How to pull a worm at home to a person?

To pull out worms at home, a person can do it! If you suspect that uninvited occupants have settled in your body, then urgent measures should be taken. And then general recommendations come to the rescue:

  • Washing of the palms, especially after contact with cats and dogs
  • Use of personal utensils
  • Presence of own towel
  • Smoothing of underwear( high temperatures are harmful for eggs of worms)
  • Drinking only boiled water.

However, only these measures will not help to pull worms out of the body. If you are not in a hurry while on a visit to a doctor, then you should resort to recipes of traditional medicine, which were used even in the era of the absence of any medications.

Pull the worm out of the body, especially if it's enterobiosis( pinworm), pumpkin seeds help. Their therapeutic effect is associated with cucurbitacin. This substance is contained in the green skin of the seeds. It is destroyed under the influence of high temperatures, so for medicinal purposes it is recommended to use raw seeds. In order to maximize the concentration in the intestine of cucurbitin, the seeds should either be crushed or thoroughly chewed. To enhance the effect to them, it is recommended to add honey. After 3-4 hours after applying the "pumpkin" method, it is recommended to make microclysters to ensure the release of helminths from the intestine. If this is not done, then the risk of intoxication with products of parasite metabolism increases several fold.

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To remove worms from the body at home help and decoctions of medicinal plants. Tansy and wormwood are especially effective. The bitterness that they possess makes their reception not very pleasant. But it is these chemical compounds that have a harmful effect on the worms and help them to be pulled out of the body. Ready to prepare a decoction simply. Take ready raw materials( 1 tablespoon) and pour it only boiled boiling water( 1 glass).To insist the broth should within half an hour. Then it is taken for 35-40 ml for 20-30 minutes before meals. The duration of such treatment can reach 1-2 months( until the symptoms associated with worms completely disappear).

It is very important to take any anthelminthic agent not only during the day, but also at night. It is at this time that it will prove especially effective and help pull the helminth outwards. The fact is that at night food does not enter the human body and the helminth, experiencing starvation, detaches from the intestinal wall and begins to "eat" the medication( decoction of wormwood, tansy, pumpkin seeds, etc.).

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