Kidney pain: treatment at home

Kidney disease does not take the last place among all human diseases. Women are especially vulnerable to such problems. All because of the fact that during pregnancy, they have a maximum load. Although, of course, and men can suffer from kidney disease. And it is important to know how to treat kidney pain at home.

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Important! All kidney diseases are dangerous and serious. Therefore, before starting a home treatment, you need to see a doctor, get a diagnosis, learn about traditional methods of treatment.

What diseases can cause kidney pain

The most common diseases:

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  • urolithiasis. It affects more men. The disease occurs because of the high content of calcium in the urine, which leads to the formation of crystals. At the initial stages of self-suspected development of the disease is difficult, then weak and ongoing pains begin;
  • pyelonephritis. The bacteria cause the disease, which lead to the onset of the inflammatory process. During the disease, the renal pelvis, the calyx, is affected. The bright symptoms include problems with urination, bladder overflow, kidney stones, prostate enlargement( in men).The disease is dangerous and requires compulsory treatment, because without treatment the inflammatory process will not stop, and will constantly spread, capturing healthy parts of the body;
  • kidney failure. Refers to pathological conditions, the kidneys may be partially or completely unable to form urine, and accordingly - to isolate it. Symptoms vary depending on the acute and chronic form of the disease.

Symptoms and Causes of

If you are in doubt, do you really have kidney problems, then pay attention to the main symptoms. The presence of such signs signal about kidney diseases:

  • back pain;
  • urination in much lesser amounts;
  • in the urine contains sand, blood, it becomes cloudy;
  • often has a feeling, a desire to empty the bladder;
  • pain with urination;
  • elevated temperature;
  • swelling;
  • itching over the body;
  • falls in sight.

If it hurts on the left side of the

Kidney pain on the left is not necessarily associated with a malfunction of this particular organ. It clearly requires special diagnosis. The main symptoms with pain of the left kidney:

  • very frequent or very rare urination;
  • urine cloudy with impurities of sand and small stones, possibly with blood;
  • frequent urge, but urination in small amounts;
  • burning sensation after emptying the bladder;
  • skin itching;
  • vision is getting worse.

Such symptoms can be a signal of several diseases:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • cancer;
  • nephroptosis;
  • adenoma, fibroma;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • urolithiasis.

In the morning or during sleep

The presence of such a factor as kidney pain in the morning can be a sign:

  • urolithiasis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • kidney failure;
  • is a consequence of some medical procedures;
  • complications after operations;
  • presence of other chronic diseases;
  • intoxication of the body.

Pain during sleep can talk about many diseases. To prevent its further development, you can:

  • drink more liquid, at least two liters a day;
  • use cranberry and cowberry mors;
  • exclude from the diet chocolate, strong tea and coffee, fatty meat, spicy and salty dishes;
  • include in the menu tomatoes and bilious;
  • restrict severe physical activity.

In women

If a woman is worried about kidney pain several days before menstruation, then perhaps this is due to the following reasons:

  • cyst( formed over the ovary or inside it);
  • neoplasm;
  • pelvic adhesions( presence of chronic diseases that were not treated for treatment);
  • low immunity;
  • inflammatory processes.

The main signs that distinguish kidney disease in women: lack of appetite, fatigue, thirst, dry mouth, headaches. There may also be pain in the muscles and joints, fever, blood pressure, low back pain, frequent urge to urinate, turbidity of the emerging urine.

After alcohol

If there was pain in the kidneys after taking alcohol, and you do not know what to do, doctors recommend adhering to the rules:

  • strict adherence to the diet( to exclude from the diet salty, smoked, hot, sweet to take, including salt);
  • to avoid heavy physical exertion;
  • comply with bed rest;
  • should not be supercooled;
  • drink no more than 2.5 liters of fluid per day, do not drink carbonated drinks.

To remove toxins, you need to drink activated charcoal( 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight).To treat the use of herbal preparations( Cystone, Nephrolithine), you can take in the complex BAD( Aquanorm, Gentos forte).

In men, unpleasant sensations can appear due to inflammation of the kidneys( glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis), displacement( the organ exits from its pelvis).Also cause pain can renal colic( leads the formation of stones accumulated in the urinary ducts), the formation of cysts, tumors( leads to disruption of the kidneys, increasing their size).

