Bartholin's gland abscess

Bartholin gland is the organ of the reproductive system of the paired type, which is located near the large labia. Its role in the body of a woman is characterized by the maintenance of moisture in the vagina by secretion. The abscess of the Bartholin gland appears as a result of infectious diseases of the genital organs. The localization status, that is, the local status, is easily determined by a specialist. Code for μb 10 - 75.

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The causes of the appearance of the bastolin gland abscess

This disease is divided into a true and false abscess of the Bartholin gland. A true abscess is a dynamic spread of pus over all glandular tissues. As for the false, it is a consequence of inflammatory diseases of the genitals and the genitourinary system.

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Disease occurs when the harmful agents enter the gland. The risk of abscess is increased in such situations:

  • regular non-compliance with personal hygiene standards;
  • minor injuries of the Bartholin gland, may occur due to sexual intercourse or comb;
  • use of underwear of the wrong size, this leads to a violation of outflow of secret, which causes a favorable environment for infection;
  • promiscuous sexual intercourse, because an abscess can be transmitted sexually;
  • presence of chronic infectious diseases, in this case pathogenic organisms enter the gland through the blood;
  • weakening of immunity leads to a violation of protective functions;
  • is a surgical intervention of a gynecological nature if the operation is performed without observing sanitary standards, as well as violation of hygiene rules in the postoperative period.

It is necessary to adhere to the standards of hygiene, as well as closely monitor the symptoms during the infectious disease period.

Read it! Causes and symptoms of an abscessed abscess.

Symptoms of the disease

Regardless of the type of abscess, the disease can manifest itself with such symptoms:

  • is a one-sided inflammation process;
  • minor purulent discharge;
  • pain in the site of infection;
  • appearance of strong swelling of the labia;
  • increased pain in the sitting position;

The initial stage of the disease is accompanied by weakening of the body, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance. Regularly there is an opening of the Bartholin gland in the vagina or rectum. Therefore, if the abscess itself is opened, it leads to the formation of a fistula. During the abscess, the labia and perineum are deformed as a whole.

It's important to remember! For possible uncomfortable sensations, you need to contact a specialist! This will help to avoid negative consequences.

Diagnosis of the disease

It is quite easy to detect the abscess of the Bartholin gland. A detailed examination of the specialist is enough. Close attention is given to the area of ​​the excretory duct, the detection of swelling, the presence of spots. Also attention is drawn to the nature of the secretions.

The gland is then identified, its degree of lesion is determined, the size and pain that it causes.

It's important to know! To determine this diagnosis, no tests are required! To detect the disease, it is enough to examine the genital organ and say how long the disease lasts.

Treatment of Bartholin gland abscess

There are 3 methods for getting rid of this ailment. The choice depends on the degree of damage to the gland and the duration of the disease.

Non-surgical treatment of

Usually should be performed in a hospital. But if the course of the disease passes in mild form, then it is possible to confine oneself to treatment at home. Treatment without surgery is aimed at reducing swelling, relieving pain and preventing a true abscess. Antibiotics, antipyretic and analgesics are used for this.

Important! Read in our article about the parathonsillar abscess and its treatment.

Local treatment includes the use of anti-inflammatory ointments, such as Vishnevsky ointment and Levomecol. You can also use disinfectant solutions, which do not injure the iron burns. It can be Miramistin, Chlorophyllipt, and also their analogues.

As far as antibiotic intake is concerned, abscesses use a wide range of drugs, namely Cefazolin, Ofloxacin, Erythromycin, Tinidazole, Ampicillin and the like.

Surgical intervention

The operation is the opening of an abscess of the Bartholin gland with the subsequent extraction of its contents. Then the affected area is treated with hydrogen peroxide and a tube is inserted to remove the remaining pus, which remains for 1 week. During this period, compresses and ointments should be used for a more effective outflow of purulent lesions.

Bartholin gland removal

Frequent repetition of the disease indicates its chronic nature. The operation consists in careful extraction and removal of the bartholin gland, after which stitches are applied. The rehabilitation period lasts about 10 days, at which it is necessary to carry out physiotherapy and compresses with therapeutic ointments. A slight fever may occur after removal of the gland.

Read it! Causes and symptoms of post-injection abscess.

Many patients are interested in the question: is it painful to remove the abscess in an operative way? Painful sensations that causes this disease are much more than at the time of surgery. Especially it is conducted under local anesthesia. Since purulent formations will be extracted, the woman will feel better every day.

It's important to remember! When treating a disease, you should observe bed rest, and also refrain from having sexual intercourse! This will help to get rid of the abscess more productively.

Treatment at home

How to treat the disease at home? If the abscess occurs in mild form, then the doctor may agree with the conduct of treatment outside the hospital. The use of ointments and solutions alone will not be very difficult.

Also for the fight against the disease you can refer to the recipes of traditional medicine. They have an anti-inflammatory and healing effect on the abscess. There are a number of ways to prepare various ointments, trays and medications for oral administration.

Nut, honey, garlic, dill

To prepare this decoction, 150 grams of ground walnuts, 500 g of honey, 50 g of cooked garlic and 1 tsp are required.seeds of dill. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. To consume 1 tbsp.l.before eating. This medicine will not only help in the treatment of ailment, but will also greatly enhance the immune system.

Aloe vera

200 g of aloe leaves should be scrolled through a meat grinder, add 400 g of honey and 1 glass of any wine. The resulting gruel should be placed on a water bath until the ingredients become a homogeneous mass. It will take about 1 hour. Then it should be cooled, put in airtight containers and stored in a refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day before eating.


You will need 1 glass of purified warm water, in which you need to dissolve 2 tsp.rock salt. In the resulting solution, soak a piece of sterile bandage, squeeze out and apply as a compress. As often as possible, try to change the bandage for the day and keep it clean.

Chamomile and calendula

It should take 1 tbsp.l.of the original components, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Wait until the broth cools down a little. Take local baths with it. This medicine has an anti-inflammatory effect.

It's important to remember! If there is no improvement, then it is better to start treatment with medications!

Disease in pregnancy

This is a separate category of women who should be given special attention. For a future mother this is a very dangerous disease. If a pregnant woman gets sick early, there is a very high probability that the fetus will not survive.

With regard to late pregnancy, the appearance of the disease at this stage will lead to fetal infection and premature birth. The defeat of the child occurs at the time of withdrawal from the birth canal.

It's important to remember! Each expectant mother should carefully monitor her health and take preventive measures! After all, from her vigilance depends not only her health, but also the life of the future baby.

Sexual life after Bartholin gland abscess

It should be noted that during the period of treatment and rehabilitation, abstinence from sexual contacts helps to recover quickly and qualitatively. If a woman violates this recommendation, then this method slows down the healing process, and sometimes promotes the resumption of the disease. Sexual life after rehabilitation can be resumed. There will be no problems in the future.

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