Antidepressant Coaxil as a drug: action, consequences of use, photos and video

The appreciation of the dollar not only hit the wallets of ordinary Russians, but also affected the price of narcotic drugs. It was expensive to use expensive drugs. But drug addicts found a way out there - to replace injecting drugs with synthetic drugs. To achieve the addictive effect, drug addicts buy a variety of medications - tramal, butorphanol, coaxil.

Is coaxil a drug

More recently, coaxil was considered an absolutely safe tranquilizer, they successfully treated heroin dependence, it was prescribed for severe abstinence alcoholics. Nobody could ever have imagined that cunning drug addicts could use this innocuous French remedy for their intoxicating purposes.

At its core, coaxil is an ordinary antidepressant that is sold in any pharmacy without a prescription. The instruction to the drug says that it is not addictive. However, this is not quite true. A strong psychotropic effect of increased doses of coaxil was first noted by drug addicts and began to use this legal drug for a different purpose - the tablets of coaxil are dissolved in water and injected into the vein by injection. Such drug addicts were nicknamed "coaxers".

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Exposure to the body

Coaxil refers to anxiolytic drugs, that is, those drugs that are designed to remove increased anxiety, an inexplicable sense of fear and depression. Accepted by patients in prescribed doses, the medication does not cause a sense of intoxication and euphoria and does not contribute to the development of the body's habituation.

The drug actually has a unique composition, since in some cases it acts on the nervous system as a mild sedative, soothes and relaxes, removes fears and phobias, in other cases stimulates the nervous system, increasing efficiency and mental activity. Given the absence of serious side effects, coaxil is widely used in the treatment of elderly people, alcoholics in the phase of withdrawal, is offered to drug addicts as a tranquilizer in the treatment of addiction.

In more severe cases, the dosage of coaxil can be increased to eight tablets per day, provided that these doses are treated within a short period of time - no more than three to five days.

Why is this unique in its effect a drug classified as a narcotic substance? The thing is that the gradual increase in dosage and taking coaxil for a long time leads to the formation of a serious dependence on tablets. And if we consider that the stimulating effect of the drug is several times greater than its calming properties, then the classical picture of opioid intoxication is emerging: euphoria, love of the whole world, energy, the desire to communicate.

Experienced drug addicts rarely take oral coaxil, mainly from the pounded tablets is prepared a solution for intravenous administration. The use of an antidepressant thus intensifies the intoxicating effect and prolongs it tenfold compared to heroin.

In the photo, the consequences of using coaxil as a drug

The development of

dependence Coaxial dependence refers to extremely difficult forms of drug addiction. Adapting to the drug, especially injected intravenously, develops literally in one or two doses. In this case, drug addicts who use the drug, note that the dependence on coaxil is so strong that it leaves even heroin addiction far behind.

Coaxil has such a strong effect on the psyche that the patient feels real suffering in the event of a drug cancellation - the strongest depression, insomnia and a breakdown force him to take another pill to improve health. Such consequences were noted even in elderly people who do not even suspect that taking the medicine prescribed by the doctor involuntarily became drug addicts.

Coaxial abstinence is very difficult. Drug addicts experience wild pains throughout the body, are covered with gooseflesh, are experiencing a strong craving for drug use. The situation is complicated by the fact that any other antidepressant taken during the break-up, can only exacerbate the anguish. With the refusal to use coaxil, the depressive feelings of addicts are especially strong: an unbearable burden of being, a depressed mood, behavioral disorders, sleep, various neurasthenia. All these symptoms are quite capable of leading a patient to suicide or psychosis.

Consequences of taking

The terrible consequences of using coaxil do not make you wait long. The constant narcotic effect of the drug on the body causes headaches, inadequate behavior, gradual loss of vision and tooth decay. One of the worst consequences of co-alcohol addiction is the development of severe depression, against which the addict poses a threat not only for themselves, but also for other people.

Intravenous injection of coaxil leads to severe damage to the walls of blood vessels, which leads to the formation of thrombi. The thrombus gradually expands, which causes various purulent complications and muscle decay. The limbs of the co-ax addict are literally rotting alive. Very often, such complications result in amputations of both extremities. But even this does not stop drug addicts from getting a coaxial buzz. Addicts after the treatment continue to be pricked with coaxil, and it ends with a fatal outcome.
On the video consequences of using coaxil:

Signs of using

It is not so difficult to single out a coaxial addict from the crowd. Typical signs of use are:

  • red, inflamed eyes with bursting capillaries;
  • traces of non-healing injections on hands and feet;
  • swollen brushes;
  • rotten teeth, sometimes destroyed to the state of "hemp";
  • frequent changes in behavior - from euphoria to prolonged depression;
  • anorexia and asthenic syndrome;
  • painful sensations of a migratory nature - the head, muscles, lomit joints hurt.

Treatment of coaxial addiction

Coaxial dependence is a very complex disease, which is difficult to treat. According to experts, the desire for an antidepressant persists for many years. The standard therapy regimen adopted for the treatment of opioid addicts includes the appointment of powerful tranquilizers, and given the effect of coaxil on the psyche and incompatibility with a number of antidepressants, it is really very difficult to find an adequate treatment. Clear schemes for the treatment of co-axial dependence do not exist, narcologists can only experimentally select an antidepressant acting in one way or another.

For all this, it is necessary to take into account and concomitant diseases of drug addicts: thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, retinopathy, which require additional treatment.

Despite all the difficulties, patients with a short period of abuse give all chances of recovery.

Treatment of addiction begins with the conventional detoxification of the body, then connects strong antipsychotics and antidepressants. Analgesics are used to relieve pain. The longer the dependence on coaxil, the more difficult the treatment process, as, as already mentioned, the syndrome of cancellation of coaxil causes the strongest depression and a painful condition. Patients need the help of a psychiatrist, while properly selected tranquilizers, neuroleptics and antidepressants will help to significantly improve the mental state.

Treatment of a single overdose with coaxil should be started immediately with gastric lavage and sorbent intake - Smecta, Enterosgel or activated charcoal. If more than two hours have elapsed since the poisoning, the patient will need hospitalization in the hospital, where necessary support for the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems will be provided, as well as strict monitoring of the kidneys and circulatory system.

For extremely severe poisoning, the patient should be provided with artificial ventilation.

Things to remember when accepting coaxial

The popular phrase "in a drop - medicine, in a spoon - poison" can be successfully attributed to the use of coaxil. According to psychiatrists, this is indeed a fairly effective antidepressant, successfully used in the treatment of many mental illnesses. However, it should be remembered that even with a slight excess of dosage or an unauthorized increase in the course of treatment, you can get the opposite effect - severe mental disorders and depression.

A patient taking coaxil should inform the doctor about other antidepressant medications. With some of them, coaxil is strictly prohibited, it can lead to increased blood pressure, convulsive seizures, increased body temperature and, in some cases, death.

The instructions indicate a fairly large number of side effects, ranging from headaches and problems with the intestines and ending with severe mental disorders and hepatitis. In fact, coaxil is well tolerated by most patients, only some of them note a slight drowsiness and bloating.

Drug addicts and people with alcoholism should not take coaxil to stop withdrawal symptoms, too much temptation to increase dosage and get even stronger dependence on the output, which is difficult to treat. But to people with anxiety, panic attacks and depressive conditions, coaxil is not contraindicated, but with strict adherence to the dosage and timing of treatment.

Documentary about coaxil as a drug:

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