Nutrition with pancreatic pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, which occurs in acute and chronic form. With this disease, the normal digestive process is completely disrupted, the diet is required to restore it and prevent exacerbations of the inflammatory process. Nutrition with pancreatic pancreatitis has its own subtleties, every patient with this problem should know about them.

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Pancreas is an organ, impaired functioning,which can lead to fatal consequences for the whole organism. Thanks to pancreatic food, eaten by a person, simple compounds of nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the human body are transformed. Also, this body produces a hormone - insulin, which is necessary for normal carbohydrate metabolism.

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With pancreatitis, there are disorders in the functioning of the pancreas, which can be alleviated with the help of a diet. Particular nutrition is necessary because of the following changes in the normal digestive process:

  • changes the environment in the small intestine, it becomes more acidic, which causes the patient often to feel heartburn and a burning sensation in the intestine;
  • in pancreatic enzymes accumulate inside the pancreas, which can cause the patient to often experience discomfort after eating;
  • accumulates toxic substances that can provoke allergic reactions, poisoning the body;
  • because of a violation of the production of insulin, there may be problems in the work of the urinary system.

Important! Read with us about the symptoms of pancreatitis in women.

Complex treatment is aimed at solving these problems, a properly selected diet is one of the main aspects of therapy. People with this disease will have to adhere to a proper diet all their lives, which will help to avoid exacerbations.

Important! The exact diet should be discussed with the attending physician after the examination, in each case the diseases may have their own subtleties.

Principles of dietary nutrition

Often pancreatitis is accompanied by other pathologies or can provoke their development, so the diet for this disease is eased as much as possible. Patients need to strictly monitor the necessary amount of protein, the level of consumption of carbohydrates and fats. With exacerbations, food is selected taking into account increased acidity in the intestine.

The diet will have to be observed at all times, it is one of the main aspects of treatment. With pancreatitis, you should eat small portions, but often. Such a diet helps not to strain the digestive tract, and is recommended for many diseases of the digestive system.

Important! Want to know if you can eat a watermelon in pancreatitis, read here.

This diet is also suitable for nutrition in pancreatic pancreatitis in children, but in any case, always need to consider the individual characteristics of the course of the disease.

Important! Pancreatitis in children: the symptoms and treatment of the disease are described in detail in our article.

What can I eat?

In general, patients with chronic pancreatitis should adhere to the most healthy diet, especially pay attention to protein intake. The protein is extremely necessary for this disease, in the diet should be at least 130 grams of substance per day. In this case, most of the protein must be of animal origin.

  1. To replenish this amount, it is recommended to eat lean meat: beef, veal, rabbit, chicken, turkey, lean fish.
  2. Also for patients useful sour-milk products in small quantities. Whole eggs under prohibition, however, are omlettes based on proteins.
  3. The most useful and safe for this disease fruits are apples of non-acidic varieties, recommend baking them, making compotes and kissels.
  4. Potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, zucchini, beets are allowed from vegetables, they should be boiled or steamed, vegetable casseroles are also allowed, it is advisable to add cereals allowed for pancreatitis.
  5. Carbohydrates should also be monitored, their number should be strictly limited, consume an acceptable maximum of 350 grams per day. They can be obtained from sugar, honey, jam and syrup from non-acid berries and fruits.
  6. From cereals, the main sources of carbohydrates for patients with pancreatitis, manna, oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, pearl bar are acceptable. Also allowed are pasta and biscuits.
  7. Drinks are acceptable tea with the addition of milk, fruit and vegetable juices, plain water.
  8. Avoid coffee and other beverages that can provoke fluid retention and adversely affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Green tea is allowed.

Of the above products, a daily diet is formed. Some products may be excluded depending on the individual characteristics of the course of the disease.

Important! In case of exacerbations of pancreatitis, the diet should be much stricter.

What can not be eaten?

