Treatment of adenoids in children with folk remedies

Adenoids are located in the nasal region. They are needed to protect the respiratory system for colds. During the course of the cold, adenoids become inflamed, and after a full recovery they get a normal condition. There are effective ways to treat adenoids in children with folk remedies at home, which help to speed up the healing process.

Related articles:
  • Treat adenoids correctly in children without surgery
  • Treat adenoids in children with Nazonex
  • Symptoms, causes and treatment of adenoids in adults
  • Adioid oil for adenoids for children - use of
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Important! If the cold passes quickly, then the adenoid takes time to completely stop the inflammation. At this stage of recovery the child feels fine, he is sent to the garden or school. But because of incomplete treatment, such problems as frequent throat diseases, snoring, inability to breathe normally can begin.

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Treatment of adenoids in children at home

In order not to have to remove adenoids, it is necessary to treat the child in time and do it correctly. There are many folk remedies that help to cope with the problem.

Adenoids of the 1st degree

Adenoids of the 1st degree are treated with conservative methods. Using saline solutions for washing, salt and soda solutions 2%, special preparations based on sea water. You can use traditional recipes. But before this, find out if your baby is allergic to the product or grass. Such methods include the treatment of sea buckthorn oil: it is necessary to heat the oil a little in a tablespoon( to room temperature) and to drip 3 drops.

Read it! In our article you can find out more about the symptoms of adenoids in the nose.

Adenoids of 2nd degree

Treatment of adenoids by conservative method.

  1. First you need to clean your nose. This is done with a salt or soda solution 2%, based on 1 a glass of boiled chilled water. You can use the drugs "AquaMaris", "Humer".
  2. Vasodilating drops are then used: Naphthysine, Nazivin. Apply them to a maximum of 3 times a day, for 5 days. After 30 minutes, add the ready-made bark solution of oak or albucid.
  3. With complicated forms, antibiotic drugs are prescribed.
  4. For the best effect, you can undergo a course of treatment of UHF, laser therapy, electrophoresis.

Adenoids of 3rd degree

Adenoids of 3 degrees require special treatment - operations. It is done under the local, sometimes under general anesthesia. This affects the nature and psychological state of the child( how much he is diligent, patient, as configured).Contraindication to surgery is one: poor blood clotting. Before the operation, the inflammation is removed. After the operation, bed rest and diet are needed.

Flushing the nasal passages of

For children, flushing of the nose is not the most effective procedure, but it is absolutely necessary to carry it out for the purpose of treatment. In a mug to pour warm water, dilute salt, honey in it. Now teach the child to wash his nose. It is important that he was ready for the procedure and did not jerk during its conduct.

Possible washing methods:

  1. Inject each nostril solution in turn. Sticking to the back wall of the nasopharynx, the solution will fall into the throat, you need to spit it out.
  2. Use a solution for instillation of the nose. Head the child back up and drip a few drops of saline into each nostril. You can liquid that will drain, spit out or swallow. Then blow your nose.
  3. Use a syringe, syringe. In this case, it is necessary to bend over the sink. Turn your head, open your mouth. In the nostril from above pour the solution and just wait for it to flow out of the other nostril. Repeat the other way.

Interesting! In addition to washing the nose with salt water and honey, you can use herbal infusions: chamomile or calendula, sage leaves.

Treatment with nebulizer

Nebulizer is a nebulizer that allows the drug to be well absorbed by the body. For children it is convenient in its use. The procedure is painless. Inhalation helps to get rid of the symptoms that accompany the disease.

Vegetable solutions for instillation of the nose

To instill a nose into a child during home treatment of adenoids by folk methods it is possible only after the nasal cavity is washed. The above solutions are suitable for treating the condition.

What you can use:

  • mix 2 tbsp.spoons of natural beet juice and 1 tbsp.spoon of honey. Insist, and then dig in five drops in each nostril four times a day;
  • buy in the pharmacy the oil of the fruit of sea-buckthorn. Bury three times a day, in the amount of three drops in each nostril;
  • are suitable for burrowing the nose of tuya and eucalyptus oil, even ordinary sunflower or olive oil;
  • you can make a decoction of celandine on milk.1 tbsp.l.herbs pour a glass of hot milk. Bury in two drops, the procedure to conduct five times a day;
  • infusion of eucalyptus leaves is used to rinse the throat( pour 2 tablespoons of leaves with boiling water).The course of treatment lasts several weeks.

