How to understand that you have worms, whether there are helminths in an adult human or child( babe, baby), did they come out, what signs and symptoms?

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For every person, summer is a time of holidays, a summer season, fishing trips, a period of swimming in the sea and numerous outings on nature. In summer, you are surrounded by a lot of fresh and healthy vegetables and fruits. But for fun and relaxation, we forget that at every step we are in danger. Warm time is the most favorable for reproduction of many parasites, due to what so the level of incidence of infectious diseases so considerably increases. The leading place in this list is occupied by helminth infection. Therefore, everyone should know how to understand if you have worms and what to do in such cases?

To understand that your worms do not always work with ease. The disease in each person proceeds in different ways. Very often you may not have symptoms. But more often the presence of manifestations depends on which of the organs the helminths have penetrated. And yet, how to understand that you have helminths? For example, if the parasite is in the lungs, the first manifestation is likely to be a cough, if in the digestive tract - that can manifest itself by any violation of the digestive system( nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, etc.).But these manifestations are not specific for helminthiosis, so it will be difficult for you to diagnose them on their basis.

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By what signs can you understand that a person has worms?

Manifestations of the disease can be varied. How then can you understand that you have helminths? There are a number of the most frequently observed signs on the basis of which it is possible to suspect helminthiasis:

  1. If you have a change in body weight. It can be observed as weight loss( due to a decrease in appetite), and an increase( because helminths negatively affect metabolism);
  2. Skin infection. Eels, spots, various rashes, which is a manifestation of an allergic reaction, may appear. The skin becomes more rough;
  3. Disturbances from the nervous system. There is sluggishness, reduced efficiency, irritability. You are disturbed by sleep, more often because during nighttime( mostly at 2-3 am) helminths crawl through the anus, resulting in unpleasant sensations in the anus;
  4. Lesion of the gastrointestinal tract. If you have complaints about morning sickness, pain in the navel or right hypochondrium( if the worm penetrated the liver).Constipation may occur because a number of helminths( or one large size) have blocked the passage of one of the intestine or bile ducts. Diarrhea in you can appear when the wall of the intestine is damaged by parasites, as a result of which the absorption of water is impaired;
  5. Lesion of joints and muscles. Very often helminths penetrate into the joint fluid, due to which there is inflammation. You have pain in the joint, swelling, increased local temperature, limited movements;
  6. Allergic reactions that result from the increase in immunoglobulin G. You may have an allergy to something that was not there before.

How to understand what kind of worms a person has?

How to understand what exactly helminths in humans is very difficult, since there are more than 300 species of these parasites. Depending on the symptoms and the possible cause of infection, we can assume the type of worm.

How to understand that babies have worms? Breasts are relatively less likely to become infected with worms. But, nevertheless, there is always a chance to pick up helminths. Often mothers ask such a question, how to understand that the child has worms? There are a number of manifestations that will help you to suspect the presence of parasites in the child's body. These are the following symptoms:

  • restless sleep;
  • stool disorder;
  • dark circles under the eyes and pale skin;
  • symptom of a "wet cushion"( increased salivation at night);
  • itching in the perianal region;
  • reduction in body weight gain.

If the child has such symptoms, it is worthwhile to see a doctor for timely diagnosis and treatment of helminthiosis.

How to understand that one-year-old child has worms?

One-year-old children are much more likely to have helminthiasis. Since at this age there is an increasing interest in the environment, contact with contaminated objects increases, after playing in the sandbox or with animals, the child draws dirty hands into the mouth.

Almost 80% of helminthiases are caused by representatives of roundworms. These are pinworms and ascarids, less often - whipworms, Trichinella, etc.

So how do you know if the child has worms? Symptoms very slightly differ from those observed in infants. But this list still adds complaints of abdominal pain, frequent headaches, various types of allergies.

How to understand what worms come out?

If a child has an itching in the perianal region during the dark, this may mean that the worms come out.

How to understand that the worms came out? Such helminths as ascarids and pinworms can be detected with the naked eye in the feces of the child. But some after they die, break up into fragments, so they can not be found. How to understand in this case that the worms came out? In such situations, only doctors - infectious disease specialists or parasitologists can help.

So, to understand, whether there are worms in a person, it is rather difficult, if not to be attentive. If you or your child have suspicions of having parasites in the body of worms, it is better to seek medical help.

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