Dependence on the drug blue ice: symptoms and signs, consequences, treatment

The "Blue Ice" drug refers to methamphetamines and has a recent but sad history. It was synthesized at the beginning of the 20th century and was used for a long time as a "ration" for soldiers, later as a drug for the treatment of depression. Today, the blue ice is one of the most terrible drugs, popular among young people. Dependence on him is formed in a matter of weeks, and the consequences can become the most terrible. Even with a long complex treatment.

What drug calls blue ice and what is its danger?

This drug has many names - methamphetamine, meth, blue ice, blue ice, just "ice", crystal. The name he received for large pieces of crystals of bluish or blue hue, similar to ice or shards of broken glass.

Blue ice is one of the derivatives of methamphetamine, which is a vaporized, pure drug. A transparent meth is used primarily for smoking, much less often for inhalations( inhalation).For smoking ice special tools are used.

Features of dependence and clinical picture

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The biggest danger of blue ice is in the way it is used. The effect of intravenous injection and inhalation of other forms of methamphetamine occurs after a few minutes, depending on the dose. And "coming" from smoking ice - in a few seconds.

This unexpected effect is a real trap for young people - the main consumer audience for the crystal. So, dependence on the drug appears almost instantly.

The first sensation after tightening a transparent meta, according to drug addicts, is a severe cold. This side effect was one of the reasons for the name - "blue ice".Immediately after the "cool attack" begins the so-called arrival, a sharp burst of intense pleasure, which lasts several minutes.

Then comes a long period of euphoria, it lasts 2-8 hours, depending on the dose of the crystal. If the dosage is exceeded to a critical level, this stage can be stretched for longer than 10 hours, but such an overdose can lead to death.

The main signs of the active stage are a feeling of vivacity, omnipotence, self-confidence, joy and a great mood. At the person the pain threshold decreases, the drowsiness disappears, the appetite disappears. He can have fun all night long, feels maximum satisfaction with life.

After the phase of joy and activity, a retreat gradually begins, which can be accompanied by a long sleep( up to two days) or irritability, apathy, a feeling of devastation. Over time, the withdrawal turns into a full breakdown.

Addiction development

Many drug addicts who took blue ice assure that dependence on smoking meth begins after the first smoking. Why does this happen?

The narcotic substance instantly penetrates into the brain, acting on those sites that are responsible for the production of the hormone of the rage of noradrenaline and the hormone of pleasure of dopamine.

The self-production of the hormone of joy is rapidly declining, and in order to receive its share of pleasure, the body after every intake requires an increasing portion of the crystal. Also, blue ice is characterized by extreme neurotoxicity. This means that the nerve cells destroyed by the drug can not be restored. Therefore, all the stages of dependence on such a drug are much faster than when taking other prohibited substances.

There are 3 stages of dependence on crystalline methamphetamine:

  • Weak. A person uses a drug very rarely to get his share of pleasure, a sense of omnipotence and his own attraction. This stage is more characteristic for tablets or inhalations - when smoking blue ice it instantly flows into the next phase.
  • Strong. Addicts smoke ice all the time, regularly increasing the dose. There is a breakdown.
  • Complete. There is already formed an absolute mental dependence - a person needs to take a crystal every few hours to remove the breaking. It is possible to switch to heavier drugs.

In a narcotic video, methamphetamine:

Signs and symptoms of use

The network of addiction to smoking methamphetamine mostly falls on teenagers and young people, so it's important to be attentive to the behavior and appearance of your children, friends and loved ones.

Found among the pipes or empty tubules, a constant desire to be alone, an eternally closed room can say that a person dear to you started to smoke blue ice.

The main external signs of the dependence on the crystal are:

  • a sharp loss of appetite or weight loss for no apparent reason;
  • insomnia and increased activity( often cyclical, for 2-3 days);
  • attacks of headache and heart pain;
  • bad teeth( due to toxins in the drug);
  • dilated pupils;
  • inattention and forgetfulness;
  • irritability and attacks of unmotivated aggression;
  • sharp mood changes;
  • paranoid ideas.

Consequences of using

The peculiarity of blue ice is a very rapid destructive effect on the body. Deceased nerve cells lead to a disorder of mental processes, and the person is rapidly becoming stupid. Suffer and internal organs - the functions of all vital systems are violated, which is reflected in the appearance.

Regular smoking of blue ice leads to such consequences:

  • vein thrombosis and thrombophlebitis;
  • gray skin and open sores;
  • fever, destruction of blood vessels;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • destruction of lung tissue, kidney and liver;
  • rotten teeth;
  • heart attacks;
  • destruction of brain tissue and decreased intelligence;
  • memory dips;
  • inadequate behavior;
  • suspicion and paranoia;
  • disorientation in time and space, panic attacks;
  • decreased immunity;
  • rapid aging of the body;
  • strokes, etc.

Treatment of

Treating addiction to blue smoke( as well as other forms of methamphetamine) is a process that is constantly moving forward. In the course of medical research, all new drugs are tested that can help get rid of the terrible smoking dependence or at least reduce the attraction to the drug.

The most important rule for treating "ice" drug addicts is a comprehensive approach, and not simply neutralization of its action. The main goal is the restoration of all disturbed processes in the brain and vital functions.

For this, the following methods are used:

  • detoxification of the body;
  • special preparations for minimizing the neurochemical effects of the drug, as well as reducing the breakdown;
  • vitamin therapy and massage;
  • non-traditional treatment( reflexotherapy, acupuncture);
  • work with a psychologist - without fail.

The danger of smoking drugs, especially blue ice, is spoken today very much. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that the younger generation is most likely to take drugs, and the young organism is especially vulnerable to toxic effects of methamphetamines. Blue ice can not be tried once and stop - the dependence is formed already at the moment when the person makes the first puff of the crystal. Therefore, it is so important to know what your children and friends live in order to catch on and start treatment for addiction. So far the consequences have not really become irreversible.

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