Obsidan: instructions for use, price, reviews, contra-indications, analogues

The agent contains an active substance, the development mechanism of which corresponds to an adrenoblocker. The medicine should be taken if there is an approving consultation of a specialist.

The compatibility with the drugs that are prescribed and taken by the patient for other problems should be considered. So, let's look at the instructions for the use of the medicine Obsidan, the prices for it, reviews and analogues.

Features of

A patient who is on treatment, and if he receives therapy with Obsidan, then the whole period needs regular examinations and observation by specialists. Possible manifestation of negative reactions of the body, adverse side effects.

Basically, the action of the drug is taken well. Its peculiarity is that patients are prescribed long-term treatment courses. Nevertheless, if there are problems, it is indicated to change the dose or to cancel the drug.


The main active substance of the drug Obsidan - propranolol. Additional components:

instagram viewer
  • aerosil,
  • magnesium stearate,
  • talc,
  • starch,
  • gelatin,
  • lactose,
  • sodium KMC.

Dosage forms

Manufacturers have provided for the release of the drug:

  • in ampoules, 5 ml;number of injections 10 pieces;
  • tablet preparation contains 40 mg of propranolol in a single tablet, the number of tablets in a package is 60 pieces( three blisters).

Price for packing tablets Obsidan - 62 ÷ 75 rubles.

Pharmacological action of

Obsidan influences adrenoreceptors of two kinds, it is referred to as non-selective adrenoblockers. The drug acts on the body, showing the embedded mechanisms in this way:


For prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, our readers advise the drug "NORMALIFE".This is a natural remedy that affects the cause of the disease, completely preventing the risk of getting a heart attack or stroke. NORMALIFE has no contraindications and begins to act within a few hours after its use. The effectiveness and safety of the drug has been repeatedly proven by clinical studies and long-term therapeutic experience.

The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

  • decreases the heart rate,
  • decreases the rate when carrying pulses through the atrioventricular node,
  • heart excitability decreases,
  • heart rate decreases.

In addition:

  • The volume of the minute myocardium becomes smaller and this influences pressure indices downward.
  • Affects factors that initiate arrhythmia, neutralizing them.
  • Under the influence of propranolol, the diastole lengthens, a reduced need for oxygen is created in the heart muscle.
  • Symptoms that indicate myocardial ischemia are eliminated.
  • The result of preventing uncontrolled arrhythmia development is a reduction in the death rate after a heart attack.
  • Therapy reduces the excessive aggregation of platelets, thereby reducing the viscosity of the blood.


The product has the following qualities:

  • antihypertensive,
  • antiarrhythmic,
  • antianginal,
  • has a negative effect, referring to the reduction direction:
    • inotropic effect - affects cardiac pulsation strength,
    • chronotropic effect - relates to contraction frequency,
    • dromotropic effect - affects impulse conductivity,
    • Batmotropnoe influence - regulates the excitability of the heart in the direction of decline.
  • Slows and reduces the intensity of the processes in the heart. By the mechanism of action is an adrenoblocker.


How the body perceives the medicine and is able to drive it out of itself: the components are quickly absorbed by the body and are also quickly removed from it. The drug is deposited in the tissues:

  • of the heart,
  • of the lung,
  • of the brain,
  • of the kidneys.

Metabolized agent in the liver. If the nursing mother is taking the course, the drug is found in breast milk. The kidneys excrete the drug in an unchanged form of 95%, the half-life is up to five hours. With a long course, the period can be up to half a day.

Indications obzidan


specialists can assign for correcting such disorders:

  • sympathoadrenal crises,
  • thyrotoxicosis,
  • unstable angina,
  • essential tremor,
  • atrial tachyarrhythmia,
  • angina,
  • supraventricular extrasystole,
  • prevention of migraine,
  • ventricular extrasystole,
  • arterial hypertension,
  • if the systolic pressure exceeds the norm, then the drug is used to preventratification of myocardial infarction;
  • supraventricular tachyarrhythmia,
  • tachycardia, which originated because of hyperthyroidism.

In pregnancy,

When pregnancy is about whether it is possible to appoint Obsidan in this case, a joint decision is made by at least three specialists:

  • midwife,
  • cardiologist
  • and gynecologist.

This is due to the fact that for the fetus the drug carries a development threat:

  • bradycardia,
  • hypoglycemia,
  • delayed development.

The experts choose the solutions between the arguments, determining how much one of them will outweigh:

  • the mother's benefit from receiving the drug,
  • possible harm to the fetus.