With deep inspiration

Often, the appearance of pain in the kidney with deep breath is a sign of renal colic. Factors that affected its appearance:

  • urolithiasis;
  • vascular disease;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • allergic reactions;
  • diseases of the kidneys, urinary system;
  • trauma, swelling;
  • increased internal pressure of the kidneys.

Painful sensations during inspiration can also talk about other diseases, such as stroke, so you need to know its symptoms:

  • sharply increasing pain;
  • pain gives to other organs, thigh, inguinal zone;
  • chills, fever, fever;
  • painful urge to urinate, rezy;
  • frequent heartbeat, high blood pressure.

After antibiotics

Taking antibiotics can cause kidney pain. To avoid the consequences of this kind, it is necessary to take in parallel other drugs that reduce the occurrence of side effects. For the restoration of kidneys, prescriptions for alternative medicine are often used, but they must be discussed with the attending physician, since it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the organism.

One of the commonly used recipes: mix strawberry, nettle, birch and flax seeds in a ratio of 1: 2: 2: 2, take 10 g of the mixture and pour boiling water, cover, wrap in a blanket, let it brew for 18 hours in a dark place. Take infusion of 1 glass a day for half an hour before meals. It is not recommended for patients with heart diseases.

When walking

A similar symptom may indicate health problems, possibly even not related to the kidneys. If the sharp pain has arisen sharply, then most likely you have encountered a renal colic. For the treatment and disposal of unpleasant symptoms, cook at home decoction: 1 tbsp.l.seeds of carrots pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist 12 hours, strain and drink before each meal 5 times a day.


Lower back pain in the first trimester can speak not only of kidney diseases, most likely, it is due to hormonal disorders. But after the twentieth week( in the second trimester), this factor can signal about pyelonephritis. If this disease in a woman was before pregnancy, it is possible that the symptoms will not be so pronounced. Nevertheless, the course of treatment must be passed necessarily.

If early kidneys are affected, then follow the general recommendations:

  • diet should be dietary;
  • observe the drinking regime, drink 2 liters of water daily;
  • include in the diet cranberry juice;
  • when there is a urge to urinate - empty the bladder;
  • adhere to hygienic norms;
  • do not wear tight lingerie;
  • it is recommended to wear cotton underwear.

Treatment should be handled by a doctor. As a rule, phytotherapy, diet, antibiotics and probiotics are prescribed. In the early stages, in order to relieve pain, it is permitted to take No-shpu and Papaverin in candles.

The appearance of such a symptom in the third trimester is much more likely than in the first. This occurs against the background of swelling, increased blood pressure, viral and infectious diseases, mechanical damage to the body. To avoid diseases during this period:

  • follow a diet;
  • control the volume of the liquid;
  • adhere to the regime of the day;
  • make available physical exercises;
  • watch for personal hygiene;
  • do not overcool.

From cold

If you think that the cause of kidney pain is cold, then to clarify the diagnosis it is necessary to pass blood tests, urine tests, to make ultrasound. The main symptoms are:

  • back pain;
  • of urine when urinating;
  • facial swelling;
  • formation of "bags" under the eyes;
  • general weakness;
  • intoxication.

During this period it is important not to expose the loin area, keep it warm, put mustard, observe bed rest, drink herbal teas( brew and bear as usual tea).

Kidney pain from

Diseases most commonly transmitted by the sexual route are imperceptible. But the pain of the kidneys can be one of the symptoms of an infectious disease. Therefore at the first "zvonochke" it is recommended to address to the urologist. The specialist will prescribe to pass urine tests and undergo ultrasound examination. Self-medication leads to complication of the disease.

Proper nutrition - a pledge of kidney health

If you have problems with the described organs, then treatment of kidney pain at home requires mandatory and strict adherence to the diet. Diet is aimed at general improvement of the condition, promotes rapid recovery.

Nutrition for kidney problems should be divided, to monitor the amount of fluid consumed. It should not be more than 1.5 liters per day, including soups. The salt is strictly limited: no more than a pinch per day. Vegetables and fruits are the main products in the diet for the problems described. From meat and rolls, you should generally refuse. What to exclude from the diet:

  • sharp;
  • bitter;
  • is all salty;
  • products prepared by pickling;
  • black coffee, strong tea;
  • any kind of chocolate;
  • sweet drinks with gases and lots of sugar;
  • semi-finished products;
  • products cooked by smoking.

