Than to treat a cold in pregnancy

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Pregnancy is an amazing condition, because at that moment two hearts are beating inside a woman. Unfortunately, this period does not always go smoothly. At this time, the immune system is very weak, which makes the body susceptible to viral infections. One of the symptoms of a disease is a runny nose, which brings a lot of inconvenience. In addition, it is forbidden to use many medications that will quickly solve the problem. Future moms are often interested in: "How to treat a runny nose during pregnancy?".The answer to this question is found in the article.

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    Causes of a runny nose andits dangers, what to do

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    The main cause of rhinitis is viral infections that penetrate the woman's body. In addition to the common cold, they can cause sore throat, fever, joint aches and other cold symptoms. However, in addition to the main cause of an unpleasant complication, there may be others who depend on the period of pregnancy. Rinit carries a lot of unpleasant sensations not only to the future mother, but also to her child.

    1st trimester of pregnancy

    In an early period, nasal congestion accompanies every third pregnant woman in the world. Especially this complication is manifested at night, which prevents a full rest. If rhinitis is not a symptom of colds, then it does not pose a serious health hazard.

    During this period of time, the common cold appears for several reasons:

    • colds, can provoke a cough and runny nose;
    • trauma to the internal mucosa;
    • is an allergy that worsens during pregnancy;
    • dry air indoors.

    The main way to get rid of rhinitis early in pregnancy is to eliminate the root cause of its appearance.

    Short-term rhinitis in the 1 trimester is not dangerous, as it does not harm the development of the fetus. However, if it acquires a chronic character, it is worthwhile to take prudence and take measures to eliminate it. It is forbidden to treat rhinitis with medications that are incompatible with pregnancy. They have a detrimental effect on the formation of organs and systems of the child.

    2nd trimester of pregnancy

    Rhinitis in the middle of pregnancy begins because of the hormonal changes in the body of a woman. At 12 weeks the fetus begins to grow actively, so it requires more nutrition. For this, the endocrine system begins to produce more hormones( progesterone and estrogen).They expand all the blood vessels in the body, including in the nose. Such changes provoke a runny nose.

    In the early stages, the perception of surrounding objects is aggravated, which can cause an allergic reaction. Allergens provoke an unpleasant rhinitis that complicates a woman's life. Not an exception was the emergence of an unpleasant symptom due to viral infections that can enter the body.

    Prolonged cold in the 2nd trimester is very dangerous. If a woman can not breathe freely, then the necessary amount of oxygen does not flow to the fetus. An incorrect process causes serious violations in the development and formation of a future child. Breathing oxygen through the mouth, it remains harmful infectious particles that can hit the baby.

    3rd trimester of pregnancy

    In late pregnancy almost 50% of women suffer from runny nose. This is due to the increase in hormones. Sometimes rhinitis begins a week before childbirth, it is accompanied by hoarseness of voice and deterioration of hearing and smell. However, after childbirth, all symptoms disappear.

    Prolonged rhinitis in the 3rd trimester is very dangerous for normal fetal development. Lack of oxygen, does not allow full development of the child's organs. A rhinitis caused by acute respiratory infections can provoke premature birth, and also move to the born baby. In addition, an unpleasant symptom can cause a variety of allergens.

    Important! The use of many drugs, at any time of pregnancy is strictly prohibited. The components of the drug freely penetrate the placenta and poison the child. It is necessary to consult a doctor for advice. He will be able to give recommendations that you can get pregnant from a cold.

    Treatment of a runny nose with pregnancy medication

    Runny nose during pregnancy can provoke a variety of factors that require certain treatments. During this period it is forbidden to conduct therapy by any permitted means, as they violate the full development of the future child. In the treatment of a runny nose, a woman should be selective and must consult a doctor. How to cure a runny nose using approved medications?

