Treatment of gastric cancer with baking soda, dosage

Treatment of gastric cancer with baking soda or otherwise called treatment by the method of Simonichi, is based on the practices of the famous Italian oncologist - Tulio Simonichi.

For the soda method Simonichi was stripped of his license and put in prison for a short time, but Tulio did not break down and continued treatment of cancer patients at home, in particular with stomach cancer, already as a national healer.

His practice was based on the complete rejection of all knowledge about cancer, which he received during training on an oncologist. The Italian luminaries began to study cancer from scratch.

When conducting their own research, the Italian oncologist noticed that the cancer is very much similar to Candida fungus. And it is similar not only by external signs, but also by the behavior of growth in healthy tissues, and by migration of the fungus in the lymphatic system, but in the case of the diagnosis of "cancer", migration is commonly called metastases.

Then Simonichi decided to try to cure stomach cancer from a hopeless oncological patient, which the doctors refused, by treating the fungus of the genus Candida.

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After the first trial treatment, the Italian doctor received a stunning result, having cured stomach cancer from the patient, and decided to openly continue the practice by promulgating the result.

Of course, Simonichi did not expect that everything would turn out so sadly against him, because he offered an effective method of treatment and sought support, but he was deprived of the right to practice, prison term and an unnamed nickname in the press "another charlatan, making money on misfortunes."

Today, the method of treatment Simonichi has both supporters among fellow oncologists, and deny baking soda as a cure for cancer of the stomach and other organs.

Nevertheless, in his studies, Tulio noted that baking soda( sodium bicarbonate), more precisely, soda solution, stops the growth of pathological cells and the migration of metastases. As a result of treatment, a complete recovery of the body from a disease that in official medicine is called cancer.

Why did an Italian oncologist decide to treat baking soda, not activated charcoal, for example, or another folk remedy?

According to Tulio, from medical practice he was familiar with the behavior of fungi of the genus Candida, which in an acid environment multiply in geometric progression, but die in an alkaline environment. Stomach for Candida is an ideal acidic medium for reproduction. Simonichi carefully studied the analyzes of cancer patients. From the analyzes, he noticed that in patients with cancer, the acid balance of the blood and the content of hydrochloric acid in the stomach were increased. And to test their assumptions that cancer is nothing more than Candida fungus, I decided to create alkaline conditions for the disease and observe.

For observations, he injected sodium bicarbonate into a vein to leach blood faster;sprayed the tumor in the stomach through the probe;injected through enemas with pathology in the intestine. Whenever possible, he did the local injections directly into the tumor, if the pathology was external.

After several procedures, the treatment took from three weeks to three months, depending on the location of the cancer and the stage, - the organism was completely leached, the tumor in the stomach or in other organs significantly decreased in size, and then completely died.

In the practice of Simonichi there were also fatal outcomes, for which he was cursed by the relatives of the deceased patients. Tulio explained this by the fact that they were too late to apply, and the disease killed the patients before the organism could get alkalization from sodium bicarbonate and before the cells had time to die in the alkaline environment.

But Simonichi assured that sodium bicarbonate is the best treatment for chemotherapy, which does not heal, but kills not only cancerous but also healthy cells, and at the same time the immunity vital for the treatment of Candida fungi.

Due to the killing of immunity, Candida fungi continue to expand unchecked with redoubled force, a relapse occurs.

Dosage in the treatment of gastric cancer with baking soda

The treatment method from the Italian oncologist is divided into three weeks with a break.

First week:

On an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast, you need to drink a glass of warm milk, in which soda was previously dissolved. Dosage - a teaspoon of 200 grams. Milk can be replaced with warm water, but the stomach sucks in better soda with milk, in addition, it is more useful for the gastrointestinal tract. Then you need to have breakfast and after 20 minutes, repeat the reception of a glass of warm milk with soda.

Second week:

It is taken in the same dosage of soda and warm milk on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast. After breakfast, it is no longer accepted.

Third week:

It is taken in the usual dosage - once a day or half an hour before breakfast, or half an hour after breakfast.

After three weeks of continuous intake of soda, you need to take a break for a month and repeat the intake of soda in a dosage of 1 200 grams of liquid.

During the intake of soda, you must additionally take vitamins, especially vitamin "C", and perform the following physical exercises: lie on your back, put two pillows under your buttocks and lie down for 15 minutes. Turn over on one side, then on the stomach and on the second side. Turn the body every fifteen minutes, so that the milk with soda is enveloped in the process of turning over the entire tissue of the affected stomach or intestine.

Soda treatment is contraindicated by official medicine, but in folk practice there is still, and cases of complete cure for patients with stomach cancer have repeatedly appeared in the press and on the Internet.

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