Erosive colitis of the intestine - symptoms, treatment and diet in chronic form

To confuse erosive colitis with any other bowel disease is rather difficult, endoscopy shows catarrhal inflammation, which leads to the formation of single or multiple erosions, similar to the fairway of the crater. As a rule, the indentations are covered with special fibrin films, and the ulcers rises above the mucous membrane. Externally, the erosive colitis of the intestine is similar to an ulcer, but endoscopy does not show a deep penetration of pathologies into the walls of the hollow organ.

Most often, the disease is diagnosed in thirty-year-old people or in the elderly, those who are already over sixty. It does not appear immediately, the symptoms of erosive colitis are manifested either in the stage of exacerbation, or at later stages of development. The patient has streaks of blood in the stool. But he connects them, most likely, with the development of hemorrhoids. The opinion is erroneous, therefore it is not worthwhile to engage in self-medication when there are such signs. It is important to learn to distinguish other characteristic signs and in time to consult a doctor. Otherwise, the disease very quickly passes into a chronic form, and there is not far to a full ulcer. What other signs are characterized by erosive colitis of the intestine?

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Clinical picture of erosive colitis

The described disease always develops in different ways. Some patients walk and do not know anything until the moment when there are profuse bleeding from the anus. Others have bloody diarrheas from the very beginning, fecal incontinence, body temperature, palpitations, and severe abdominal pain. In addition, erosive colitis has other characteristic symptoms. We list the most basic of them.

  • In addition to blood, along with feces, a large amount of mucus and pus leaves.
  • 65% of patients have long-term diarrhea( the number of defecations can reach up to 20 times a day).
  • Often, patients complain of the appearance of rectal spitting( with defecation instead of stool comes mucus with pus).
  • At night, many have an irresistible desire to go to the toilet. It is the night emptying of the intestine that can cause the gastroenterologist to suspect chronic erosive colitis.
  • The picture of the characteristic symptoms of erosive colitis is complemented by a caloric incontinence, a constant bloating.
  • Pain in the epigastric region is not noted by all, but if it appears, it is aching. It is always associated with the process of bowel evacuation and is localized only in the left side.
  • If the chronic form develops, intoxication is added to the described phenomena, which manifests itself in the form of high temperature, vomiting, rapid heartbeat.

Sometimes the clinical picture is complemented by manifestations that are not associated with intestinal pathologies. About 10% of patients with erosive colitis complain of rashes that affect the mucous membranes, eye disorders. When the examination reveals joint damage, lesions of the liver and bile ducts, such a phenomenon as thrombus formation. The stronger the inflammation of the duodenal mucosa, the more pronounced such symptoms appear, the treatment of erosive colitis in this case will be symptomatic. What is it?- Read below.

Features of therapy of erosive colitis

When the diagnosis of erosive colitis of the intestine is made, the treatment is selected taking into account the severity of the pathology. For example, at the initial stage, patients undergo outpatient treatment, the more severe stages require special attention and hospital care. In any case, a complex therapy consisting of a diet and a medicamental ruler will be applied to the patient.

The therapeutic diet is gentle, the patients are recommended:

  1. There are often, small portions.
  2. Cook only for a couple.
  3. Choose for this low-fat milled meat or fish.
  4. Remove coarse fiber from the diet.

In addition, the diet assumes a complete rejection of fatty, roast, salted, canned, sweet and flour. It is better to eat warm food, made from high-protein foods.

Medical treatment of erosive colitis is always prescribed and taking into account individual manifestations of the body. As already mentioned above, the patient will try to stop the painful symptoms and find out the cause of the diseases. On its elimination, treatment will be directed. As a rule, those receiving this diagnosis are prescribed drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid, corticosteroids and immunosuppressants.

The listed medicines are in free trade, but they can not be assigned independently. Illiterate treatment can lead to a slow process: chronic erosive colitis of the intestine is easily transformed into ulcer or cancer.

When the erosive colitis of the intestine is actively progressing, the diet and medications become useless. In later stages, ulcerative tumors can provoke severe bleeding, sometimes perforation occurs, a toxic megacolon or intestinal cancer appears, in which case a radical method is used to remove the affected area of ​​the intestine.

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