    1. Drops from the common cold for pregnant women. Assign in extreme cases, if the breath of a woman is difficult. All drugs penetrate the blood vessels, including the placenta, which adversely affects the fetus. Future mothers are contraindicated vasoconstrictor drops. A woman should pay attention to children's drops or preparations of plant origin. Among the most common medicines, doctors recommend:
    • Nazivin, Vibrocil, Nasik Spray, Rinazolin;
    • is sometimes prescribed by Naphthysine, Galazolin;
    • Pinosol.

    1. Spray from the common cold. Choose a medicine based on natural ingredients that effectively relieve a woman of an unpleasant symptom. Many specialists prefer nasal sprays, in the composition, which includes sea water. There is a whole series of drugs Aqua-Maris, which not only prevents rhinitis, but also increases immunity. Doctors allocate several drugs based on sea water:
    • Aqualor Norm - used to eliminate allergic, as well as infectious rhinitis;
    • Aqualor Forte - is prescribed for severe colds, as well as chronic rhinitis;
    • Akvalor Soft - used for nasal congestion and dryness in the nasal passages;
    • Aqualor Extra - the preparation of the enhanced effect on the body.

    Qualitative properties of sea salt can effectively wash out infectious bacteria from the nasal cavity, moisten the mucous membrane and remove puffiness.

    1. Ointment for rhinitis. As a rule, in pregnant women, a strong runny nose is always accompanied by additional symptoms of colds. Often the treatment needs not only a nose, but also a throat. Doctors recommend that women use ointments that effectively restore the health of a future mother and do not harm the baby. Typically, doctors recommend:
    • Oxolin;
    • Doctor Mom;
    • Evamenol;
    • Asterisk;
    • homeopathic preparation of Thuja;
    • Fleming.

    Important! Any pharmacological agent should be prescribed only by a doctor. Before use, read the instructions carefully.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    The old "grandmother's" methods are as relevant today as ever for the treatment of rhinitis in pregnant women. They include natural ingredients that facilitate the state of the future mother and do not harm the baby. There are many traditional medicine, but the most effective methods of treatment are chosen below.

    Rinsing the nose at different times of pregnancy

    This method allows you to remove accumulated mucus, clean the nasal passages from dust and eliminate the infection. For the procedure, you can use different folk remedies:

    • saline solution. In 250 ml of warm water dilute 1 tbsp.spoon of sea salt. The solution is washed with a nose 3-4 times a day;
    • infusion of chamomile. To prepare the broth take 2 tbsp. Spoons of camomile flowers and pour 250 ml of steep boiling water. The mixture is insisted for 30 minutes, after which it is filtered. Decoction can wash the nose and simply dig it. The procedure should be conducted up to 6 times a day.

    The prepared drug solution can be stored for no more than 24 hours.

    Inhalation of the nasopharynx during pregnancy

    Inhalations effectively affect the respiratory tract. The procedure liquefies the mucus and displays it naturally. However, it can be done only at normal body temperature. If its level is increased, then inhalation can provoke miscarriage.

    The procedure is allowed to be carried out on the basis of such medicines:

    • pharmacy chamomile;
    • leaves of eucalyptus;
    • thyme;
    • mother-and-stepmother;
    • potatoes.

    If a woman is troubled by a runny nose and throat, then breathing must be done simultaneously with the nose and mouth.

    Nasal warming with rhinitis

    At home, you can warm up. It stimulates the flow of blood, to the organs, including the nose. In the blood there are immune cells that spread throughout the body and destroy viral infections. Folk remedies offer several effective ways to conduct the procedure:

    • to weld a hard-boiled egg and apply it to the nose;
    • thoroughly heat the salt, shift it into a tissue bag and apply to the nose.

    During warm-up, it is important to use not too hot objects, otherwise you can get burned.

    It is important for future mothers to make efforts to ensure their health is normal. It is necessary to purchase a humidifier, to maintain the humidity in the room, and also to try to avoid colds. Observing simple rules, a woman will preserve her health and protect the future baby.

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