Vermox is taken in a special regimen: one tablet twice a day, morning and evening. The course is held for three days. For children up to two years, the dosage is selected in strictly individual order by the doctor. Considering the fact that the active substance of the described preparation adversely affects the liver of the child, it is advisable to maintain a diet that prevents the intake of fatty foods during the intake. In order to reduce the risks of possible complications after the withdrawal of ascarids, it is recommended that maintenance therapy be conducted for ten days, involving absorption of absorbents, choleretic preparations and probiotics. Vermox is sold in a pharmacy and is issued only after the presentation of the prescription issued by the doctor.

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