For treatment of acute inflammatory process, a method of treatment solely by diet is suitable. It is necessary to clean the stomach, then drink tea based on medicinal herbs( suitable for mint, sage, linden, raspberry).A person will begin to sweat intensively. It is necessary to observe bed rest, it is good to cover with several warm blankets. For the next five days, stick to the diet. Drink two cups of tea a day, take a laxative. After fasting, switch to an ordinary diet for kidney problems.

Application of medicinal herbs

Treatment of pain in the kidneys at home involves the active use of various herbs. The most popular are various diuretics, which will improve the work of the organs, relieve the kidneys of stones and sand.

A good diuretic collection can be made on the basis of the following herbs: bearberry, horsetail, leaves of birch and its buds, flax seeds. You can also prepare cowberry broths with a diuretic purpose for kidney pain.

Interesting! Cowberry broth perfectly helps with the traditional treatment of kidney diseases. That's because such a drink option enhances the absorption of all medications.

Other folk recipes for the treatment of kidney pain:

  • chop parsley with a blender. Squeeze juice and drink 50 ml, mixing with a small spoon of natural honey. Take a tablespoon three times a day;
  • mix half a cup of cucumber juice and 250 ml of carrot juice, pour in the same 100 ml of fresh, freshly squeezed beet juice. Take during the day;
  • radish juice. You need to rub the radish on the grater, squeeze the juice through the cheesecloth and drink within a day in the amount of several tablespoons;
  • with acute pains dive for a quarter of an hour in a hot bath. Add to the water a decoction of sage or oregano, lime or chamomile, birch. The bath will soothe the pain, then just lie down for a few hours in the warmth.

Bath as another way of treating

People always believed that if the kidneys became ill, then you should go to the bath. In principle, this opinion is not refuted by doctors. In the bath there is increased sweating, toxins are released through the skin, which are often the cause of many inflammatory processes that occur in the body.

Also after a campaign in a bath from the body, excess fluid is excreted, which means that the load on the kidneys decreases several times. In addition, water procedures have always been considered effective for relieving pain associated with the kidneys.

But even if you take a hot bath in a sitting position, you can significantly reduce pain symptoms. In this case it is worth considering:

  • whether it is exactly the kidneys are aching;
  • does the patient suffer from cardiovascular diseases;
  • does not have any intestinal ailments.

Ignoring the recommendations, you can lead to complications and pain.

When surgical intervention is required

So, home treatment of pain in the kidneys is possible only with the consent of the doctor. Any problems with this organ are serious and self-medication, without medical supervision, often leads to serious consequences.

Important! There is a list of kidney problems that can only be cured by surgery. Self-medication in such situations will not help.

Treatment with medicines

In addition to diet, taking warm baths and herbal decoctions, kidney problems need to be treated with traditional medicine methods. Without consulting a doctor here can not do.

  1. Of drugs that reduce spasms are prescribed: No-sppa, Spasmol, Spasmoverin, Bespa, Papaverin.
  2. Medications for anesthesia: Ketanov, Ketoralak, Analgin, Baralgin, Tramal, Ketorol, Sintodon.
  3. Antibiotics, most often use fluoroquinols, rarely use nitrofuran series: Norfloxacin, Ofloxacin, Furadonin, Negra, Furazoline.
  4. If necessary, plant preparations prefer: Kanefron, Phytolysin.
  5. Drugs that are individually prescribed to men with inflammation of the kidneys, which became a consequence of prostatitis: Urotraktin, Palin.
  6. It is possible that they can prescribe a course of vitamin B, C and calcium, as well as immunostimulants( Prodigiozan, Decaris)


  1. The first thing to do is to get rid of spasms and relax smooth muscles: Papaverin, No-shpa, Platyphylline.
  2. An analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect has antispasmodics recommended for acute pain: Baralgin, Baralgetas, Braal, Revalgin, Spazgan, Spazmalgon, Spasmonet.
  3. Preparations with analgin and paracetamol, antipyretics and non-steroidal and anti-inflammatory drugs will help relieve kidney pain: Analgin, Nurofen, Aspirin, Diclofenac, Citramon, Ascofen.


No-spa is a spasmolytic based on drotaverine, which is quickly absorbed and distributed to the tissues of smooth muscles. Single intake is not more than 80 mg, and a day can take a maximum of 240 mg. To avoid side effects( dizziness, itching, urticaria, insomnia, nausea, lowering of blood pressure) the drug should be taken following the instructions clearly, without the appointment of a doctor - no more than two days.

