Drugs of a wide spectrum of action from worms in humans are a universal complex remedy for all types of helminths

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Before any person infected with helminths, the question arises of how to get rid of this scourge in the shortest possible time and what medicine can help most quickly. All forces at this time rush to find the most effective means that can quickly cope with the invasion of the body. Experts in most cases advise in such a situation to use preparations from worms of a wide spectrum of action. These are modern versatile means that affect not one but several types of parasites, as well as their larval stages. But it should be remembered that it is strictly not recommended to begin the fight without consulting a doctor, for the following reasons:

  • Incorrect intake or violation of the dosage of a wide-spectrum preparation can cause death in some worm species, but their migration to other organs;
  • In the absence of concomitant therapy, serious liver damage can occur. In addition, immunity is greatly weakened;
  • Some universal antiparasitic medicines for people with prolonged use cause severe toxicosis.
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Treatment of helminthiosis in humans should be accompanied by regular laboratory tests that detect any abnormalities in the body caused by the action of the drug. This allows a specialist to promptly replace a prescribed anthelminthic drug with a broad spectrum of action for a safer analogue for humans. Before you start choosing a tool, you need to fully understand the modern requirements for it. Therapy with the help of a selected medicine should not only give a high percentage of destruction of parasites, but also a virtually complete absence of adverse reactions. It is also desirable that the selected broad-spectrum preparation can affect not only the different types of parasites, but also at all stages of development of the worms - from eggs to the sexually mature individual. In addition, it is recommended to pay attention to the convenience and acceptability of the therapy conducted with the help of its therapeutic course. For this, the multiplicity of drug intake, its form of output, and cost should be considered.

Complex preparations for worms for humans

Most experienced specialists recommend using not one but several antiparasitic agents. This provides the widest range of action in the process of destroying parasites. Complex use of them in most cases is the most effective way to destroy parasites. Most often the following course is prescribed:

  • Decaris( Levamisole) once in the age-related dosage. It breaks the carbohydrate metabolism in the parasites and weakens them;
  • Any versatile antihelminthic agents of the broad spectrum from the group of albendazoles( Sanoxal, Nemosol) or mebendazoles( Wormin, Vermox, Vero-Mebendazole).They should be taken no later than 3 days after Decaris.

Why are these broad spectrum drugs prescribed in the second stage of complex therapy, and what is the effect of their active substances on worms? The effect of mebendazoles is that they disrupt all vital processes in the cells of worms( glucose disposal, synthesis of cell turbulence and the formation of ATP).This leads to rapid death of the parasite. Mebendazole is a broad-spectrum antihelminthic drug for a person who is effective in such common invasions as multiple nematodes, trichocephalosis, strongyloidiasis, ankylostomidosis, ascariasis and enterobiosis.

The mechanism of action of albendazoles is that they kill parasites by changing the flow in their cells of certain biochemical processes. They best help in cases of infection with larval forms of nematodes and cestodes. Modern wide-spectrum drugs, prescribed at the second stage of treatment of worms, are well tolerated by humans because of their low toxicity.

Modern preparations from wide-spectrum helminths of

The action of all these preparations depends on the active substance taken as a basis. In some helminthic invasions, pyrantel( Nemocide, Helmintox) is used. But you should know that although they have a wide spectrum of action, their effectiveness is lower than that of mebendazole-based drugs, and safety is the same as with other medications. To proceed with the selection of an anthelmintic remedy for a person is necessary only after the appointment of a specialist made after carrying out the necessary diagnostic studies.

In our time, the pharmacological industry offers a sufficient number of synthetic drugs designed to kill worms in the human body. They are all relatively safe for the patient and have high anthelmintic activity. Most often, the specialists prescribe the following antiparasitic medicines having a wide spectrum of action:

  • Levamisol( Decaris).This broad-spectrum preparation for humans is usually prescribed for such types of helminthic invasions as strongyloidiasis and ascariasis. He is also prescribed during non-carotid, trichostrongyloidosis and ankylostomiasis. The active substance of this antiparasitic agent has a paralyzing effect on adults, and then they are eliminated from the body naturally. In addition, this broad-spectrum antihelminthic drug enhances the cellular immunity of a person, rather than destroys it. Levamisole causes paralysis of the musculature of nematodes. Due to its high efficacy for ascariasis, it is used for mass deworming. Parasites on which tablets have acted are usually removed dead in the first day of application of Decaris;
  • Pirantel is also a broad-spectrum drug. To many people he is familiar and under other names - Nemotsid, Helmintoks or Kombantinrin. After taking this medicine by a person localized in his body, the worm causes a prolonged and persistent neuromuscular blockade. Pirantel is prescribed during therapy of trichocephalosis, non-carotid, ankylostomidosis and enterobiosis. The action of this broad-spectrum antihelminthic drug is the development of neuromuscular blockade in the worms. They have paralyzed muscles, as a result of which the worms sensitive to this universal remedy are detached from the walls of the intestine, and can not again attach themselves and are discharged from the calves to the outside;
  • A broad-spectrum drug Nemozol( Albendazole) is used in almost all types of helminthic invasions in humans. It can destroy most worms-parasites. The effect of this drug is to suppress the utilization of glucose and disturb the intestinal system of the parasite. As a result of this, the digestive functions of parasitic worms are violated, they perish and are emitted from the calves to the outside.

In addition, it should be said that broad-spectrum drugs for humans containing albendazole, not only kill adult worms, but also their larvae. But they can be used only by the appointment of a specialist, since they cause numerous side reactions. Antiparasitic tablets containing mebendazole fight against parasites in the stage of the larva.

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