Treatment of adenoids in children without surgery

To treat adenoids, you can use various traditional medicine in combination with medications to avoid surgery. Adenoids can be cured with laser therapy. You can cook a decoction: 1 tbsp.l.oak bark, 1 tbsp.l. St. John's wort, 1 pour water, put on fire, bring to a boil and boil for 5-10 minutes. Put to infuse for 1 hour. Then filter through a strainer, then through gauze in several layers and squeeze well. Drip 4 times a day for 5 drops.


Homeopathy for adenoids helps relieve inflammation and restores metabolic processes. Common drugs: Argentum-Nitrikum, Pulsatilla, Euphorbium, Evpatoria, Berberis, Tui, Edas 125, Adenopai, Siknazin and Yod.

Important! To receive homeopathic medicines, you should consult a doctor for advice, undergo ART, a Foll test. These methods will help to establish the cause and choose the right drug and dosage.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is an available antiseptic. For treatment of adenoids should be prepared in a glass of boiled water:

  • 1 tsp.hydrogen peroxide;
  • 1 tsp.drinking soda;
  • 1 tsp.tinctures of calendula.

The resulting composition is slightly cool to an acceptable temperature. The resulting solution should be pipetted with a nose( the baby's head should be thrown back so that during this procedure he does not breathe a spout for 30-60 seconds).Then you need to blow your nose and drip your nose with drops.


All drops should be used as directed by a doctor. They have their properties, with which you need to be careful. Use it in small doses, so as not to suppress the immune system. The most common are: Nazonex, Collargol, Polydex.

  1. Nezonnes relieve inflammation.
  2. Collargol also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Polidex has antibacterial properties and removes the inflammatory process.

The course of treatment is prescribed by the doctor, based on individual characteristics and the degree of the disease.

Antibiotics for treatment of adenoids in children

To treatment with antibiotics in adenoids are resorted to in rare cases, most often in complex form - adenoiditis. Effective preparations:

  • penicillins( Augmentin, Amoxislav, Flemoxin);
  • macroliths( Vilprofen);
  • cephalosporins( Suprax, Zinat).

Usually appoint an appointment in the form of tablets, less often - in injections.


Lymphomyosot can be used in two ways: under the tongue or dissolved in 2 teaspoons of water. Take it 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals or an hour after eating. Dosage varies depending on age:

  • for children up to a year - 1 drop;
  • from 1 to 3 - 3 drops each;
  • from 3 to 6 - 5 drops each;
  • is older than 6 years - 10 drops each.


Before instilling Protargol, it is necessary to rinse the baby with the nose. Drip 6 drops 2 times a day. This drug is based on silver, which removes inflammation, protects against infections and dries the surface of adenoids, thereby reducing them.

Treatment of adenoids by Avamisom

Avamis is an addition to the general course of treatment. For a child, it is safe, it is only necessary to follow the instructions for use. It is necessary to sprinkle once a day 1 time in each nostril.


Sofredex contains a hormone that provides treatment for adenoids - dexamethasone. It is recommended that the child lie on his back, throw his head back and drip 7 drops. The course of treatment is maximum 7 days. After treatment, it is necessary to do inhalations to eliminate the focus of infection.

Treatment with folk remedies

In the treatment of adenoids in children, folk remedies at home are offered a huge list of effective remedies. You can see the list, and then choose what is best for the situation.

Important! You should know for sure if the child has an allergic reaction or individual intolerance to the ingredients that are used in folk recipes.

Aloe vera juice

Aloe leaflets, from which it will be possible to squeeze juice easily and quickly, are excellent in the treatment of adenoids. It is necessary to cut the leaves, fleshy, which are from the very bottom of the plant. Then squeeze the juice, just two drops for each nostril. The course of treatment is several months.


Folk herbs are used to treat many diseases. Adenoids are offered to treat with cloves. To do this, you need: 10 pieces of cloves pour 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew. When the infusion darkens and acquires a chocolate shade, you can apply 2 drops to each nostril.


The plant is used quite actively in people's treatment. Two spoons of herbs are poured into half a liter of boiling water. Ten minutes to cook on minimal heat, and then do inhalation with steam: five minutes to breathe the steam from the infusion, covering his head with a towel. Do inhalation four times a day.

