Cognac and castor oil( castor oil) from worms, how to remove helminth this remedy, prescription for treatment, disposal( cleansing) with the help of sweet tea

For all people who have encountered the problem of helminthiasis, it is familiar with such a state as the constant search for an effective remedy that will be of real help in removing parasites from the body. Traditional medicines, despite the high effectiveness of treatment with them, many take care of, as they are very toxic and can have many side effects, disrupting the functioning of vital organs. That's why patients with this ailment focus on finding suitable folk remedies. Many sources mention such an original recipe that allows you to get rid of a large number of varieties of worms like castor oil with cognac. Such a folk drug, which has a lot of positive organs, also helps to cleanse the intestines from toxins that are the products of the vital activity of parasitic worms.

What is the point of treating worms with cognac and castor oil and how to properly conduct it? This question is of interest to many, therefore, the recipe for this original remedy, as well as the rules for its reception, should be considered in more detail. The meaning of this therapeutic event is that cognac does not intoxicate helminths, as many believe, but paralyzes the musculature of their bodies. As a result, the worms are unable for some time to stick to the walls of the intestines with hooks or suckers and, as it were, hang freely inside it. When helminths are in such a "suspended" state, fighting them is not difficult. Right now, and should drink castor oil, which produces a good lax effect. Do not forget about the nuance of this recipe, like the use of simultaneously with 50 grams of cognac sweet tea, which will "attract" the attention of worms.

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Tea is best for this purpose to use green, as it stimulates the bowels well, because of which the efficiency of castor oil increases. For one procedure, a cup of this sweet drink is enough. That used in this recipe, castor oil, which has a specific taste, did not cause nausea, after its reception, you can chew a piece of lemon. The network has a large number of video and photo materials, giving a full visual representation of how this tool works. On many videos you can see how the worms come out of the body "from cognac worms.

Rules for cleaning worms with cognac and castor oil

In order for this procedure to be effective and not cause side effects, the body should be prepared for it. For this, the following is done:

  • First of all, you should pay attention to the power. A few days before the treatment of helminthiasis with cognac and castor oil, it is necessary to completely abandon fried, flour, sweet and fatty. Alcohol before excision of worms should also be excluded;
  • If this method removes helminths in children, the alcoholic beverage used in it is diluted with water, and castor oil is given in combination with products that soften its taste. It can be jelly or compotes, which it washed down;
  • For a couple of hours before the beginning of the procedure for cleansing the body of worms with the help of cognac, you must refuse from eating food.

The effectiveness of the action of a drug that can save a person from helminths depends on the individual characteristics of each. Someone starts it 2 hours after taking the medicine, and some can take up to 8 hours. In this regard, this procedure is best done before bedtime, so that the desire to urgently emptied was not taken by surprise. There are also several rules, the fulfillment of which is obligatory when worms are culled with cognac and castor oil. They are as follows:

  • To help with this procedure was notable, spend it for 5-7 days in a row. During this time, with each stool in the stool, paralyzed helminths and their larvae will be contained;
  • Additional laxatives, as well as enemas are strictly not recommended. Applying them will be too big a blow for the body;
  • If after the first day of treatment from the worms cognac and tea, parasites do not come out, do not stop. The procedure for fidelity needs to be done 2-3 more times.

After the worms cease to leave the body, "intoxicated" with cognac, the procedure should be stopped. After it is carried out, the workability of vital organs damaged by parasites and secreted by them should be restored without fail. Repeat the process of eliminating worms with the help of cognac can be in a half to two years. This procedure does not cause side effects and is quite useful, since infections with parasitic worms can occur at any time, and it is quite difficult to learn about the invasion according to the corresponding symptomatology, since many species of helminthiases do not have specific features.

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