Candles with antibiotics for paraproctitis and trays

Acute and chronic paraproctitis will always be affected by surgical treatment. However, in some cases conservative therapy is provided.

Paraproctitis candles and baths are used in the following cases:

  • A complex of postoperative measures is carried out, as well as preventive procedures for preventing the development of complications.
  • It is not possible to carry out the operation in case of chronic paraproctitis, that is, severe course of accompanying diseases is observed.
  • Treatment of children up to one year is necessary.
  • Hemorrhoids and cracks in the rectum are observed.

Candles with plant components and antibiotics are used in such cases.

Which suppositories should be applied in paraproctitis?

In the treatment of paraproctitis, such suppositories can be used:

  • Ichthyol - mainly used to treat children. They have anti-inflammatory, healing and disinfecting effects.
  • With the content of propolis - have analgesic, disinfecting and healing effect.
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  • With the content of methyluracil - have a healing and restoring effect.
  • Anusole - consists of belladonna, zinc sulfate, xeroboform. Such suppositories have anti-inflammatory, drying, antiseptic and sphincter-stimulating effect.
  • Posterizan - has an immunostimulating effect, and gives a weak anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Ultraproject - contains hormonal drugs and has local antiseptic properties. It has a good anti-inflammatory, antiallergic and analgesic effect.

Candles with antibiotics in paraproctitis

Rectal suppositories with antibiotics can be administered after paraproctitis surgery, as well as during preparatory measures for the implementation of a planned surgical intervention in the chronic course of the disease. In addition, an expedient solution to the use of suppositories with antibiotics is the remoteness of the patient from the conditions of the hospital, that is, if it is impossible to immediately contact a specialist. It is worth remembering that some rectal suppositories with antibiotics do not help with paraproctitis, so at the first opportunity it is worthwhile to see a doctor.

Candles with antibiotics:

  • Proctosedil - has antibacterial, analgesic, hormonal effects.
  • Olesisin - the main constituent is sea buckthorn oil, which has a large number of properties: healing, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic. Antibacterial component is sulfonamide, which has antibacterial and antifungal effect.
  • It is allowed to inject tampons with Levosin and Levomecol ointments that have antibacterial action.

Baths with paraproctitis

Trays offer the possibility of easing the symptoms of paraproctitis. To date, there are a large number of different formulations, however, in any case, such procedures should carry anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, immunostimulating, antifungal and analgesic effects. So, can be used: mummies, sea salt solutions, various medicinal plants.

It is worth remembering that the use of trays with paraproctitis must necessarily be combined with the official medical methods of treatment.

It is worth noting that all these tools should not be assigned to themselves with paraproctitis alone, and they are only auxiliary procedures. Treatment of the disease should be done only by specialists.

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