When prescribing funds for children under 18 years of age and for the elderly, an analysis is also conducted between whether the benefits of using the medicine are more likely than possible negative consequences.

Next, we will talk about the most important thing: how to take Obsidan?

Instructions for use

Tablets should be taken orally, washed down with water at a rate of 100 ml. It is necessary to swallow tablets, without violating their integrity. Dosing within the range of 80 ÷ 160 mg is allowed per day.

Admission regimens are acceptable for the day:

  • 80 mg X 2 times;
  • 40 mg x 2 times;
  • 40 mg x 3 times. The drug is prescribed to drink for a long time without interruption. In order not to cause a negative reaction on the part of the myocardium, the cessation of its administration should be made gradual - for three weeks.

    On what contraindications Obzidan has, read on.


    Complete withdrawal from the medicine

    It should be discarded if there are problems:

    • sinus bradycardia,
    • vasomotor rhinitis,
    • peripheral vascular disease,
    • pheochromocytoma,
    • atrioventricular block,
    • sick sinus syndrome,
    • heart failure, acute form,
    • pulmonary edema,
    • metabolic acidosis,
    • if the patient receives:
      • anxiolytics,
      • antipsychoticsfacilities;
    • lactation,
    • diabetes,
    • myocardial infarction, acute form,
    • sinoatrial block,
    • tendency to bronchospasm,
    • cardiomegaly,
    • reduced pressure,
    • psoriasis,
    • cardiogenic shock,
    • spastic colitis,
    • angina,
    • bronchial asthma,
    • Hypersensitivityto the components of the drug, in particular to propranolol;
    • uncontrolled heart failure.

    Admission with caution

    Taking the medicine with caution, if the patient has:

    • pregnancy,
    • myasthenia gravis,
    • renal failure,
    • atrioventricular blockade of the initial stage,
    • Reynaud syndrome,
    • hepatic failure,
    • allergy,
    • hyperthyroidism.

    Side effects

    possible adverse reactions, and can exactly cause:

    • thrombocytopenia,
    • bronchospasm,
    • arrhythmia,
    • dry mouth,
    • alopecia,
    • epigastric pain,
    • anaphylaxis,
    • hypothyroidism,
    • exanthema,
    • paresthesia,
    • heart failure,
    • vision impairment,
    • vascular spasm at the periphery,
    • increased bilirubin presence,
    • laryngospasm,
    • tachycardia,
    • dyspnea,
    • hyperhidrosis,
    • hypotension,
    • tremor,
    • ofMenenius taste sensation,
    • nasal congestion,
    • strengthening manifestations of liver transaminases,
    • hallucinations,
    • depressive states,
    • drowsiness,
    • nightmares,
    • sinus bradycardia,
    • diarrhea,
    • orthostatic hypotension,
    • dry eyes,
    • skin flushing,
    • urticaria,
    • headache,
    • nausea,
    • decreased libido,
    • slowed reactions,
    • leukopenia,
    • atrioventricular block,
    • agranulocytosis,
    • short-term anesthesia,
    • rash,
    • keratoconjunctivitis,
    • rhinitis,
    • hyperglycemia in diabetes( insulin dependent and non-insulin dependent),
    • chest pain,
    • fatigue,
    • asthenia,
    • cooling feet,
    • confusion,
    • reduced potency,
    • insomnia,
    • exacerbate psoriasis,
    • dysfunction of the liver.

    Special instructions

    During the therapy, it is necessary to monitor possible changes in the parameters:

    • heart rate,
    • blood pressure,
    • blood sugar control - for people with diabetes;
    • in the field of view of specialists should be the state of the kidneys.

    Decrease in dosage or discontinuation of medication is done with such symptoms:

    • atrioventricular blockade,
    • significant reduction in blood pressure,
    • increasing bradycardia,
    • bronchospasm
    • other negative manifestations.


    Users note that the action of the drug is as described in the instructions. Characterizing the quality of the product is high efficiency.

    The drug helps with cardiac problems, including arrhythmias. A means was taken when carrying a child under the supervision of a cardiologist. The newborn has no health problems.

    The case of the drug with tachycardia is described. Good result. Even the presence of low blood pressure in the patient did not stop, the intake dose was reduced.


    Drugs identical in effect to Obsidan:

    • Anaprilin,
    • Propranolol,
    • Inderal,
    • Prolol,
    • Betaap.
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