Glycolic hemoglobin: norm

Glycated hemoglobin is a part of hemoglobin that has a direct link to glucose. Its amount indicates the level of sugar in the blood. Therefore, the result of the analysis for glycated hemoglobin - one of the most important indicators for suspected diabetes mellitus, what its norm should be studied in detail.

Reasons for high hemoglobin in women how to treat
  • Low hemoglobin in adults - what preparations with iron take
  • Causes and consequences of low hemoglobin in blood
  • Causes and symptoms of low hemoglobin in pregnancy
  • What is the norm of hemoglobin in women - see the table
  • The process of testing for glycated hemoglobin

    The result of this analysis helps to detect the development of diabetes in the early stages, as well as assess the predisposition to this diseaseabolition. How to take this test: on an empty stomach or not? The advantage of this study is the complete lack of preparation. That is, it is not necessary to conduct an examination on an empty stomach or at certain times of the day. The study is performed by taking blood from the vein or from the finger, depending on the type of analysis.

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    Why should this study be conducted? It is prescribed in such cases:

    • glucose control in people with diabetes mellitus;
    • determination of blood sugar over the past few months;
    • correction of treatment methods for diabetes;
    • preventive examination.

    When is a blood test done for glycated hemoglobin? The patient is referred for blood donation if he has such ailments:

    • permanent thirst;
    • atypically frequent and excessive urination;
    • rapid overstrain;
    • chronic fatigue;
    • sharp deterioration of vision;
    • decreased immunity.

    Based on the results of the study, the physician prescribes the most effective treatment if certain abnormalities are detected.

    Glycated hemoglobin is increased

    If the result of the analysis indicates that the glycated hemoglobin exceeds the norm for a long period of time, and also increases constantly, the patient is diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. This disease requires immediate treatment and compliance with a strict diet. But not always elevated glycated hemoglobin indicates diabetes mellitus. A slight increase in this indicator can be caused for the following reasons:

    • lack of iron in the body;
    • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages for a long period of time;
    • kidney failure;
    • poisoning of the body with chemicals;
    • surgical intervention, which resulted in the removal of the spleen.

    It's important to know! If after grading the patient has a slight increase in this indicator, it is required to regularly conduct such a study in the future! This will help determine the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment, as well as avoid the development of serious diseases.

    Glycated hemoglobin is downgraded

    What does the reduced level of glycated hemoglobin concentration in the blood indicate? This pathology can be observed for the following reasons:

    • blood transfusion procedure;
    • blood loss due to injuries, surgical intervention, severe labor, abortion;
    • hemolytic disease.

    In such situations, the patient is assigned maintenance therapy. After a while, the indicator comes back to normal.

    It's important to remember! If glycosylated hemoglobin has been lowered, after therapy it is required to regularly monitor this indicator!

    Glycated hemoglobin: the norm in pregnant women

    What does the result of this analysis show for women in an interesting situation? Pregnancy is the period when a woman undergoes certain changes in the body. As for glycosylated hemoglobin, the danger is its lack during pregnancy. As this leads to inhibition of normal development and deterioration of the well-being of the future baby. Also, the low figure negatively affects the overall condition of women.

    The norm in a pregnant woman at a young age is 6.5%, at an average age of 7%.In elderly pregnant women this indicator should be at least 7.5%.If abnormalities are observed, a woman should reconsider her lifestyle, daily routine and nutrition. For correct correction, consult your doctor.

    It's important to know! Deviations from normal in pregnant women are most often due to lack of iron in the body! Therefore, the entire period of conceiving a future baby a woman needs to take complex vitamins, and also eat fresh seasonal vegetables and fruits.

    Norm in children

    In children, the glycated hemoglobin rate should be 6%.Deviations from this figure in the direction of increases indicate a gradual development of diabetes in the child. What should I do if the metric is exceeded? Lower it should be gradual, no more than 1% per year. A more rapid fall can negatively affect the overall condition of the baby, as well as reduce visual acuity.

    Therefore, when developing diabetes, the child should not carry out cardinal methods of treatment. It is enough to control its nutrition, as well as the level of sugar in the blood with the help of regular analysis.

    Norm in women by age: table

    To maintain the general condition of the body, the woman should regularly monitor the level of glycosylated hemoglobin in the blood. The norm of this indicator is shown in the table:

    No. Age Norm
    1 Up to 30 years 4-5%
    2 30-50 years 5-7%
    3 Over 50 years Not less than 7%

    Significant deviations from these indicators in women indicateabout such violations of the functioning of the body:

    • diabetes mellitus, depending on the degree of deviation, its form is identified;
    • lack of iron in the body;
    • consequences of surgical intervention;
    • kidney failure;
    • weakness of the walls of the vessels, which leads to internal hemorrhages.

    Therefore, if abnormalities are found, every woman should undergo a full medical examination to determine the cause of the problem.

    The norm in men by age: table

    Since the hemoglobin level in men is always higher than that of women, the indicator in question is also slightly different. Its norm for men is presented in the table:

    No. Age Norm
    1 Up to 30 years 4.5-5.5%
    2 30-50 years 5.5-6.5%
    3 Over 50 years 7%

    For menIt is required to regularly take the test for blood sugar, especially after 40 years. A sharp increase in body weight in men at this age usually indicates the development of diabetes. Therefore, it is required to diagnose it as soon as possible in order to start timely treatment.

    Diabetes norm

    The given analysis is directed, first of all, on revealing of a diabetes. If the patient as a result of this study found an increased amount of glycated hemoglobin, you want to monitor this indicator. Depending on the degree of deviation, the frequency of the analysis is as follows:

    1. If the average level is 5.7-6%, then the risk of diabetes is insignificant. Control of this indicator is required to be carried out once in 3 years.
    2. The indicator reaches 6.5% - it is required to undergo a study once a year. Because the risk of developing diabetes is already increasing. It will also be useful in such a situation to adhere to a balanced diet that involves eating low amounts of carbohydrates.
    3. Diabetics, in whom the level of glycated hemoglobin does not exceed 7% for a long period of time, can not be particularly worried. You can take the analysis every six months. This is enough to detect abnormalities in a timely manner and to make adjustments in supporting treatment.
    4. At the initial stage of diabetes treatment, it is required to monitor this indicator every 3 months. This will help evaluate the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment, as well as make certain adjustments if the current therapy is not effective.

    To conduct the research it is better to contact a private independent laboratory that has positive reviews. This will help get the most accurate result in a short time. After that, if necessary, you can start treatment. It is very important not to forget that the deciphering of the results should be done solely by the attending physician. Therefore self-diagnosis and self-treatment should not be dealt with. It is better to trust a specialist.

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