How much does the gum repair after tooth extraction?

Removal of any tooth is a problematic procedure, as it results in long painful sensations. Therefore, after carrying out this procedure, many patients are concerned with the question: how much does the gum healing after tooth extraction? This is a fairly long process, so you must follow certain rules that the dentist appoints.

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Correct gum healing process after tooth extraction

How does the gum heal if there is no abnormality? This process occurs gradually and is divided into several periods, namely:

  1. Formation of a blood clot at the site of tooth extraction. At this stage, special attention should be given to proper oral hygiene. Under no circumstances can the extracted clot be removed, as it protects the wound from harmful effects at the time of ingestion and infection.
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  2. After a while, the connective tissue forms on the site of the blood clot. Usually takes 2-3 days.
  3. Formation of epithelial tissue. The blood clot is located exclusively in the depth of the formed well. How many days does this process last? If healing occurs without complications, then it takes about 1 week.
  4. Bone tissue formation. In this case, the places with damage begin to disappear. The gums become firmer. This usually occurs 2 weeks after the procedure.
  5. Bone tissue occupies almost the entire surface of the injured gums. It forms from the edge of the wound to its center.
  6. The gums become firm, that is, it is filled with bone tissue finally. Usually, this condition occurs after 2 months after tooth extraction.

Subsequently, the gum comes to normal, becomes firm, painful sensations cease to disturb completely.

Gum healing after removal of wisdom tooth

How much does the gum repair after tooth extraction? The difficult location and atypical form of the roots of the eights may entail a problematic removal of them. Therefore, often enough in this situation, inflammation of the gums is observed. Therefore, the process of rehabilitation after removal of the wisdom tooth takes a large amount of time. The gums may change color or swell. This should not be feared. To contact the dentist is required in cases when such ailments are observed:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • is troubled by unbearable acute pain;
  • a purulent liquid is formed in the well;
  • increased bleeding.

The above symptoms directly indicate that an infection has entered the wound and is actively spreading.

Regarding inflammation of the gum, this process can be observed for the following reasons:

  • incorrectly selected analgesia;
  • gum damage at the time of the removal procedure;
  • operation was carried out by an unqualified specialist, that is, it was technically incorrect.

It's important to remember! If, as a result of the removal of the wisdom tooth, a person for a long period of time feels strong indispositions, you need to consult a dentist! It will help to eliminate the complications of the operation.

Atypical healing of


If the gum does not heal enough for a long time, this is a good reason to call a specialist. Also on the incorrect healing process indicates the appearance of such signs:

  • acute pain in the area of ​​operation;
  • plaque yellow on the affected gingiva;
  • bad breath from the mouth;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • sharp rise in body temperature.

In such cases, waiting for complete overgrowth of the well is not enough. Infection should be resolved with the participation of a specialist.

Tearing out the tooth with a cyst

How much does the gum healing after tooth extraction with the cyst? If the procedure is carried out correctly and without complications, then the painful sensations recede after a few hours. The well grows in the same way as when a tooth is removed without a cyst.

The problem of tooth extraction with a cyst is that at an early stage of development it is extremely difficult to identify it. Operative intervention is carried out in such cases:

  • presence of a pin in the root canal;
  • crown on tooth;
  • neoplasm has a significant size;
  • swelling of the gums in the area of ​​education of the cyst.

It's important to remember! To heat a sore spot after a tooth extraction with a cyst is contraindicated! This can lead to the development of an inflammatory process.

Removing a tooth for prosthetics

How much should the socket heal after tooth extraction for prosthetics? Usually the condition of the gum comes back to normal within a month after the operation. But for prosthetics it is necessary to wait some more time. Although modern dentistry is actively practicing the immediate establishment of new prostheses. That is, immediately after removal of the tooth in the hole inserted a pin, which eventually heals. Immediate prosthetics can not be carried out in such cases:

  • it is not always possible to insert the prosthesis into the newly formed well;
  • inflammation of an acute or chronic nature develops in the area of ​​the tooth to be removed;
  • is an inflammation of the bone tissue;
  • of the cyst of the tooth;
  • complications at the time of tooth extraction.

It's important to remember! The positive result when teeth are pulled out for prosthetics directly depends on the professionalism of the dentist! Therefore, it is required to choose a dental clinic with good reviews and a long period of practice.

Rinse for gum healing

Than to rinse the oral cavity after tooth extraction? To ensure that the wound formed as a result of tooth removal, quickly and painlessly healed dentists recommend the use of such medicines:

  1. Miramistin. It is an effective antiviral drug that prevents the development of pathogenic microbes in the hole.
  2. Chlorhexidine. Has an antiseptic effect. It is produced in ready-made form, that is, diluted, before use, it is not required.
  3. Saline. To prepare a rinse solution, 1 tsp is required.dissolve table salt in 1 glass of water. Salt can also be replaced with baking soda.
  4. Weak solution of potassium permanganate. For rinsing, several crystals of potassium permanganate should be diluted in 1 glass of water.
  5. Furacilin solution. It is sold ready-made. Has healing and antiseptic effect. Therefore, promotes faster wound healing.

It's important to remember! During the healing of the socket after tooth extraction it is required to refrain from eating excessively hot and spicy dishes! They irritate the surface of the gums, thereby inhibiting the process of full recovery.

Treatment with folk remedies

How to accelerate the healing of the wound after tooth extraction? To do this, you can use alternative medicine. There are many ways of preparing solutions for rinsing the oral cavity.


To prevent the occurrence of an inflammatory process, sage will help. For the preparation of medicinal solution, 2 tbsp.l. Sage, which should be filled with 1 glass of water. Put the boil for 10 minutes. After the time has elapsed, it is necessary to wait for the cooling of the resulting broth to cool down, strain before use.


Calendula flowers in an amount of 1 tbsp.l.add to 1 glass of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 1 hour. After that the cooked broth should be filtered and used as a rinse solution.


It should take 1 tbsp.l.chamomile medicinal, pour it 1 glass of hot water. Put the boil for 15 minutes. Wait until the decoction is completely cooled, then drain.

It's important to remember! It is required to adhere strictly to the recommendations of the dentist! This will help to minimize the period of rehabilitation.

How to rinse the mouth properly

After tooth extraction, dentists always prescribe mouth rinsing to prevent infection, as well as for faster healing. In order to correctly conduct this procedure, one should adhere to such rules:

  • begin the rinsing procedure the next day after surgery;
  • keep the cotton swab after removing no more than 3 hours;
  • perform the rinsing procedure after each meal;
  • after rinsing do not eat food and drink for 1 hour.

Compliance with the above rules will help to quickly cure the gum.

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