Oak bark

Decoction of the bark of oak I use in the form of drops. It is necessary to prepare 1 tbsp.l.collection based on the proportions of 2: 1: 1( oak bark, St. John's wort, peppermint).Pour the collection with water, put on fire, wait until it boils, and let boil for 5 minutes. Put on for 1 hour to brew and strain. Drip 3 drops 2 times a day.

Field horsetail

Another unique healing herb, the properties of which have long been known in folk medicine. Add 0.5 liters of boiling water to four tablespoons of herbs. Cook for 10 minutes, remove from heat and insist 100 minutes under a closed lid. Use to wash the nasopharynx twice a day, for seven days.

Mixture of string with oregano

It is necessary to take a tablespoon of herbs of oregano and turn, add the same amount of Mother-and-stepmother. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into two cups of boiling water. In the thermos insist during the night. Decoction to filter, add a couple of droplets of tuya oil or fir. Rinse the nasopharynx.

Mint with St. John's wort

Grind the oak bark to get a tablespoon of powder. Add a tablespoon of St. John's wort, mint leaves. Displace and take 2 tbsp.l.curative mixture. She pour two mugs of boiling water, send to medium heat for 4 minutes. After an hour, you can use the infusion to wash the nasopharynx. The minimum course of treatment is ten days.


The prepared mixture can be dripped to both adults and children. You need 1 gram of mummy to pour 5 tbsp.l.warm water, wait for complete dissolution. The number of drops and frequency depends on the individual characteristics. For best effect, you need to drink a solution based on the mummy: 0.05 g per 1 glass of water. It is important to use for drinking not tablets, but natural pitch of mountains.


This product is suitable for the treatment of adenoids in adolescents, because it uses an alcoholic 10% propolis tincture. You can buy a tincture in a pharmacy or do it yourself( add ten parts of alcohol to one part of propolis, insist ten days).Dilute half a dessert spoon in 500 ml of warm water. Use this volume to wash the throat, distributing it in three steps.

Green shell of walnut

Grind the green shell of walnut, then pour two tablespoons of powder in two mugs of warm water. Infuse for several hours and bury in the nose for 6 drops four times a day. Treatment should last a month.


Prevention of the disease includes:

  1. Constantly engaged in improving immunity.
  2. Walking in the open air.
  3. Pay attention to tempering the child.
  4. Do not overheat in the sun.
  5. Clothes do not choose from their own preferences, but according to the weather.
  6. After recovery, try to avoid contact with other children so as not to catch germs.
  7. The premise before going to bed air every day, and the child at this time from the room to display. Dry air provokes inflammation of the adenoids.
  8. If the air in the apartment or the house is dry, it is recommended to buy a humidifier.
  9. Rich in vitamins, minerals diet.

With the right approach and well-directed efforts, it is possible to successfully treat adenoids in children with folk remedies at home. This approach will help to avoid the procedure for removing adenoids.

Where to go with a child to treat adenoids

In general, recommend such resorts: Portugal, the Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea, the Ionian Sea, the Baltic Sea, Black, Red, Adriatic and Mediterranean. But it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the child's organism. If he is allergic, then take the child to rest in the velvet season, when there are practically no flowers, jellyfish and insects. In case of problems with skin diseases, consult a dermatologist.

Treatment of a runny nose in adenoids in a child

If the adenoids are accompanied by a runny nose, first do the washer rinse. Perform better standing above the sink or basin.

  1. The baby's mouth must be open.
  2. Dip the syringe to the nostril and lightly press the liquid.
  3. A trained child can be sprayed with a strong jet.

It is necessary to watch, that at this time the kid did not lift his head. This procedure is done in 2 nostrils, and then can be dripped with drops.

For a solution, you can use not only drops, but self-prepared solutions. The main thing is that on these substances the child does not have allergies. You can use this recipe: from St. John's wort, heather, mother-and-stepmother, horsetail field, calendula in the same proportion to cook 1 tbsp.l.collecting and pour 250 ml of boiling water, allow to boil for 10 minutes, then 2 hours to brew. Obtain the resulting broth.

The main thing in adenoids in children, to start treatment in time and not to start the disease.

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