Mandrake root as a drug: effect, application, effects, photos and video

Mandragora has psychotropic properties, so people have used it for centuries to change the state of consciousness. Such experiments do not pass without a trace, cause damage to the brain, nervous system and can result in death.

Description Mandrake as a narcotic

Mandrake is an ancient plant of the Solanaceae family with a large root, leaves of about 80 cm, yellow or orange berries. All parts are toxic and even in small doses can lead to undesirable consequences.

In the past, people used bark, fruits, leaves and mandrake roots to prepare laxatives, medicines to relieve pain, relieve anxiety and depression. The plant was especially popular among magicians who actively used it to create ritual medicines.

In addition, the root of the mandrake has long been known as a powerful drug hallucinogen. For these purposes, drug addicts use the root of the plant, which because of its external similarity to the human body has acquired a magical aura. Outside it is dark brown, inside - white, submerged under the ground by 60 cm.

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Because the mandrake root has psychoactive components, it changes the state of consciousness, but also causes a lot of serious side effects. The use of such a plant can lead to severe vomiting, coma, death.

In the photo Mandrake root

Properties and use of

Fresh or dried mandrake root contains 0.4% of highly active tropane alkaloids: atropine, hyoscyamine, scopolamine, mandrahorin.

Among their main properties are:

  • anesthetic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • is restful;
  • painkillers;
  • narcotic.

Mandragora was widely used in medicine in the 16th century.for anesthesia during surgery and preparation of medications for asthma and respiratory diseases. Now it is included in their recipes folk healers and homeopaths. With the help of mandrake they treat hemorrhoids, gastric diseases, birth complications, cough, headache and toothache.

Drug addicts drink tincture on the root of mandrake because of pronounced psychedelic effect. It is accompanied by visions, hallucinations, delusions.

Because of the narcotic effect, mandrake tinctures use magic charlatans during their rituals, as well as sect leaders to subordinate people to their will. Already a small dose of a substance is enough to change the state of human consciousness.
On the video about the Mandrake root and its application:

Mechanism of action

In general, the action of the mandrake root on the body is similar to the effect of heavy drugs. Unlike other hallucinogens, plant alkaloids affect not only the brain, but also the lungs, heart, body temperature.

Mandragora has both narcotic, hypnotic and strong anesthetic effects. As a result, a person loses mobility and seems dead.

If the therapeutic dosage is observed, atropine stimulates the central nervous system, resulting in relief from fear and depression. Higher doses of mandrake have a toxic effect on the body. Psychoemotional arousal increases, unusual sensory sensations appear, close to hallucinations, and a person falls into a coma.


The first effects appear approximately in half an hour after applying the tincture on the mandrake root. In the beginning, a person is in a good mood. He feels extraordinary lightness and warmth in the body, it seems to him that time flows more slowly than usual.

Pleasant sensations last not for long. Soon narcotic intoxication gives the following symptoms:

  • quick change of thoughts;
  • motor excitement;
  • visual and auditory hallucinations;
  • delirium, turning into a riot.

Nervous agitation is replaced by depression, a person becomes inhibited, completely focused on their experiences. He utters incoherent phrases, and subsequently does not remember anything of what happened to him.

Pupils under the influence of mandrake dilate, there is defocusing of the eyes, and everything begins to appear blurred. It becomes difficult for a person to move around, because coordination of movements is disturbed.

The patient feels worse, he begins to suffer from:

  • thirst;
  • severe vomiting;
  • feelings of weakness;
  • of insomnia.

Exhausted with vomiting, visions, thirst, people feel very tired, but many can not fall asleep. They continue to be haunted by hallucinations. Periodically appears motor tension, which again gives way to exhaustion.

Consequences of using

Mandragora is a poisonous plant, so its use can lead to many serious side effects:

  • respiratory paralysis;
  • insanity;
  • irreversible brain damage;
  • amnesia;
  • death.

After application and poisoning with such a drug, vomiting and dizziness first appear, and then a breakdown occurs. The musculature is extremely relaxed, and it becomes difficult for a person to breathe. There are high risks of respiratory paralysis and coma sleep.

The alkaloid scopolamine, which is part of the mandrake, causes a complete loss of memory. At one time there were even rumors that criminals in the United States stupefied their victims with this substance so that they could not point the police at them. However, this myth was not confirmed.

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