Treatment according to the nature of the pain

Pain in the right kidney

It is important that your treatment is under the supervision of the doctor. If you are sure that this is associated with renal colic, then you need to take a hot bath in a sitting position. To eliminate spasm, take an anesthetic, antispasmodic drug( No-shpa, Spazmalgon).If you have already repeated the first attack - attach a heating pad on your lower back and drink Baralgin or Platifillin. Do not engage in further self-medication, but call an ambulance or doctor.

Severe pain

If the pain of a piercing nature has arisen in the lumbar region, do not use heat. With renal colic, you must take a hot bath while sitting( contraindications to fever, elderly age, heart disease).With such pains, you can manage mustard plasters on your lower back. The patient needs to provide peace, not to be nervous, the diet should be dietary. After the exact diagnosis given by the doctor, consult about taking decoctions of rose hips, juniper, parsley, flax seeds.

Kidney pain in

It is necessary to call a doctor and follow further instructions:

  • take an anesthetic and antispasmodic drug( Ketanov, No-shpu, Spazmalgon, Ketorol);
  • use popular advice( mix 50 grams of lemon juice, olive oil, cognac and honey, put in a water bath until a uniform mass is formed.) Take an empty stomach for four days every morning for 50 g);
  • if there are problems with urine outflow - hospitalization is required.

Severe pain

Common causes:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • kidney deposits, kidney stone disease;
  • glomerulonephritis, renal insufficiency;
  • adenoma, fibroma cancer( malignant, benign tumors);
  • impaired organ mobility, hydronephrosis.

In case of severe pain, it is recommended to take an anesthetic medication and consult a doctor.

Drawing pain

To eliminate an unpleasant and annoying symptom, drawing pain in the kidneys, delivering a lot of discomfort, you need to drink an anesthetic drug: Ketanov, No-shpu, Ketorol. When there is a pulling sensation, it is important to consult a doctor immediately. Independently to diagnose it will not turn out, therefore and treatment to pick up too will not leave. However, you can maintain your condition: diet, drinking regimen, phyto-tea.


Such pain is removed by narcotic drugs or strong analgesics. The first help can be in time taken hot bath with a mug of tea( can be replaced with decoction of herbs).During the treatment period, it is also necessary to perform this procedure. In the afternoon( from 15 to 19 hours), it is recommended to perform the exercises: stand on your toes and again sink to your heels, repeat 30 times, then make a 5-10 minute break and again perform the exercise.

After this, you can go to therapy with the help of a bath, drink hot tea, even more useful will be a broth of dogrose: 2 tbsp.l.crushed roots of the plant, pour 200 ml of boiling water, put on fire and boil for 15 minutes, allow to cool, drain. Drink for 2 weeks 3 times a day for 1 glass.


To pick up the treatment you need to undergo a thorough examination of the doctor, for the diagnosis.
Of the drugs recommend: No-shpa, Papaverin, Ketanof, Analgin, Baralgin. Perhaps, an intoxication of the organism occurred, so do not hurt a few tablets of activated charcoal( 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight).A cup of hot herbal tea will ease the unpleasant symptoms.

After physical exertion of

The appearance of such pain can be warned about the presence of diseases: nephroptosis, pyelonephritis, nephritis, urolithiasis and others. With these diseases, pains are blunt, pulling and aching. They appear during physical exertion due to stress on weak muscles and ligaments.

After cystitis

Tenderness in the kidneys after cystitis suggests the wrong treatment of the disease. Many make the mistake of taking a warm or hot bath with inflammation of the urethra. However, this is strictly prohibited. At the moment when the body is immersed in a warm liquid, you relax, the vessels expand, and in the meantime the infection moves to the kidneys. With such symptoms, consult a doctor, you will be prescribed a course of antibiotic and probiotic treatment.

The absence of temperature does not mean that there is no cause for concern. The exact diagnosis can be made only by a doctor. Perhaps, the disease is completely unrelated to the kidneys, since most kidney diseases are accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Before specifying the diagnosis, you can help dry with a warm and plentiful drink.

Dark urine

There are several diffuse diseases of the kidneys, in which the color of urine changes markedly. Most likely, this is due to the disease of the genitourinary tract. The dark color of the released urine may indicate a damaged stone with a pelvis or ureter. It is necessary to be surveyed( to hand over blood and urine tests, to make ultrasound of the kidneys, bladder and abdominal cavity).After appoint an individual treatment scheme, based on the diagnosis.

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