Laxatives for colitis, Dufalac

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A person who is diagnosed with colitis can often have problems with a stool, and when choosing a laxative, it is simply lost, since they are presented in a very large assortment. What is more effective and what is not? What is the best laxative for colitis?

Already known drugs have long been systematized. It is not necessary to delve into the chemical composition, it is simply to look through the most popular types of drugs prescribed for colitis.

Laxative, irritant, can stimulate the receptors of the intestinal mucosa, thereby strengthening the peristalsis and defecation occurs. The effect of the drug in colitis occurs after the expiration of 6 to 12 hours.

Laxative, having osmotic effects, can increase the value of the corresponding pressure in the intestinal lumen, while the fluid will not be sucked into the blood, the fecal mass will soften and increase in volume. Action from the drug will be observed from 4 to 24 hours after taking.

The laxative-prebiotic can break down the colonic microflora with the formation of organic acid, which increases the index of osmotic pressure in the intestinal cavity, which contributes to water retention, softening of the stool and its increase. The effect occurs within 24 hours.

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The laxative-filler can absorb water in the colitis, swell, due to which the volume of stool mass increases and softens. The effect of the drug will be noticeable from 8 hours to 3 days.

Dufalac for colitis

Duflalac is the best laxative for colitis. Its pharmacological effect is based on stimulation of intestinal peristalsis, while the drug has a detoxification property.

Absorption rate is low. Dufalac is not absorbed into the blood and reaches the cavity of the large intestine, where it will be split by intestinal microflora. Full metabolism occurs at a dose of 45-70 ml, and if a higher dosage is prescribed, it will be withdrawn in parts unchanged.

The laxative is prescribed by doctors, but it does not have possible serious consequences when taken, and it copes well with the task of softening the stool with constipation. His only contraindications are individual intolerance to one of the components of the drug and the presence of diabetes. As has been noted by many patients, Dufalac is the most effective medication in colitis.

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