Proper nutrition in this disease limits quite a lot, especially with the development of complications. Be sure to avoid the following foods, their presence in the diet can trigger an exacerbation of the disease:

  • any variety of alcoholic beverages, coffee, cocoa, sweet and sodas;
  • by-products, products based on pork and fat, fatty fish species, any meat semi-finished products;
  • most beans, mushrooms, onions, buttery pastries;
  • chocolate, products based on it, fatty sweet creams, ice cream;
  • of fruits are completely banned bananas, dates, figs, grapes;
  • any dishes where whole eggs are present, let's say only protein.

Important! How to treat pancreatitis with medications, you can find out in our article.

These products are strictly prohibited, otherwise the disease will become aggravated. Based on the allowed products, you can build a balanced diet that will not yield to the diet before the disease.

With pancreatic pancreatitis and cholecystitis, other disorders accompanying this disease, such a diet is also suitable. However, always before planning the diet should consult with your doctor.

Important! You can learn about the treatment of pancreatitis at home here.

Sample menu

To make it easier to determine the recipes for the dishes that are allowed in this disease, it is worthwhile to bring a sample menu for the day. It is worth noting that this menu and the entire diet plan for pancreatitis is based on diet number 5, which is used for many diseases of the pancreas and liver. In general, an approximate daily diet is as follows:

  1. Breakfast: oatmeal on milk, you can also cook buckwheat, rice, and mango. Drink should be ordinary tea without sugar, you can add milk. If the disease is mild, you can eat a small piece of low-fat cheese.
  2. The second breakfast: an omelette on some proteins with the addition of milk, baked apple, tea or broth of wild rose.
  3. Lunch: light vegetarian soup based on vegetables, it is possible with the addition of cereals. On the second small piece of boiled turkey with pasta, for dessert jelly from sweet berries or apples, compote is acceptable.
  4. Snack: a glass of low-fat kefir or a bowl of low-fat cottage cheese, you can sweeten a little. Tea or compote.
  5. Dinner: boiled fish or vegetable casserole. Tea without sugar, after dinner, dessert is undesirable.

Portions should be small, skip meals should not be. Also, do not eat more than it is necessary for one meal. Do not forget that you should drink enough water.

Nutrition for acute pancreatitis

In case of a chronic illness due to various factors, an exacerbation may occur, which causes severe pain. Often it is with an exacerbation of a person learns about the presence of this disease. When exacerbation should immediately call an ambulance, the attack should be suppressed medically.

Important! You can learn more about the treatment, diagnosis and causes of acute pancreatitis here.

Before the arrival of "ambulance" pain can be removed by cold compresses in the area in which pain is localized. You can drink only ordinary water, at least 5 - 6 glasses per day.

The first two days of exacerbation patient is recommended to completely starve, only water is permissible. On the third day, if there are no complications, you can switch to a normal low-calorie diet without fats and carbohydrates.

Important! Until the symptoms of exacerbation completely disappear, the patient should remain in the hospital.

After removing the main symptoms, when the stage of exacerbation passes, it is important to observe a fairly strict diet for a while. It is necessary to limit the consumption of products of animal origin, to avoid any food that can damage the fragile intestinal mucosa. It is forbidden to eat salty foods, use seasonings.

Important! I wonder what kind of doctor treats pancreatitis? Read on the pages of our site.

Then, when the disease is transferred to the chronic stage, an ordinary diet for patients with chronic form is required, while it is necessary to observe the doctor and monitor the condition of the body. If the disease does not recur for a long time, the diet may become less severe.

When the disease is in a state of remission, it is sometimes permissible to eat sweet, increase the amount of carbohydrates. With signs of worsening, you need to return to a strict diet again. People with pancreatitis should never go back to alcoholic beverages.

Important! How to properly treat pancreatitis with herbs, read here.

Diet is an important part of the treatment of pancreatitis and a number of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Do not ignore the recommendations of doctors and violate the right diet, selected by a specialist.

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