Undifferentiated stomach cancer and its prognosis, low-grade, differentiated, anaplastic

The level of gastric cancer differentiation determines the prognosis of this disease. The more differentiated cells form a tumor, the better it is in terms of prognosis.

Undifferentiated stomach cancer is characterized by the presence of such malignant cells, which are almost not like the healthy cells that form the organ. Therefore, they can not even partially perform the functions inherent in the stomach. For these tumors, other symptoms are also characteristic, namely:

  • rapid growth of the tumor due to rapid cell division
  • rapid metastasis
  • high level of malignancy

All these features lead to the early appearance of clinical symptoms of undifferentiated cancer. It is expressed in the following signs:

  • feeling of heaviness in the epigastrium after eating that does not correspond to the amount of food taken
  • pain
  • feeling of nausea and vomiting
  • aversion to meat food
  • rapid weight loss
  • unexplained fatigue and other

The main place in the treatment of undifferentiatedtumors are given radiation therapy, which effectively inhibits the growth of cancer cells. The complex of therapeutic measures also includes chemotherapy and surgical removal of the tumor and a number of located lymph nodes and an epiploon. Recently, biological therapy has been used to treat undifferentiated stomach cancer. Its essence is the use of special vaccines, which purposefully find tumor cells and destroy them.

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Low-grade gastric cancer

Low-grade gastric cancer is another variant of an aggressive oncological disease, which is associated with its early metastasis. This type of tumor can have several variants:

  • Skirr - very dense tumor
  • Solid tumor
  • Small cell, which can consist of both keratinizing and non-keratinizing cells

For low-grade cancer, the formation of glandular structures that normally should be present in the wall of the stomach forensuring its functioning. In some cases, there may be increased mucus formation.

Fibrogastroduodenoscopy is performed to reveal a low-grade form of the disease, followed by taking a histological material. This allows us to study the cellular structure of the tumor. Treatment involves removing the tumor at a certain distance, the affected lymph nodes and the omentum. In parallel, radiation and chemotherapeutic therapy is carried out.

Differential stomach cancer

Differentiated stomach cancer resembles the structure of the intestinal wall, so its second name is the intestinal type of cancer. This is the most favorable tumor in the prognostic respect, as it later metastasizes, responds well to ongoing treatment and slowly grows. Tumor cells are virtually indistinguishable in variety.

There are a number of predisposing factors that increase the likelihood of developing such a form of gastric oncology. These include:

  • Aggravated heredity for oncology
  • Elderly patients
  • Adherence to foods rich in fats and easily digestible carbohydrates
  • Low fiber content in the diet
  • Infection with the human papillomavirus
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes mellitus

To identify this form of the disease, histologicala study conducted after fibroadastroduodenoscopy, which is accompanied by the taking of biological material. Treatment should be comprehensive. But because of the high differentiation of cancer cells, it can begin with surgical removal of the tumor. Then, chemotherapy and radiotherapy may be required.

Anaplastic stomach cancer

Anaplastic gastric cancer is a malignant tumor that originates from cells without differentiation. In fact, this is a variant of undifferentiated cancer. It has the following features:

  • Primarily affects people aged 60 years and older
  • Most often localized in the antral pyloric department, which leads to the development of symptoms of gastric obstruction( a feeling of rapid saturation, regurgitation, burping, vomiting, etc.).
  • Less infects small curvature andbody of the stomach( tumors of such localization appear more clinically later)
  • Malignant tumor is large enough( average 8-9 cm in diameter)
  • Tumor can grow both in the lumen of the organ and infiltrating its wall

To diagnose this form of undifferentiated stomach cancer, histological examination is assisted by various options for coloring the drugs. Because of the high aggressiveness of the anaplastic tumor, earlier detection and timely comprehensive treatment are required.

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